Reviews for The Spirit in the Stall
Kykygrly chapter 1 . 1/27/2019
Really enjoyed Shizuru before adulthood. She always seemed so calm and collected. Kuwabara is such a sweetheart but goodness how hard is that noggin of his when he sets his mind on something? This story shows I think their interaction pretty accurately. Shizuru really has to keep him in line for sure haha. Great job! Love your stories!
Totidem Verbis chapter 1 . 7/7/2018
After I finished reading this, I was absolutely speechless. That’s rare for me, it’s like my brain never really shuts up, but this story was so incredible that everything just went kind of quiet when I finished it.

For starters, I love anything that focuses on Shizuru because I think she’s an amazing character and deserved more screentime. (I haven’t read the manga, unfortunately, but I’d probably still feel like there wasn’t enough Shizuru unless the whole series revolved around her.) I think that you wrote her characterization perfectly. There was a perfect balance between her tough/cool attitude and about how much she cares for her family, especially Kazuma.

The slow reveal of how “insane” Hanako was and what the kuda-gistune were really up to was so well planned, and I loved the suspense of it all. My absolute favorite part though? The ending. When Shizuru was back in her room and trying to feel better, like a winner, and then couldn’t until she’d reconciled with Kazuma? I feel like that scene perfectly summed up who Shizuru is.

Thank you so much for writing this and with sharing it!
Shell1331 chapter 1 . 6/10/2018
OH MY GOD. I don't even have any coherent words right now to articulate how much I enjoyed this. It was SO good! The characterization was spot on, the description (as always) was so vivid, I could easily visualize everything, and the story...utterly and completely engrossing and kept me on the edge of my seat. I had no idea how things would play out...really really well done! Very creepy but also rather sweet in terms of the relationship between Kazuma and Shizuru. As always, such a pleasure to read your writing!
AMountainFullOfDragons chapter 1 . 5/29/2018
This was fun to read! I don't see too much involving Shizuru and Kuwabara when they're younger like this! I enjoyed the backstory for how Shizuru began to see ghosts and developed her awareness. I also love how Shizuru may have gotten pretty fed up, angry, and scared for her brother but she always ended up sounding affectionate towards him.

Both the Kuda-gitsune and Hanako were played wonderfully throughout. The Kuda-gitsune were great because you definitely knew how they got to Kuwabara and followed through on their nature. And Hanako at the end, after all the play up of her red uniform? I really liked that.

The ending between the siblings was great too. As a last note, I love that moment where a bizzaro-meter was mentioned. Its like, yes Shizuru, you really do need one of those in your family!
MissIdeophobia chapter 1 . 5/28/2018
I fully thought I had reviewed this. I came back to reread, and was horrified by myself. The gall! Anyways, I hope this is better late than never.

This is hands-down my favourite ghost story in a fic, ever. The kuda-gitsune and their awareness was super freaky, and seeing Kuwabara and Shizuru interact with them was really cool. It's nice to get a glimpse into the years that formed the tight relationship they share.

Shizuru's whole thing with Hanako-san was...really creepy. I was expecting a friendly ghost, from their early interactions - kind of like a Moaning Myrtle - but then she edged into frightening territory and I just NOPE-D right out of that thought process. I will forever be cautious about second floor bathrooms in schools, from here on out.

You really handled your mythology. It can be difficult to write on real urban legends/spirits/possessions without making them campy. Fitting scary stories into fic is not a light task for any writer on here. Knowing how you dealt with world-building in BBL and how you have been in TUG, I was excited to read how you would address a ghost story, and you more than delivered. The eeriness of the ghosts involved fits well to both expand YYH world ghost mythology to a level of creepy beyond canon without negatively impacting the characterization of Kuwabara or Shizuru. In fact, it serves to bolster their backstories in a way that will forever be part of my headcannon when re-watching the series.

Fabulous work, as always. I always look forward to your installments into the fandom!

roseeyes chapter 1 . 4/25/2018
This story was a blast to read! With the title as well as Kuwabara's first food choices for the spirits, I expected the stray to be a miniature pony or colt, lol! Shizuru is one of the best female characters in anime period, and I love how you highlight her deep love for Kuwabara while making this a coming of age story for both siblings. I never realized how similar they are - bold and brave, but definitely not stupid, lol. I'd never heard of either myth before this story and thoroughly enjoyed your exploring them! Kid Kuwabara is adorable, and this is just a good story all the way around! Great work, as always!