Reviews for I'm not real Am I?
Yaoi's Lover chapter 64 . 7/16
"You are a goddessgot chopped off
Yaoi's Lover chapter 64 . 7/16
You ar S. I've been reading fanfiction off this sight since 2009. Ive been DYING to read a story like this again for years Ive read and reread all my fav atLEAST 8 times. i dont know how I never came across more of your works.
Rudelollipop chapter 64 . 5/27
Fuck, i love the story
IvoryC chapter 64 . 10/30/2019
...hab ich hier gar nicht fertig gelesen?
Huh. Öhm. Joa, kann tatsächlich sein. Well, happens. I liked the rest of the story. Very interesting but also very different from the other stories, I think. And I'd like to read a sequel. Especially with how Peter told Isaac their plan of staying in that town.
LetsBeFrenemies chapter 60 . 8/10/2019
oh my god. That was the cheesiest saying in the god damn world. I'm dying xDDD
LightningFuryStrike13 chapter 64 . 5/10/2019
This has been a wild ride. Heartbreaking sweet and hot and everything in between.
Hell of a good Pygmalion Story.
Well done
Kitttykat chapter 64 . 3/31/2019
THIS WAS GOOD. The best fanfic I have ever read. 20 out of 20, 100 out of 100. You did such a great job. Thank you for blessing me with this story.
kellyestka chapter 64 . 3/15/2019
Estoy tan feliz de que hayas logrado terminar esta historia. Me encantó el tema, el final, cómo se desarrolló todo. Muchas gracias por tu trabajo y esfuerzo. Me gustó mucho
Little Faustus chapter 64 . 2/26/2019
I know this story was going to end...but I really enjoyed it and I will wait for the sequel! :D Amazing as always - the ending is sooo cute ;)

I already enjoy reading "Home is where the Heart is. Mine is six Feet under" and can't wait to read your PeterxStiles story
white collar black wolf chapter 64 . 2/25/2019
Liked it
Akimi Youngblood chapter 64 . 2/25/2019
I’m all for Bodies of Water be because I can imagine this two having a debate about who the lake belongs too
IvoryC chapter 64 . 2/25/2019
Oh no, it's over! Oh noooooo!
But sequel sounds good to me. xD Can't wait for it!
Liked the ending, too, although it seemed almost too rushed.
Safieri chapter 64 . 2/25/2019
YES! SEQUEL! This one definitely needs a sequel! It'll be worth waiting for and that other idea in the note sounds very promising.
Little Faustus chapter 63 . 2/24/2019
They are meant for each other. I can't wait to read about their reunion ;) that will be interesting...especially if Derek tried something different than chicken nuggets...
white collar black wolf chapter 63 . 2/23/2019
Liked it
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