Reviews for Shells and Stones
kickykyo chapter 12 . 6/20
Just found this story and am loving it! The part where Mikey made that joke after Leo sliced Karai's dress had me cracking up. This is good stuff!
The relationships between the turtles and gargoyles are absolutely amazing.
Thanks for an awesome chapter.
Guest chapter 14 . 4/16
Perhaps dimension x can be like the phantom zone
SuperMegaNerd2 chapter 14 . 4/16
Please keep on writing I wanna see more of this!
Guest chapter 14 . 4/3
May be not another dimension but how about another planet full of utroms and that krang is one of them but is actually the dragon to chrell.
Guest chapter 14 . 4/3
Will there any tmnt villains in the redemption squad.
Shadowwolf1997 chapter 3 . 3/6
Have you considered letting Shredder attempt to clone the gargoyles, but instead of Goliath and the Gargoyle members of the clan he goes for resident gargoyle beast Bronx? Let me explain why I think shredder would do this. Shredder is obsessed with loyalty and obedience to him, and clones of the sentient gargoyles always have a chance of being less then complaint or becoming more Thailogs. Meanwhile a gargoyle beast like Bronx... which aren't stupid by any means, are more malleable and capable of being turned into a loyal guard dog/ minion "motivator" and punishment dealer with no qualms do to being loyal to their clans, or in this case Shredder who also wouldn't have to worry about betray from a gargoyle beast and in turn would gain a new reliable minion and muscle.
MegK1978 chapter 14 . 1/23
This was an awesome melding of two of my favorite universes, and you managed to match all the gargoyles to their equals.
Really wish you can continue with this, no matter how much time has passed.
Loved it!
Guest chapter 14 . 12/1/2019
Nakumo as tigerclaw.
OMAC001 chapter 14 . 12/1/2019
Oh, nice set-up for the next chapter! Hope it arrives soon!
Althea Sirius chapter 14 . 12/1/2019
Awesome to see an uldate for a different story.
Wonder what they'll do during the Invasion, if that'll happen.
Shadowwolf1997 chapter 14 . 11/30/2019
Yeeeeeeesssssss my patience has been rewarded this chapter was amazing. Also loved how you had Casey and Eliza familiar with each other.

Also if you don't mind could I suggest another gargoyles character connected to Casey. How about him and Matt are old friends from the neighborhood with the old man and his grocery store that plays a role in the 13th episode of season 1 when coldstone first shows up.

Matt could be the old buddy that keeps his friend out of real jail while Casey does think Matt's illuminati thing is kinda strange he doesn't give him to much of a hazel over it, especially now.

What do ya think ya or ney? Great chapter once again
Dragonninja1983 chapter 1 . 9/24/2019
love this story, say, what versions of The Turtles are you using, 80's, 2000's, 2012's?
Shadowwolf1997 chapter 12 . 4/21/2019
Really can't wait to see new chapters for this story, I miss it
ZILLAFAN chapter 13 . 4/15/2019
Hey, could you make Maggie x Raph? Because if Angela is paired with Harry Potter even when she ends up with Broadway, why not Maggie? Because her relationship with Talon seems rushed.
Dork-a-saurus chapter 13 . 1/22/2019
This is so cool keep up the good work
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