Reviews for Barely Spanking
HeadIntheCloudsForever chapter 12 . 10/29/2019
Where to start? I loved this story so much! Loved that Joe was able to get his revenge, and Frank and Nancy's chemistry is, as always, undeniably adorable and wrought with tension. But that's what makes them so great together, I think. That they can be around themselves around each other.

Hope you will keep writing, would love to see more! :)
novembershowers chapter 12 . 7/21/2019
Whoa! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your story! I stumbled upon it and I really love Francy fanfics!
xcherryxlipsx chapter 12 . 6/13/2018
Love that Fenton thought it was an anime convention, I giggled at that.
Adore aunt Gertrude! I died a little when she asked them if they were going to wait to consumate their marriage and then laughed out loud as she proceeded to point out the name tags and the clothing, hilarious!
Judge Joe killed me! I loved him until the end of the story, sigh.

Sad that it's over but what a perfect way to end it! Great job on yet another story!
Guest chapter 12 . 6/11/2018
So many great moments and lines in this chapter, mixing sweet moments with funny ones. Glad Joe got justice for his 7th grade pantsing. So happy that Nancy and Frank are working things out.

Selfishly, I'm very glad that you end up sticking with this fandom. Your stories are phenomenally written, each one based on such a unique concept. It's always so exciting to see you posting a new story and I look forward to each new chapter. Thank you for sharing this story with us!
EvergreenDreamweaver chapter 12 . 6/11/2018
The Facetime with Laura and Fenton and Gertrude was sooo funny! Gertrude's a very canny old woman!

I expect Joe isn't the only one wishing to sit on pillows at the end of this unusual weekend. Congratulations to Frank and Nancy for finally deciding to make their marriage work.

And congratulations to you, Drumboy 100, for your excellently-written and out-of-the-box story! I, along with others, I'm sure, hope for sequels.
ChrisCorso chapter 12 . 6/11/2018
That was a really good story, but I do hope you give Harry Potter another shot!
Cherylann Rivers chapter 12 . 6/11/2018
What an amazing ending to this story that was outrageous, fun, and unexpectedly poignant and tender. Brava to you for being brave enough to "go there" and doing so in a way that explored the depth of each character. Laura was so sweet to reach out to Fenton and to gently chastise him for NOT seeing the "clues" about the marriage all along. Aunt Gertrude was a HOOT! Loved that Frank could barely keep from smiling/ laughing. Haha- Fenton and Gertrude fighting in "middle school mode" and Frank telling Headmaster how much Joe loved the convention! :) Such a sweet scene with Frank holding Nancy all night and always wanting to wake up that then when he wanted to make himself vulnerable to her? AWWWWW. It was a perfect ending to this story.

Along the way, you made me believe in Nancy and Frank for this story; you made each one run the gamut of emotions and somehow come to a sweet ending... or start. I also thought that you made Joe and Frank excellent partners and best friends. You have a way of showing how much they love each other and how they can both be really funny in different ways, yet wholeheartedly supportive of one another. Joe is really good to Frank in subtle ways and you show how Frank notices that and needs it in his life. You always explore complex themes no matter how serious or light the setting is.

Please continue writing a lot and definitely keep in touch! I love how each story that you write is special and unique, and I never know what to expect from you- THAT is a huge compliment as you are able to keep all of your readers guessing and engaged. Congrats on a wonderful story that took a chance and walked the line successfully. It was a real pleasure to read!
max2013 chapter 12 . 6/11/2018
HOW WONDERFUL-loved Aunt Gertrude and the middle school analysis-HOW FUN-this whole ride has been just FUN-thank you for sharing!
sm2003495 chapter 12 . 6/11/2018
Wow, I really really loved this chapter..It's the Frank's fangirl in me talking..I can imagine the scene in my minds eye.. Awesome story..U really are a great writer.. Congratulations again :)
MaryCS chapter 12 . 6/11/2018
Truly loved your story! Waited with anticipation for every chapter and was pleased with each new addition! Thank you for sharing your talent.
katnissta chapter 12 . 6/11/2018
I am so sad that this is over but I have a feeling I will get more notifications soon. you are amazing at writing and I hope you continue to write.
sm2003495 chapter 11 . 6/6/2018
Ha, they did it:)..Glad it's over..Was feeling really sorry for them..
max2013 chapter 11 . 6/6/2018
Yay, SUCCESS! Liked the play-sad to see this end.
EvergreenDreamweaver chapter 11 . 6/6/2018
Well, I'm sure Frank, Joe and Nancy are ALL very glad the operation is over.
Katnissta chapter 11 . 6/6/2018
OMG the end was just to funny. And Nancy was so jealous. I am sad that it is winding down now though
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