Reviews for Phanniemay Shorts
Cyan Quartz chapter 62 . 4/20
Wowzippers! Had a fun time going through this giant thing. Good writing fellow real actual person!
Slingerapen chapter 51 . 12/28/2019
I do hope this story will continue. Its very intruiging, both descriptions of their looks and behavior of the hive people. After clockwork explained their reasoning the glass city ghosts really dont seem evil, which they didnt read in the earlier chapters anyway. Just longing for a new member. Im a sucker for transformations (ghostly, monsterly, or simply the irreversible kind) and combined with Dannys need for comfort while dealing with trust issues this story hits me hard in all the right places.
Slingerapen chapter 40 . 12/27/2019
"To be continued in 'Confined' "
Yeah, thats what I thought! The descriptions of the new ghosts are so wonderful though. It really is a good piece of worldbuilding. At the point where Danny went deeper, and the world became like a fairyland I got the clue that they might actually be like fairies. Hes even bound to them by eating their food. I'm sure those guards arent there just for show. Ngl if I was Danny in that situation I'd relax too and worry about (to be continued in) confinement later. First... hot honey milk...
Slingerapen chapter 24 . 12/27/2019
WOW MYSTERY REVEALED its because he was young!? Such a sweet follow-up to the last chapter.
Slingerapen chapter 23 . 12/27/2019
Oh my good i loved this! The mystery slowly uncurling and then slapping you in the face at the very end with the ghostwriter bit. I love your writing. Thank you for posting!
Slingerapen chapter 2 . 12/26/2019
I love little conversations between friends like this in fanfics. They're also just trying their best, and dont have answers to everything they go through and every mystery that pops up in their brains now and then. Its human! And I also enjoy not knowing sometimes.
ivystar chapter 13 . 12/21/2019
"Maybe he could scare the man away? The idea appealed to him, but he doubted that the man could be frightened easily. Perhaps he could wear him down, instead. Hit and run tactics. Annoy him to death. Or at least into giving up and going away. That may work. He knew the house well enough.
It would be like a game of hide and seek."
(Snorts a laugh) More like *Home Alone: Danny Phantom Edition*
Will you be continuing this little prompt in a future chapter? I hope you have and I just haven't reached it yet! It is such an interesting concept I would love to see expanded upon!
Guest chapter 37 . 12/10/2019
I want pancakes
Black Cat chapter 44 . 6/23/2019
Was that a Little Prince reference I saw? By george I think it was!
Yet another good work. I really must adopt one of these one day. I'm just really enjoying the influx of inspiration right now though. Every chapter is giving me new ideas!
Black Cat chapter 43 . 6/23/2019
That was really neat. You set it up perfectly to make it Danny Phantom and the Deathly Hallows! I love a well weaved explanation.
Also, I like how Clockwork is responsible for bringing about the prophecies. That is just like him to get the wizards to do the dirty work. And to set up Danny in one fell swoop. Excellent! Not many people can get to this level of connectivity in crossovers.
Black Cat chapter 37 . 6/22/2019
I really liked the Home Alone vibe in this one. I love how Vlad is getting his chance, even if he's nearly messing it up anyway. It's just like him to overthink some aspects to death until his plans will only work if everything goes exactly according to plan. Which, of course, never happens. Excellent read.
Black Cat chapter 33 . 6/22/2019
Oh my goodness! I laughed so hard when I got to that last sentence. I should have seen it coming! Three can keep a secret as long as two are dead. Wow, that was good.
Black Cat chapter 12 . 6/20/2019
I really liked this one. I mean, all the others before this are great too, but I felt inclined to review this one. Maybe it's because when I first watched this show I was as clueless as Danny. Literally. I was surprised when he and Sam got together. Yes, I was really that bad with subtext back then. I also did not realize that, yes, Spectra was just about one of the only ghosts that ever wanted to kill everyone. She's like a supreme Umbridge.
Watching the show again (and again) I finally realized all of the subtlety going on in the background and I loved it. Reading how you perceived the show has opened me up to even more subtleties.
Also, the show taught me the all powerful pun. And so must finish this with:
This story and the one where Danny sang just struck a chord with me:)
Rhonin Magus chapter 11 . 6/20/2019
Congrats Jack and Maddie you have 5 more children. Or, depending on how you look at things, 5 grandchildren.

I really like this AU. I can't stop imagining other characters reactions to what a team of 6 Phantoms would be like.
Rhonin Magus chapter 8 . 6/19/2019
Interesting premise. I wish the show would have fleshed out the other clones more.
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