Reviews for Deliverance
Panaaromints chapter 19 . 7/2
This is awesome! I
maadoorii chapter 19 . 12/12/2019
Oh course it ends on a cliffhanger and it hasn’t been updated in almost a year that sucks...
Derrin Errow chapter 19 . 1/8/2019
You need to trust Spy's gay-dar, Scout. He spent years fine tuning it so he knows which women he can seduce if he has or wants to.
Razell chapter 19 . 1/7/2019
Poor Scout. His 'type' is apparently lesbians... C'mon man! Scout needs love! But he doesn't know Mei likes him...

I suppose the Black flu is better than the Green flu from Left 4 Dead. That is an awful fate.

A wild Sombra appears!

I wonder who blew up the hotel, and why. Killing a lot of innocent people just to get at, what, 10 people is pretty low. I know little of Talon, so I can't say what they are capable of...

Is that Zhanna?
Jian Ng chapter 18 . 12/30/2018
I have to say, this story is very very interesting. It most definitely sets itself apart from other TF2 and Overwatch fanfiction, in the best way possible.
Razell chapter 18 . 12/1/2018
Poor Merasmus! He'll never be free of Soldier! Maybe it's a curse or something...

Eat the rich... That's not crazy at all...

But killing Barbara might be a good thing. I wouldn't try to eat her, though. Nicotine and gristle...
WolfzodeYT chapter 17 . 9/19/2018
this is a good book, but you should of made it so medic and engie had made themselves australium powerd life extenders, you know, like the one the administrator and grey mann had. wait... they should still be alive... when are they showing up? their devices should have kept them alive this long wait not grey mann he is dead
Razell chapter 17 . 9/19/2018
Yeah, genocide is the simplest solution to any problem... I dislike this Vishkar what's-it already.

Scout got his headset back! And Helen framed Medic for murder! Murders he actually may not have commited for once... I hate that woman.

Merasmus - Doomed! All of you are doomed!
Hanzura chapter 16 . 9/8/2018
Heyo! c:

Yes! Another update!

That damned Moira, threatening my boy, Scout! Nonetheless, she deserved that beat-up from the hulking Heavy. *claps for Hoovy*

Snipey and Widow, hohoho! I wonder what will happen to them next chapter... Hehehe...

I love the team's teamwork, yeppp... Doing everything to kill people trying to kill them. c: As well as their personalities, I loved how you portrayed them, you really captured them, from Scout's ego to Spy's annoyance! All the merc's (expect Medic, where is he?! I need my Herr Doktor!) quirks... Perfect!

Symmetra! :o Youuu! YOU TRAITOR! :c I hope she's faking it or something...

Good luck with your classes and thank you for your hardwork and dedication with your fic! Can't wait for more! c:
Razell chapter 16 . 9/3/2018
Okay, I officially dislike this Moira person. To be honest, though, I doubt she's the first person who's wanted to cut out Scout's tongue... But it's the principle of the thing. Good thing Heavy showed up when he did!

I believe there is actually an RP on Tumblr for a Mute Scout... That would be an interesting take on Scout...

'Hairy Gorilla Man' LOL!

Doomfist. What a nice, friendly name. I can see him feeding pigeons in the park...

Great update!
Hanzura chapter 15 . 8/23/2018
Heyo! *waves*

Yay! You're back with another chapter!

So, the Talon people are tracking down every move of fhe Mercs, ohh, what the heck are they up too...

Ohh, boy. Overwatch has been breeched and cool battle between Spy and Reaper, I can't wait for the Mercs to kick some ass, it will be fun!

AHHHHHHHHH! WIDOW AND SNIPER! REEEEEEEEE, what will happen to her?! Where's the next chapter?! My Aussie boy is concerned with the person who wants to kill him, REEEE!

I'm so pumped for the next chapter, I hope Medic and Mercy would be popping out soon. We understand that you're busy, but we will wait for the next update! c:
Razell chapter 15 . 8/18/2018
Reaper's having a bad day, bonked in the face, stabbed in the back and hit by a van. He deserved it, though, dumb, sadistic chucklehead.

I wasn't expecting Widowmaker to be sick like that. And now Sniper's helping her... Until Heavy gets there and rips her apart...

Never call Sniper a Junker.

Fighting about who has to sit in the back seat, such a bunch of babies. Entire team is babies!

Exciting! I can't wait to see what happens next!
George Bust chapter 15 . 8/18/2018
*wheeze sniper and widowmaker met again! *wheeze
Hanzura chapter 14 . 8/6/2018
Yay! A new chapter, keep it up! c:

Aww, cute lil' part with Efi... And Orisa being protective of her creator. c:

Ohh, nooooo! That movie will scar the people who watched it, how the heck did that bloody portion included in a seemlingly cool movie... And 'eccentric man', hmmm? MEDIC?! :o

Yes! Everyone (almost...) is back together! Aww, poor Scout, Miss Pauling/ Karen ain't having it, even in the future. I hope they'll gloriously save Medic and I hope that Solly and Demo would do some crazy shizz, like what they have been doing in the TF2 Comics. I also hope that some Heroes would join the saving, even though it ain't in their protocol... Mercy... *coughs*

You know what, I really find a strong resemblance of this fic to the TF2 Comics, instead of finding for Engie, they're looking for Medic, and it's centered in the future and Overwatch is like the new Mercs or something, IDK it's just my rambling, ahah!

Also, can't wait for the other Heroes to appear in your fic, I want to see how they would react and work with the Mercs, it would be cool to see them in action.

Nonetheless, keep up the great job and I love that you try to update, at least once a week, I believe. I'll be waiting for more updates, and have fun writing! c:
Melral CT-3718 chapter 14 . 8/5/2018
Can "I" call you Miss Pauling
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