Reviews for Interview with Director Potter
Guest chapter 1 . 5/18/2019
Very good!
SamanthaBayers chapter 1 . 4/26/2019
Such a cool little story!
Xiaou Nem chapter 1 . 8/30/2018
This is a very inventive and fun story. I’d like to read more form you and from this universe.
moomoogoat chapter 1 . 5/7/2018
Brief thoughts:

That whole snippet about horcruxes seems unneeded and doesn't add much. These were hardly common knowledge (as much as the fandom makes them otherwise) and I don't really see why he would tell the entire magical world about them.

Interesting concept about the knowledge repository. Not sure how I feel about this, but its a unique idea for sure.

Some of the questions the interviewer asked were... a bit strange. This is likely not the first interview Harry has given in the past 20 years, especially with an important government position. Focus on the present, not the past. It doesn't make sense to ask him about the Battle of Hogwarts and earlier occasions as this has likely been discussed/asked many times before.

Onto the ministry. Would Harry side with the Ministry over Molly Weasley? Hell no. A ministry that denied Voldemort's return, a ministry that lambasted him over and over. A ministry that failed him in every way? I don't think so, especially with all the grief after the Battle of Hogwarts. Its easy to say "Let's build a better world" in hindsight, but I doubt his frame of mind was in that place. I find it hard to believe he would side with the ministry, much less join it and rise through its ranks. Harry has been failed over and over by this institution and I see him having nothing but hatred towards it, rightfully so.

Overall I think that characterization of Harry is a bit off, but still rather believable.

Very good for your first piece. I was half expecting you to rec "The Sum of Our Parts" somewhere :)
Starfox5 chapter 1 . 5/7/2018
A good take on the "interview style". A plausible follow-up to the Battle of Hogwarts filling a rather telling hole in canon. I can see Molly leading a mob against the Ministry, and the purges afterwards as the victims turned on their tormentors. Well done!