Reviews for Shall We Feast Eternal?
Guest chapter 1 . 6/19/2018
Very nice! I can't even think of much to say except that I liked this. The conflict between taking this reward that he's always wanted and keeping his promises (not to mention the prestige of being the first to leave the halls of the dead)... it just /works/. Love it.

TheAuthorWhoWrote chapter 1 . 6/15/2018
I really enjoyed this. Well written and captured Loki impeccably. Sad to see him go, for now. (Possibly forever). I have an request: I would like very much to see how the death of Peter affected Tony. It would be bittersweet to see what Tony is thinking about it. . . And how he plans to kick Thanos’s ass.
Levade chapter 1 . 5/12/2018
I love, love, love that they finally (!) let Loki be something other than *just* a manipulating trickster. Those two brothers... That just says so much They are brothers, and to have Loki finally realize that Thor isn't the shallow idiot he might have acted like before, but truly values Loki, that should have changed him and I was so happy to see it did. And I so hope they don't ruin that and make it all an illusion. That would make me sad. I like to see Loki mischievous but not purely bad. I love this story and that you have him realize he *IS* worth the love his mother gave him, and the love Thor has for him! I want to see them fight side-by-side again as well! Thank you for this. :)

Suggestions for future bits... Anything with Peter Parker and Iron Man. That's another father/son relationship that just got moving and about killed me in Avengers IW. Peter is just so pure of heart and Tony, cynical, world weary Tony, he needs that. Anyways. XD SO glad I found your stories through your story with bunn and crownlessliestheking (which is AWESOME!). Okay, I'll stop gushing. :D Sorry.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/7/2018
Could you write a follow-up to this story?
Guest chapter 1 . 5/6/2018
Why don't you try writing a story in which Shuri and Peter Parker meet? I've seen a lot of stuff online where they are very good friends, and I think it's an interesting idea.
Also, this story was really great.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/5/2018
Lovely story! I hope it comes true.
Let's see, prompts... Jack Sparrow showing up at Henry Turners wesding/birthday/some event and showing that he actually cares.
OneImaginedCat chapter 1 . 5/7/2018
Hello! I think you're an amazing author and since you asked for prompts, I have got some (didn't know where else to put them)
So! I thought maybe an Avengers Team! Fic that involves their interactions with food, or some sort of celebration. Dunno if you do Doctor Who, but a Doctor/Rose fic would be nice. One last one then? Always wanted to find a good DC/ Marvel fic that focuses on the heroes, specifically Cap, Bucky, Batman.
Anyways. You rule.
Not-Gonna-Update chapter 1 . 5/6/2018
I love it. Loki's death in the movie shocked this really made me happy when I read it.

Feeeeeeels. (**)
Black' Victor Cachat chapter 1 . 5/6/2018
I really like this idea here, with Loki basically breaking out of the Norse afterlife to help his brother :-)
Whirlwind421 chapter 1 . 5/5/2018
Good story! I liked it! :D
hannahsoapy chapter 1 . 5/5/2018
Glad to see I'm not the only one who was unhappy with the first five minutes of IW :) Here's a prompt I was recently inspired by: After decades of loneliness, an immortal (I used Loki but whatever you're feelin) agrees to go on a blind date. Hope that helps!
Peacockgirl chapter 1 . 5/5/2018
I really love this! At first I thought this was the ending Loki deserved, being accepted in Valhalla, but I love that he chooses to leave, to go back and help Thor (even if he won't quite admit that.) So well written. I'd LOVE to see his reunion with Thor. Any chance of that?