Reviews for Father?
Meneil chapter 12 . 6/2
All the secrets beginning to make sense here. Loved how Ogrim couldn't decide if he was going to return or leave right away - that indecisiveness feels very realistic. And maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I wonder if a tragic end is in sight for Ogrim, based on how the King is reacting. Great work, looking forward to the next!
Hieronymous Flex chapter 12 . 6/1
I just noticed that many of your works on here display conflict between multiple developed characters, of whom, usually none are strictly right. I am very much rooting for the Hollow Knight and Ogrim, although I don't expect a happy ending, but I feel like I understand Dryya too, and don't hope for her to 'lose' so much as find a compromise.
Despite the perspective, I feel like Ogrim is the true protagonist, which is quite appropriate given the vessels' nature. I wonder if that will change as the impurity within the the vessel develops?
I actually went back and re-read some earlier parts because I had forgotten some things, and realised that Lurien is significantly different here than in A Watcher's Duty; it's not really relevant to this story I suppose but I wonder what caused the differences.
Anyway, I loved this chapter, and although general plot continues to firmly grasp my interest, I have to say my favourite part was the interactions between Isma and Ogrim. I'm not much of a shipper (at least for HK), but their friendship was delightful. And I even learned something, as I had to look up a couple of the words the Pale King used, so that's nice too. Sometimes I find it annoying when a character uses particularly obscure synonyms, but I think it fits his character quite nicely.
Thanks for the chapter.
Guest chapter 12 . 5/28
Holy crap! How long has it been since you last updated? This just made my day a whole lot better! :)
Guest chapter 11 . 5/8
I wonder what's going to happen next. Good work! Still keeps me hooked.
Megan1289 chapter 11 . 4/15
Your writing is so incredibly skilled. Your sentence structure. . . you diction. . . I am blown away at your skill. How your write the perspective of the Hollow Knight is absolutely fascinating. I look forward to seeing more of this story from you, if you wish to continue.
mei chapter 2 . 4/7
Another spectacularly written chapter- you keep impressing me! The dialogue and dynamic between the knights- the blatant dehumanisation of THK- goodness, I'm fascinated and immersed! Thank you for such invigorating work!
mei chapter 1 . 4/7
This is beautifully written... I'm absolutely entranced by your word choice and vivid descriptions. While I'm not usually a fan of first-person stories, you pull this off very impressively! I cannot wait to read more
Guest chapter 11 . 4/6
Are we going to get an update soon? I would relly love to see where this is going. :) Everything good for you! 3
Guest chapter 11 . 3/21
I wish you strenght and perseverance for your writing process! You are doing amazing!
PhoenixFantastic chapter 11 . 2/25
My oh my, this is quite the moral pickle, isn’t it? Half of me agrees with Dryya, in that the Knight is impure and has to go (otherwise the entire kingdom is screwed), but the other half is with Ogram (who is absolutely the best) on Team “But do we have to KILL it?!”

The language you write is so beautiful; truly the words of noble kings and knights. I don’t know what half these words mean, but they sound dang fine, and hey, they expand my vocabulary. Also, I love how your incorporate game elements into your story - Soul, the bench, the Monarch’s Wings. I’m just wondering, but will we get to see Hornet, even briefly, by the end of the story?

Here’s to hoping for a swift update! Good morrow and fare thee well!
megaboto.t.1.0 chapter 11 . 2/23
I'm kind of wondering what this "pain" inside the vessels chest is. so far, the story is slightly confusing but also good. I don't know what exactly of each, but I enjoy reading it. hope that I'll see you again soon
Guest chapter 11 . 2/15
This fanfic cures my depression.
Guest chapter 11 . 1/23
Eeek! I'm so curious of where this is going. Eagerly waiting for this to continue, and read about my favourite sunny boy- Ogrim. This fanfic's quality is the best I've yet come across! Also I'm melting for all of Isma's and Ogrim's interactions. They act so lovingly towards eachother, I totally ship it! Thank you for this rare sweet to my brains!
Anonymous Anon chapter 11 . 11/6/2019
Holy shiznit this is beautiful! I love the fighting scenes so much oml lol. Please make mote of this soon! This is my favorite hollow knight fanfic i've read so far
That one gal chapter 11 . 11/4/2019
THIS IS AMAZING. The words are very unusual so I’m learning new words every time I read! I love it. That’s it, I can’t describe how much I love this.
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