Reviews for Whatever its name
Nayruh chapter 52 . 3/18
Hello again :D
Y a beaucoup de chose à dire sur la fin de ton histoire (j'ai repris ma lecture vers le chapitre 44, à peu près là où je l'avais laissée si j'en crois ma dernière review) et je constate tout d'abord que j'aime bien mieux ta version que celle de Endgame (visuellement c'était cool, mais scénaristiquement... eurk! la bataille finale claquait bien moins que la bataille que tu as décrite, même si celle-ci a ses petits défauts). En fait je pense même que ton histoire est désormais la première raison pour laquelle je ne re-regarderai pas Endgame (ça, et Gwyneth Paltrow que je peux plus blairer depuis que j'ai découvert sa "fabuleuse" chaîne de cosmétique). M'voilà pour l'intro (parce que oui, tu l'auras remarqué, cette review fait la taille d'une dissertation).
Alors, tout d'abord, la pierre de l'âme que tu exploites à fond à travers Morgane. Encore une fois, j'adore comment tu as réussi à intégrer l'histoire des six cailloux à ta fic de manière plausible et sans en faire des caisses, en ayant un rattachement particulier à l'une des pierres. Le fait que par moment on ne sache plus trop si l'on a à faire à Morgane ou à la Pierre de l'âme, c'est vraiment cool et j'ai adoré l'accentuation de ce trait tout au long de ton histoire. Le fait que par moment elle fusionne presque et qu'à d'autre elles s'opposent totalement, au point d'être presque désignées comme antagoniste. La confrontation entre les deux dans le Whatever-its-name m'a même donné quelques frissons !
La manière dont Thanos est vaincu, me satisfait et en même temps... je sais pas, ça a un goût de trop flou, je pense que je n'ai pas tout saisi pour le coup. Le fait de retourner les pierres contre lui était une très bonne idée, de reprendre un peu à la manière des Gardiens de la galaxie face à Ronan, le fait de former une chaîne pour que les personnages soient en mesure de supporter tout ce pouvoir, la vision était vraiment cool pour le coup. Le petit élément sur lequel je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher de tiquer en revanche, c'est ton choix de personnages pour représenter les différentes pierres et plus spécifiquement le fait d'y inclure Nebula. Et c'est un peu le détail qui m'a gâché la beauté et la force de l'instant. Au delà de ça, j'aurais pas non-plus craché sur un peu plus de descriptif, histoire qu'on ait une belle vision bien détaillée de la scène, qui est quand même celle que l'on attendait depuis le début de ce combat. Tu as construit toute cette tension auparavant et méticuleusement en plus, tu aurais pu te faire un peu plus plaisir en rallongeant cette scène je trouve, j'aurais tellement aimé en avoir un peu plus!
Le retour sur Terre et le semblant de tribunal ensuite m'ont beaucoup plu! Tu sais vraiment gérer les scènes où il y a une multitude de personnage, c'est fou! On s'ennuie pas du début à la fin, le dialogue est vraiment bon (rythmé, où chacun parvient à intervenir d'une manière ou d'une autre sans être excessif, clair, facile à suivre et vraiment drôle par moment, en dépit de la gravité de la conversation). Rocket et Som étaient tip top aux oignons dans cette scène, c'était un régale à lire! Som, meilleur avocat ever! :D La seule petite chose que je regrette, c'est que tu n'aies pas plus approfondi la première rencontre entre Morgan et Mantis! J'aurais aimé en avoir un petit plus là-dessus aussi, mais peut-être que je pinaille encore :)
P'tite mention spéciale aussi pour le dialogue riche en arguments entre Morgan et Steve Rogers et la revanche de Clint Barton (qui m'a autant surprise que fait rire, je dois l'avouer ), là aussi c'était deux passages aux petits oignons comme on les aime et comme tu sais si bien les écrire!
La punchline, tu la maîtrises dans les mots que tu choisis comme dans les moments où tu en glisses, et ça a toujours ce p'tit côté jouissif comme on l'aime! Mais, la réplique qui m'a le plus marquée, probablement de toute ton histoire, c'est celle de Morgane dans la salle de bain face à Loki : "Is Som a woman?" Où comment frapper juste avec seulement des mots. Toute cette scène est superbe à lire, de la détresse de Loki à la force des mots de Morgan (sans parler du lemon qui était bien sympa à lire aussi, faut pas s'en cacher!)
Le chapitre boucle bien la boucle en tout cas, et laisse la place à une éventuelle suite (que je compte bien lire) de manière assez subtile, ce qui est cool :) En revanche je suis carrément restée sur ma faim avec le chapitre suivant, censé être le dernier et/ou l'épilogue. Je m'attendais à un dernier chapitre un peu plus consistant, où on reste dans le récit et moins dans le discours de narrateur qui fait lui-même la conclusion. J'ai extrêmement apprécier la scène post-crédit en revanche :D
Enfin, concluons puisqu'il nous faut conclure T.T Cette histoire m'a beaucoup plu et j'ai hâte d'en lire la suite. Tu as su créer deux OC particulièrement attachant en les personnes de Morgan et Som, avec des caractères et traits authentiques, qui vivent autant l'histoire qu'ils y contribuent, un Loki plus que bien respecté, développé et même grandi je trouve :) Un scénario quand même bien ficelé, fallait trouver toutes ces idées et les raccorder ensemble et tu l'as très bien fait. En bref, ça a été un plaisir de te lire et ce sera un plaisir de te lire encore! A bientôt pour de nouvelles aventures alors ! ;)
OneLastSoy chapter 51 . 11/10/2019
Shalom in your home! It's been a while! Like, chapter 44 or something?

I'm sure you've missed my comments, in the same way a victim misses his kidnapper because he brings food and water.
So this is the end of the story... Damn... Feels weird man. And what an end! This final fight, epic as can be, and the "épilogue" in the avengers compound, smooth as fuck!
Gotta say, morgan and som's behaviors during the trial didn't really feel legitimate. Like they forgot what loki had actually done, influenced or not. Plus, other avengers like Strange or Maximoff saved the world as much as them (except som, he didn't do shit), and aren't acting like dicks.
That being said, the conversation with Tony and the others after that felt like a nice touching payoff. Also captain marvel was useless, which is a guilty pleasure of mine, not gonna lie.
All in all, a beautiful finale to a well-paced and well-written story! I genuinely hope to see more of your work!
Now I must go, my people need me. He said, as a soy sauce bottle-shaped spaceship descended from the skies.
GlitterQueen2019 chapter 51 . 9/13/2019
I don’t know if I’m among those in the minority of who likes long stories, but when stories are too short or with too short chapters they tend not to be properly fleshed out character wise or truly involve the reader in what could be a complexity of the story.
I really liked this story because the characters were involved in a mind bending situation.
Löki frightened by being trapped in a white purgatory and not knowing how to get out. And Morgan after learning of Löki ‘s presence in her sanctuary was so interesting to say the least. I’m thinking the whole story made me think that all concerned were not in reality at all. It was all a Dream or they were in another dimension. Morgan influenced their perception of reality right from the start. I hope you write a sequel because their is definitely more story to tell.
mayfire21 chapter 51 . 6/22/2019
I absolutely loved this story
AnadoraBlack chapter 51 . 6/16/2019
Hahahahaha... "Sorry about Tony's arm." Tu n'es pas sorry, avoue. :P

Bon, j'avais laissé le mail d'update dans ma boite de réception, et c'est seulement ce matin que j'ai remarqué ne pas avoir encore lu cette conclusion. #Boulet

Je n'avais vraiment pas remarqué que cette histoire nous a pris un an, ce qui est l'un des plus beaux compliments que je puisse faire à une autre auteure. XD Et cette idée de séquence post-générique est parfaite. Aaaaah Carol...seras-tu jamais plus qu'un deus ex machina convenient as heck? XD

Merci encore pour ces beaux moments bien stressants par moments, et au plaisir de te lire dans le futur! :*
CurtisMcQueen8 chapter 51 . 6/15/2019
Hey there! First of all, thank you for the promo, lol. I am also glad that this site and our love for psychologically complex and morally ambigious characters brought us together.

Okay, now on to to your story: That was quite an unexpected ending. I really don't know what I expected but definitely not Thanos and definitely not the introduction of two more characters (if you can include the narrator as a character). So, you're telling me Thanos isn't dead? He is inside the Soul Stone really getting a sort of happy ending? That is indeed a little unfair but also how life works, unfortunately. But thank you so much for including a reflection on how Loki arrived in the Sanctuary. That too was very unexpected in a very good way and reminded me that Loki was indeed just a boy when this nightmare began.

Now, about the ending. I like this style that directly engages the reader even though it feels like a break from the style of the rest of the story and I wouldn't have expected this either in a fanfic. I honestly thought that it would end with Morgan's POV and I can't yet decide if this ending, which isn't supposed to be one because stories never end, satisfies me. But as you said, I will decide when I have thought about it a little more.

What baffles me right now is also what is ultimately so great about your story, though. It is very different, very courageous, very outside-the-box in a way. Your writing definitely isn't poor; it's just different. Maybe it wasn't the perfect style for a fanfic but I think it is the perfect style for the original fiction you're planning. Or maybe people just don't care for long, complex stories or OCs or philosophical topics. I have the same problem, after all.

But I want to thank you for sharing your story with us and taking the time to edit and publish the chapters despite the fact that only a few people seemed interested. I definitely was and I enjoyed it, particularly the philosophical questions about truth, lies and tricks underlying all of it.

Thank you so much and the very best of luck for your future writing projects!

CurtisMcQueen8 chapter 50 . 6/3/2019
Fuck it, oh yes. This ... was amazing! I've been waiting for Loki's POV and you did not disappoint. I loved all of this really: We got Loki's and Tony's long overdue drink; the sun will shine on us again turned out to be meaningful; the conversation with Loki and Clint turned out well and surprised me a little; you got the significance of an Asgardian oath in there along with speculations of how, no matter what guise he is wearing, he is always Loki (which features prominently in the comics and, to a certain extent, in the mythology); I JUST CLIMAXED IN THE AVENGERS COMPOUND; and, of course, Thor and Loki finally talking and Frigga and Odin both appearing to them?! This was really, really unexpected, to be honest, because those visions usually only come in times of dire need but it was so welcome. I actually oooh-ed out loud when Odin said "You have something I never had; each other" and squirmed on my blanket in the public pool, holding my phone into the air and making a complete and utter fool of myself.

The only thing that was not entirely clear was whether the memories of his awakening in the hospital were a dream after he fell asleep and it took me quite a while to figure out what "someone knew" referred to and I was a tiny little bit confused at first because I'd saved it in my brain until now that the sewn lips had been a mere illusion and not a permanent alteration of reality, but these are minor things, really.

Honestly, this was such an enjoyable read. Thank you so much for this!
CurtisMcQueen8 chapter 49 . 5/28/2019
Hey there :) First off, as I have already insinuated, I really like the atmosphere of everyone being somehow caught between relief and the remnants of all the dread and trauma they experienced only hours earlier. It's a very peculiar state they're in and you convey the underlying tension quite well; it started in the meeting described in the last chapter, which they definitely shouldn't have had this early after the final showdown, and carries into this one. Even though I felt the beginning was a bit of a cut from the last one because there are probably one or two minutes missing and then there's also the perspective change, which was a little confusing. But I am glad we got to see Bruce as well. What I mostly enjoyed in this chapter was Morgan as a character reacting to the events as well as her reunion with Som that has her giggling with relief but also simultaneously experiencing the first symptoms of PTSD and her conversations with Steve and especially Nebula. That was really moving, thank you for that. Oh, and the Iron Person? Haha, that was awesome. Also, of course pouring booze on top of painkillers is a tremendous idea. It's what I would do if I survived such horror, honestly. It would be the first thing, painkillers or not. So that made me smile.

I still gotta say, though, that I found the chapter a bit too long. I know it is probably not the easiest task to bring such a monumental story with that many characters to a finish and there are probably a lot of things that you still have to say about Morgan and Loki and I am also wondering where everyone will go next and I have no advice as to how to balance this out. But for example the snippet with Som enquiring about New York's 1940ies Jazz concerts was interesting and gave us a hint as to how they met but it didn't really contribute to the main story, but maybe this is just my opinion. I often find myself crossing scenes like this out of the main story to keep it short and then collect them in a seperate document as a 'deleted scenes' kind of thing.

Last but not least: Clint ... Seriously? I mean, yes, he does have a point but Loki's ribs are still broken (or aren't they?) and he just punches him so hard that he falls off the chair? I wouldn't have guessed he was still THAT pissed and I have to admit it baffled me a little. Also, way to go to deliver such a heavy blow to a man who weighs 525 pounds :D

Anyways, as I said, I am curious to see what everyone will do or where everyone will go next and to see Loki's POV once more about his recovery etc. And it's indeed the question if he can go where he wants to go (and where it is that he wants to go) and what happens to Thor/Valkyrie/Asgard and if the stones remain lost. There are still a few questions unanswered and I'm looking forward to the final chapter(s).

See ya :)
AnadoraBlack chapter 49 . 5/26/2019
Ouch. OUCH. XD But, well...can't blame Clint. XD

J'aime bien ce chapitre plus cool, et puis, moi aussi je vais finir par terre morte de rire si ça continue... Som est quand même terrible comme type. XD
CurtisMcQueen8 chapter 48 . 5/14/2019
Hey there! First of all, this felt like quite the change of pace from the chapter-long battle scenes that we got earlier. Even though the last chapter was already quieter as well, the tone in this one felt very different but I liked it very much. I think it was a good choice to tell it from Nat's perspective because she has always been the one trying to keep everyone from losing their heads. Also, it was probably not an easy task to juggle that many characters in one scene but I think you managed it quite well, even though people mostly have only one or two lines. But those lines that were said by the respective characters seemed very fitting, particularly Bucky's. I particularly liked the references to previous movies (Loki's squabbles with Strange, Drax eating peanuts, Loki's bargain for Nat). Rocket was my fave and I liked how Valkyrie tried to defend Loki for giving up the Tesseract. Also, it makes sense that they would blame Loki still but it was not overdone. I also found it very interesting that you had the stones vanish because that's what happens in the Infinity Wars comic as well when Warlock gives them their own will. Overall, this was a really good chapter and going back to your earlier chapters recently to reread about Morgan and Vivian, your writing really improved :)

I was just a little disappointed to not get the grabbing drinks scene with Thor, Morgan, Som and Val or Loki waking up. But maybe there will be some flashbacks when the POV switches to Morgan or Loki again? Because, like, I need to know how he woke up. I. need to.

Thank you for this chapter!
Life's Glitch chapter 48 . 5/12/2019
I think I'm in love with you. Or probably just your writing.
leeny len chapter 48 . 5/11/2019
som you beautiful human being hahahahahaha
AnadoraBlack chapter 48 . 5/11/2019
Som, I love you.

Et voici mon commentaire très constructif sur ce chapitre. What a bunch of morons indeed...
Person chapter 47 . 5/8/2019
great story. :)
CurtisMcQueen8 chapter 47 . 5/6/2019
Hey, so here is my review for the past two chapters :) First off, this was such a long and epic fight and I am in awe at all the ideas you came up with for so many pages of war featuring so many characters. Seriously, this was so long, wow.

In the previous chapter, I particularly loved the descriptions of the Infinity Stones in the beginning (is “the source of its power was Dream” a bow to Joanne Harris, by the way? It sounds very much so and I appreciated this) and the way you described the six wielders with their glowing eyes. It’s very similar to a panel in the Infinity Wars comic but with different characters, of course, and I loved the line-up; especially that Nebula got a part in it. Even though she has no real connection to the Reality Stone, she deserved this so much. I am also glad we got another explanation for what happened to Vivian and why and I hope Morgan will contemplate this further (maybe in an epilogue?) because Morgan’s relationship with her twin and her entire family and how the Soul Stone sort of sabotaged her life to get a hold of her was a very intriguing part of this character. And Frigga, of course, YESSS! I just love my Queen so much.

And, again, YESSSS, we finally get to see Thor’s POV! Of course, you know I’ve been waiting for this for a few chapters now and I am not disappointed. I was glad to see how well he knew him and I liked how you described his attitude towards him having survived, which of course, is also visibly influenced by all the confusion and relief and pain and the adrenaline beginning to wear off. It was great to see everyone come back too and how they immediately tended to the wounded while it was simultaenously clear that nobody really knew what had just happened and it all felt very chaotic and emotional and real. And indeed, if has only been two weeks since the Snap, they all had a lot on their minds and probably need a lot of time to process this. Maybe while enjoying a few drinks? I would definitely be down for that ;)

I can't wait to read the conversation between Morgan and Thor (and Som and Valkyrie?) and I hope she will have some time to talk to him and explain a few things before Loki wakes up. Although I'm, of course, also very curious to see what happens when he does and how the Avengers are going to react to the fact that he helped save them. And that they praised him before :))

See you soon!
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