Reviews for Memories of Deya
KatanaNoNeko chapter 1 . 6/5/2019
I forgot to leave a review on Chapel, but they were both wonderful to read. Although I am definitely of the opinion that Link and Zelda weren't actually 'together' before thr calamity, these stories were very sweet.
starspangledfeels chapter 1 . 11/10/2018
Have you thought about doing a part three tied with the last bit of BOTW when Zelda asks Link if he really remembers her? I think that'd really tie it all together. (And I wouldn't be as heartbroken)
LuniaWolfe chapter 1 . 6/23/2018
oh please have a part 3! i cant bare for poor Link to be left like that! great reads both of them!
Skydragon74193 chapter 1 . 6/16/2018
There has to be a part 3 that takes place during the ending! Do you really remember me? Like gawwwd don't leave us hanging!
MistyEyed Reader chapter 1 . 5/25/2018
My heart just ached with Link. The poor smol bean, his memories of his love and wedding just rushed back in the decrepit chapel and all he could do was cry his heart out. And the wedding ring retrieval, I was holding my own breath ;-;. Wonderful writer, please make another companion fic where they're reunited.
Iamams07 chapter 1 . 5/21/2018
Loved it! You know it’s a awesome fic when it can make you cry! Love your writing and can’t wait for the next one!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/20/2018
Good job. You made me cry again, dear. :P
Poor Link. This situation he is in, and the realisation of its entirety must be so hard. My heart have been devastated by the return of his lost memories in the ruins of the little chapel. But I realize that in the end it's for the best, he needed them back, he needed to know.
You depicted his pain, loss, and guilt so well I was imagining him there in front of me knelt in the water, crying. We talked about it the other day, but we often forget how young Zelda and Link are. And all I wanted to do is comfort him. He may be brave but we all have our weaknesses, and his love for Zelda is his. Knowing she is so close and yet so far should be unbearable to him, and he is caring already such a huge burden on his shoulders...
The parallels you did between his memories and Zelda's was lovely, and I like the few more details you added in this part. And I now realize how only a hint of their lovemaking is making me want for more ! lol
I also wanted to point out to the dream he had. I love the way you showed us his bond with Zelda through time and space, with blurred flashes and mere sensations, but with a greater meaning. It was so poetic ! I don't know why, but I think it's my favorite part of this chapter.
I already know you will do a final chapter and I am in a great hurry to read it. Your stories are captivating and they definitely captivated my lil fangirl heart. Thank you for your kindness and talent.
Kanna37 chapter 1 . 5/19/2018
Wonderful, both pieces. Would definitely enjoy reading more.

midnaisbae chapter 1 . 5/18/2018
Nice. I like it bitter as much as it was sweet. Now, how about a third part, eh? I'm dying to see his reaction when he sees her again because god knows why Link still got his poker face on in-game when you save Zeldy.
Ultimate blazer chapter 1 . 5/18/2018
9'9 Beautiful!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/18/2018
This is beatiful! (discretely wipes a stuborn tear) His feelings were overwhelming and you wrote it beatifully! Thank you so much for these fics!
Arcmelos chapter 1 . 5/18/2018
Really great second part, maybe a third? Loved it, keep up the amazing work!