Reviews for Crossroads of life BEING REWORKED
Youkai of Fanfiction chapter 1 . 6/29
I'm a little confused because on fanfiction. net this say this story is a Harry/Hermione. then on AO3 it says Harry/Tom Riddle?
mega700201 chapter 29 . 7/14/2019
Ms. Faker chapter 29 . 7/14/2019
Good to see that Harry has finally confronted Lucius, i would be pretty mad i learned my parents had kidnaped me. I would like to see more interactions between Harry and the malfoys tbh, i fell like we got more interaction between harry and the potters than harry and the malfoys when the malfoys where the ones who raised him. I do like where the story is going, and i can't wait to see where the story will go this year, you definitely got my attention now.
Jarno chapter 29 . 7/14/2019
Dissapointing really, I don't consider this Harry snapping at all. At best, it's raising his voice a bit. The problem to me is that your story feels now far to forced. It simply isn't believable anymore. Not from Harry's point of view, not from the Potters' point of view, not from the ministry's point of view, not even from Dumbledore's point of view. The only believable conclusion for Lucius is that at this point he would either be in prison or dead really. He is after all a known deatheater who kidnapped the son of the family who was responsible for the end of the dark lord in your story. Come now, the press would eat him alive.
Jarno chapter 28 . 7/3/2019
Can't say I really liked the chapter, the truth is that Cygnus is starting to seem irredeemable to me. I can't honestly see this ever evolving into a believable Harry/Hermione story anymore. He is a dark wizard and he's proud of it. He hates muggles and he's proud of it. I loved your story at the start, I thought it had tons of potential but these latest chapters I'm starting to have a lot of doubts. The truth is, that Harry staying at the Malfoys simply does not make sense at all. Any believable scenario would have him being placed at the Potters and only out of their good will could Harry then visit the Malfoys.
Julie010588 chapter 28 . 7/3/2019
Nice story. Thanks for sharing it with us.
mega700201 chapter 28 . 7/1/2019
Jarno chapter 27 . 6/29/2019
While I think the stroy as a whole is very interesting, I'm a bit dissapointed by the lack of growth Cygnus went through. He's still a bigot, he's still a Malfoy and he still considers the Malfoys his parents. After a year, he's sitll pretty much the same child. I do hope he will change and actually become worthy of Hermione, because at this point he is not. He needs to break away from the Malfoys first. He needs to break away from his darkness.
Dragonstar125 chapter 24 . 6/19/2019
good chspyer
Jarno chapter 24 . 6/19/2019
Interesting chapter, I quite like your Harry in this chapter though he baffles me in chapter 23.
You write that he could one day perhaps forgive the Potters.
Exactly forgive them for what actually? That the Malfoys, with who he still has no problem with, have kidnapped him? You describe Harry as very smart, but when it comes to the Malfoys he does read like almost an idiot. He has to know by now that they kidnapped him right? That they kidnapped him as a sacrifice for Voldemort? That the world is not black and white is correct, that the Malfoys are black however is quite right. If there are two he should not forgive it are the Malfoys. Not the Potters, what is there to blame them of?
SaraAcevedo chapter 24 . 6/19/2019
Amazing! Some action finally! However, maybe some of his Sly-family should go with them. Like Draco or Blaise, this Harry needs both parts of the coin. Hope that you update soon!
Wildebunny the Eternal chapter 3 . 6/18/2019
Skimmed the first three chapters. You're punctuating dialogue wrong when using the word said or said substitutes. You need a comma, not a period.
mega700201 chapter 23 . 6/18/2019
SaraAcevedo chapter 23 . 6/17/2019
Hey there! I thought you were going to drop the Story! I was so hapoy when you updated, I love this chapter. Draco and Cygnus need to sit down and talk about it, maybe not tomorrow but someday. Also, this is bringing so much Juice into Cyg and Hermione's relationship. Perhaps he can even the odds teaching Hermione about the wizarding world. After all, she is going to be his girl right? She should know some of that before diving into the Malfoys. Please keep updating!
Lion chapter 22 . 5/23/2019
This is AMAZING! I can’t wait for the next chapter!
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