Reviews for FAÇADE
bonnemine82 chapter 35 . 6/17
Très très sympa et j'adore le final Carlisle/Mark and Esmée.
sosueme chapter 10 . 1/17
Loving this twisted tale.
sosueme chapter 6 . 1/16
I like that "Mr. Sure of Himself" is thrown off kilter by her. She's a hurricane.
sosueme chapter 1 . 1/15
Intriguing. He seems like a tough guy, able to handle himself.
harkie5 chapter 35 . 1/6
Awesome story! Thank you!
PurpleRain27 chapter 34 . 1/6
Great story, loved it.
ChristyWIX chapter 35 . 4/25/2019
That was, unexpected. I thought, mistakenly, that he got away from them illegally, not legally. So, I thought he ran away to another country, somewhere with no extradition laws. Living free but not at home. I am glad he found Esme and that he’s fallen for her from afar. I liked that he told her he needs to marry her in order to tell her anything and she was, why the hell not. Not sure why the marshals would be keeping him from doing anything at all. That seemed rather unproductive to keeping him from sticking out like a sore thumb. Enjoyed the journey on this on. Thank you for sharing your imagination with us here. ~ChristyWIX
ChristyWIX chapter 34 . 4/25/2019
That was a great ending for them. Happy, having a date night, the baby safe with family and them loving each other thoroughly. They had a good journey and have. Good life ahead of them. I liked the addition of Maria and how she helped out so very much. Gavin sounded adorable. Hopefully your outtake is of Carlisle living happily and perhaps he found love too. He too, paid his dues and lost the people he loved most. Even one he shouldn’t have ever loved in the first place. A loss nonetheless. And, his lifelong friend, Charles. Maybe he found an Esme somewhere. I hope.
ChristyWIX chapter 33 . 4/25/2019
That was quick, small and perfect. I liked that it was Kate that was getting pissy about the plans and not the bride. That was funny. Wedding was perfect. It was a pleasant surprise to have Edward’s father walk Bella down the aisle. I really liked Edward saying that Felix and Lucas were Bella’s brothers. Essentially they truly are. It’s just sad that Garrett didn’t make it too. They seemed rather close, he and Bella. Felix and Lucas will be great uncles. I hope that Edward lets Vicky know she can call them that. I think it may make the men very happy to be given the title. More so when their baby comes.
ChristyWIX chapter 32 . 4/25/2019
Netflix and Chill is a fantastic couples Halloween costume. That was fun and funny. It was a little odd that Bella confided in Kate before she told Edward, about the pregnancy. I am thinking that is a good thing, that they are that close to each other. Just felt bad that Edward was nearly the last to find out Bella was pregnant with his child. Both Kate and Maggie knew, plus Emily, Vicky found out the same time as Edward. Only his parents don’t know. At least I’m guessing they don’t. I am happy for them. It may have been better if she was a wee bit more mentally healed first. I’m hapoy he’s moving into her place soon. I really liked when he asked if he could move in and she agreed with the contingency of she gets his last name. That was really cute. Wonder what Agent Black must think of all of this. Edward leaves the bureau to move back home. Then Bella sells everything and moves there too. He has to be thinking, by now anyway, that Edward held a lot back and it centered on Bella. Actually, maybe not. I don’t think the bureau ever knew much more than she was Charles Swan's daughter. She was never linked to any of it, before Edward went in there. He’s the one that uncovered that it was her show. And, that was only after she gave him that info. I don’t blame her one bit for wanting to keep things very small wedding wise. She definitely doesn’t want to bring attention to herself in a new city.
ChristyWIX chapter 31 . 4/25/2019
Wondered when one of the women would trigger something in Bella. Grant it, I was thinking the opposite and she’d fall into a fit of rage, not in front of the woman of course, but would blow up spectacularly in anger. I did not expect the panic attack for reliving that last man that Emmett forced onto her. Your way makes more sense, and that’s why you’re the writer and I’m the reader. I was worried for the woman manning the desk at the shelter when Edward arrived the way he did. Poor lady had to have been scared. I hope he apologizes to her later. I think Bella has Edward up on a pedestal and she needs to get him off of it. Or, he needs to take himself off of it. She is constantly telling him that he’s too good for her. That may have been very true when he got to Seattle. And, he’s making amends now for what he did in Seattle. But, she needs to remember the very bad things he did with her and for her. He left a LOT of crap out of his report to his supervisors. Both when he was in the field and after when being debriefed. He had way more than enough to send her away for life. He needs to get through to her and bring them back to equals. Or, she needs to have a breakthrough with Emily to realize they are equals now. There is no room for a pedestal in a relationship.
ChristyWIX chapter 30 . 4/25/2019
That was very smart of Kate to offer to refer someone for Bella to see. And, she had a great point that the people she has been talking to are her employees. I hadn’t thought of that. I presumed they volunteered and were not her employees, as Kate does. I loved that Edward wanted to show Bella how much he loves her.
ChristyWIX chapter 29 . 4/25/2019
Meeting the family went very well. Kate, Maggie and Victoria seemed to really like her. It was good that Bella and Maggie fell into a conversation so easily. It seemed that Edward’s mother was not warm to the idea of Bella. It could be I misread how you intended it to read. His father was quite nice. His mom's words certainly were a trigger for her. Kate is correct, she needs to speak honestly with her therapist. Too bad she can’t though. Of course, Kate wouldn’t know that Bella is holding murder inside her. I swear, mob families should have therapists on salary. You can’t really talk of how you killed someone that pissed you off, as they’d have to report it. The doctor/patient confidentiality does not include acts of crime anymore. Just like the priests, they have to report it.
ChristyWIX chapter 28 . 4/25/2019
Well, I give them points for trying to date. They managed one, at least. I like that they can't keep their hands off each other. They were already so intimate when they lived together, it was only a matter of time before they'd fall into bed together again. I wouldn't be surprised if they moved in together fairly soon as well. It is not a given that she will fold in on herself. She is very strong and that strength was born from what she went through. Plus, she is already in therapy. Not everyone falls apart when pushed to, and beyond, their limits. I can see her missing her dad and Carlisle and possibly acting out angrily, Possibly even crying. Do I see your Bella breaking dow? No. I see her strengthening each day. You may have plans for her to break down though. Will wait and see how you play it out.
ChristyWIX chapter 27 . 4/25/2019
She answered a lot of questions I had about the life she left behind in Seattle. I worried she had brought it with her to Chicago. Very good to know that Carlisle is living his life somewhere free and not in prison with Jasper. I very mush liked hearing that he is not doing well with authority and keeps ending up in the hole. Maybe he will get killed in prison. Especially if the feds start picking up the other families and they end up in there. Rival families in the same prison, can you imagine? I like that she fired a lot of the people that were working for the family. Giving them the choice of their lives back. It made sense that some were going to other families, as that is the only life they know. I hope a lot took her up on it and made a better life. I love that Felix and Lucas refused until she threatened to call the police. Funny. And, then she called them to Chicago because she was lonely. I have a feeling they would still give their life to protect her, as it is in their blood. She is in their hearts. Seems things are patching up for Edward and Bella. Wouldn't be a BxE story if you could not get them together somehow. Looking forward to seeing how things play out.
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