Reviews for BreakThrough
HydraShinobi chapter 39 . 7/30
The best crossover story I’ve ever read, I loved all of it, kinda. I loved how you developed the characters personalities, Kisame was the best. Will be waiting for your MHA story.
Guiltyofmycrimess chapter 6 . 7/28
I think, I'm going insane i first saw the Letter in the story "Orichimaru Strip Club"
Forgive me Lord
Guest chapter 39 . 7/26
Mando1119 chapter 39 . 7/25
Low key, I was hoping this story would end with Naruto finally tastings pickle and hating it. I’m glad it actually happened. This was hands down one of the best stories I’ve ever read...and I’ve read thousands. Great work.
Shadowdescender chapter 39 . 7/25
This story was a constant barrel of laughs and had its ups and downs but in the end you managed to accomplish one thing few authors on this website do. You managed to complete a story, which says a lot considering how a majority of stories tend to be abandoned or forgotten as time goes on. On a final note I love the secret ending of Naruto finally eating a pickle and finding out it taste like shit, which by the way is the right reaction, who in their right mind enjoys pickles?
MadKing23 chapter 39 . 7/23
Nice job
Xud10a chapter 24 . 7/23
I really hope you make a What if story. This chapter alone has so many possible what if’s’. But I still want the Epilogue more
trollmemex chapter 39 . 7/22
Cielos viejo, no se si llegues a ver esto o a entenderle xD por que esta en español pero bueno, joder.. acaso todo acaba aqui? Fue bastante agradable leer esta grandiosa historia aun recuerdo un dia estaba revisando las nuevas actualizaciones, y me encontre con estoo xD llevabas creo qu capitulos pero casi no comento por que bueno.. me da pereza irme al traductor la verdad :v pero fue bastante espectacular la historia, gracias por tan gran obra maestra, cuidate que estan cabrones estos tiempos,.. y... chau chau (queria comentar mas, pero no tengo mucho tiempo :u asi, que, gracias por todo fue esplendido) :3 :3
Crimson Riot 01 chapter 39 . 7/22
Es la mejor historia que he leído en mi vida

Te aseguro que si sigues en fanfiction pronto escucharás acerca de Crimson Riot 01, recientemente he pensado en crear mi propia historia y quería saber si podrías ser mi beta
Nobu Glover Rivera chapter 39 . 7/21
Well, that was quite a ride, can't express how much of a rollercoaster this was, I was hoping for a little more fluffyness but overall, this was amazing my man, you truly wrote a great story!
Jorge Javier Guido chapter 39 . 7/20
bro, seriously, like how, how exactly did you managed to make a story so great that its easily in my top 3, I have just whatched fullmetal alchemist brotherhood and it qualified as te best anime I have ever seen, and now this, its been a really good week for me, I live every single detail of the story, (well except when naruto and gabriel broke up, since I wanted to go clap you myself) but yea aside from that the story is outstanding, hell if I hadn't seen the other story (basically my top 1) when I was like hmmm, 12, this wojld be number 1 for sure, I can see that you put a lot of care and effort into it. great job,
Big Baken chapter 39 . 7/20
may this masterpiece rest in peace. I'm glad I have been around for this entire journey. Can't wait for your next project.
Otagema chapter 39 . 7/19
Never knew one of the first DxD crossover fics I've read would grow like this, I hope you make more amazing stories like this dude. Your concepts are interesting.
Guest chapter 39 . 7/19
Well this is finally over, and I still don't know what was going on. You write too much it makes me unable to read fast. But it's good, I would have loved to see gin, but whatever. Happy finishing day.
LunaAnt chapter 39 . 7/18
Brilliant ending to such an enjoyable fic, congrats on finishing such a good story and thanks for not abandoning it
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