Reviews for But I'll Never Stop Trying
YeTianshi chapter 17 . 8/29
I have no idea why I'm still reading, this is causing me emotional distress at this point. Pretty sure the only reason I'm going chapter after chapter is to finally see Laura get out of this fucked up situation.
YeTianshi chapter 16 . 8/29
For the love of... OH MY GOD!
I get that Shannon is literally worse than trash right now, but COME ON, HOW IS NO ONE PICKING UP ON THIS!?
YeTianshi chapter 15 . 8/29
You know, I'm getting way too many potential rapist vibes from Gerald, and the only reason I'm STILL hoping I'm wrong is because the fic is set at "T" rather than "M", so I'm hoping that, as bad as this may sound, beatings are as far as this goes.
Thewriternextdoor chapter 36 . 5/8
This is a cool chapter!
spiderduck1985 chapter 36 . 5/8
Umm, you should edit and reupload this chapter. it's got a bunch of gibberish that makes it difficult to read.
Thewriternextdoor chapter 2 . 5/1
I may have asked before but who do you imagine to play Laura?
Pjhoofan678 chapter 1 . 2/18
I think it would be cool for Laura to join Cobra Kai and Robby be w/ Miyagi Do
Thewriternextdoor chapter 21 . 2/3
I don't like Xander Stone. Except in this version.
Thewriternextdoor chapter 27 . 12/25/2019
For a couple of reasons I'm surprised Laura would want to hang out with Sam.
Invisible Observer chapter 35 . 12/13/2019
Loved Hawk's outburst to Blatt! I don't blame him. She is terrible at her job. It's awful how she keeps outting these poor kids. Damn Kyler, Yasmine, and Rory. Rory so deserved that punch. Mr. Branch is a good teacher and I'm glad that he has Eli's best interests at heart. I look forward to Eli going to see Laura. Thank you for the lovely update!
spiderduck1985 chapter 35 . 12/13/2019
Good Chapter! I like that Hawk called Counselor Blatt out on her bullshit! I also liked that Kyler mentioned that Yasmine has flirted with Robby! Out of curiosity, did you borrow Yasmine being attracted to Robby from my story "Robby the Cobra"?
Anyway, Great Chapter!
Thewriternextdoor chapter 35 . 12/13/2019
I really like this chapter! It's great!
Thewriternextdoor chapter 32 . 11/25/2019
Exactly what did Daniel mean by "What is this all about?"? All he sees is people wanting to give Johnny and Laura stuff.
Thewriternextdoor chapter 34 . 11/3/2019
I love this fic! Pleaseeee update!
Thewriternextdoor chapter 16 . 11/1/2019
Who would you pick to play Ryan? Also I love the Laura and Aisha hug! And who would you pick to play Laura and Mac?
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