Reviews for Observation
agnar chapter 11 . 7/12
on re-reading this, I find myself wondering why Harry has only seen a Mind Healer. He was abused, physically, and by a lack of food, and all those dangerous things at Hogwarts. They know Pomfrey was paid to ignore the abuse, and DD was trying to kill him.

So why hasn't anyone gotten Harry seen to by a normal Healer too? It's just baffling honestly, there's a vast range of ill-health between 'perfect health' and 'dead' so Harry just not being dead doesn't mean all his bones and organs are in proper working order and so on.

They fixed his eyes, got him or will get him the antidote to the potion suppressing his magic, and had him talk about his life/problems. But no full medical check-up yet?
Jonathan Deller chapter 14 . 7/9
A wonderful story.
noicee chapter 14 . 6/16
The Ghostly Minion chapter 14 . 6/5
Fie on you! I had to read this all the way through, rather than rotate with the other stories I have up.
Now, some thoughts:

1. I adore stories in which Amelia takes charge!
2. I’m glad you didn’t include an Amelia/Sirius romance. That tends to be a trope and a rather stale one at that.
3. My OTP is Harmony, but here I liked Husan. I’m glad though that Hermione remains friends and will (along with Harry) get to be more socialized into Magical culture.
4. Dumbledore’s hugely dark and I’m glad he’s gone. You could us down with a lot of details of the remaking of Magical England, but best for us to see the problems and imagine the solutions.

All in all a keeper. Thanks.

hunzbookwyrm chapter 14 . 2/18
Great story, hope to see more from you soon.
TheWitch243 chapter 14 . 2/7
*thumbs up*
gabrieljuarezl chapter 14 . 1/23
tks for sharing
KnowInsight chapter 14 . 1/7
Kai chapter 8 . 12/22/2019
When Harry meets Luna for the first time in the fifth book Ronald immediately calls her "Loony". I'd like to go so far and say that Ronald never met her before at school when Harry was around. So, he has to know her from somewhere else. Luna and Ginevra are the same age and live close to each other. It's not impossible that the two little girls played together when they were younger. That could very well be the situation where Ronald got to know Luna. And, perfectly fitting his personality, it's easily possible that it was RONALD, who coined Luna's disgusting nickname. Arsehole! And some people wonder why "the good friend Ron" gets so much bashing...
Kai chapter 6 . 12/22/2019
You do know that "your" and "you're" have different meaning, I hope. Your spelling is really good. Except for those two homophones that you got wrong several times within the first six chapters. It's a bit sad because it's not necessary and the rest is okay.

And since homophones seem to be a real problem, oddly enough almost exclusively for native speakers, which I'm not, they almost jump into my eyes and, to be honest, really annoy me. It'd be a good idea to have someone read over the story prior to uploading just to get those unnecessary errors out.

And I know that I gave reviews with the same point of criticism in several of your other stories as well. It seems to be quite a bit of a weakness for you.

Up to this point in the story you're just paraphrasing the canon events to inform the right people about what happened. But with the introduction of the mail problem the plot marches straightly into Bad-Dumbledore territory. And the things that Harry has already talked about point at Dumbledore as well, even if not criminal!Dumbledore, yet.

Honestly, I can't understand how Rowling could write the events of the books and still call Dumbledore a well-meaning grandfatherly mentor. The omission of the will and the mail, both of which are inevitable, not just fanon silliness, practically forces the reader into conspiracy theories. With Dumbles like a fat spider in the centre of a web that has threads into every facet of wizarding life, wrapping Harry into a cocoon of unbreakable ropes to devour him at will. Or share him with his fellow monsters if it's For The Greater Good(tm).
HarryPotterFangirl85 chapter 14 . 12/19/2019
Enjoyed this.
Scififan33 chapter 13 . 12/19/2019
I just re-read this and was surprised to find I had read it before and reviewed. On second reading I am unsure what I enjoyed so much about this the first time through.
An interesting idea and enjoyable enough. It all felt rather rushed though and everything was too easy. there was no conflict to make it interesting. Dumbledore's done bad things, tries to kidnap Harry...and then drops dead. What of Voldemort? it was too easy for them to get all these changes through and some of them are a bit oppressive themselves
OmaBlack chapter 14 . 11/26/2019
Good idea for a story. However, it reads more like a draft not a full length story. There are many areas that can and should be expanded. The capture and trail of Wormtail. The trail of Malfoy, how the headmaster was killed, how did he force Falwks get tied to Dumbledore. ECT. I suggest a rewrite with this as your outline.
Ingrid Williams chapter 5 . 11/3/2019
I'm so glad that Sirius is finally free! Now Harry can have a better life. Awesome!
Ingrid Williams chapter 1 . 11/3/2019
I hope Amelia Bones can find out about the abuse the Dursley's have subjected Harry to!
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