Reviews for Regeneration
wildwill chapter 1 . 2/3/2019
Enjoyed this
Kreshi chapter 16 . 11/3/2018
Love this story, thank you so much for writing it. Can’t wait for the sequel! :)
MasturShake chapter 16 . 11/3/2018
Ive been reading this story since you started and I normally don't leave reviews but this was pretty good and a decent world you're setting up. Shame that you'll be moving to Ao3 guess I'll miss the rest of this unless it randomly pops up on my tumblr again. Anyways you should feel proud of this story I feel like Rin was a HUGE dropped ball and you're doing a good job and holding onto the ball
winteralley chapter 16 . 10/30/2018
Your writing and your stories just keep getting better. You've created a such a credible version of Rin, and you do justice to the Red Hot Habanero herself. I don’t know if you’re getting better reviews over on AOB, but take heart. FFN is notoriously bad for reviews. I think your numbers are rather respectable, considering. This story is a tearjerker, but may I say that Other Ghosts blew me out of the water. Incredibly emotional, rip your heart out writing. There are a only handful of top notch Naruto authors out there, and sweetheart, you’re one of them.
Prescripto13 chapter 16 . 10/27/2018
Is it possible for one's heart to break and soar in a single chapter? Because mine just did.
shamefangurl chapter 16 . 10/26/2018
So good. Your plot lines are just brilliant, I actually feel like this could have been canon. Your Rin and your Kakashi are incredible. Your writing style is perfect (those 2 lines about how people always die when Rin is gone and when Kakashi is there to see it!) And honestly one of the best parts of this incredible story is the side characters. Everyone, from Mikoto, to Sandaime, to Anko, all so in character. Can't wait for the sequel!
Guest chapter 16 . 10/25/2018
I loved it! I find all of your portrayals of the characters very accurate and believable. I also really enjoy Mikoto and her caring side. Very excited for the next installment!
Bebeyeah chapter 16 . 10/25/2018
Well, that was heartbreaking. really. Looking forward to whatever comes next
Unterflieger chapter 16 . 10/25/2018
Whoa, just... wow i can’t, I actually teared up. Can’t wait for more and they just don’t get a break do they? Ugh, I still think it’s a lot Kinder for Kakashi and Rin than canon, and if Kushina wakes up, Naruto will have a mother, an uncle and an aunt right? I seriously can’t wait for more, but I already said this lol...
Bonzenz chapter 16 . 10/25/2018
Byw kakashi did unlock his magyekou when he killed rin in case you didn’t know
lovingbrothers chapter 16 . 10/25/2018
Hi hiiraeth, im a bit confused. But thanks for finishin this fic.
Who unleashed the kyuubi then if not obito? And why rin not surprised to see obito there?
Yes pls continue this to part 2...
Shadow.SSJ chapter 16 . 10/25/2018
I'm glad you found a way to keep Kushina alive, and I hipe she will be up and about quickly so she can kick some asses and keep her familly strong.

I can't wait for the next oart of this univers. I never get enough of your stories. :D
Saalejandra chapter 15 . 10/22/2018
Como linchar al pobre Fugaku, estaba siguiendo ordenes de proteger a las nuevas generaciones y a las civiles.. Es totalmente comprensible su posición
Prescripto13 chapter 15 . 10/20/2018
I can understand Rin's woory, and why Fugaku did what he did.
shamefangurl chapter 15 . 10/19/2018
Waiiiiit a second. This series is ending? What the HELL?! How could you? I look forward to every chapter omg. You can’t. You just can’t. Especially now? Rin and Kakashi’s relationship so strong? Kushina giving birth? Asuma and Kurenai and Gai getting development. The incredible descriptions of war and fear? The godlike being that is Sandaime? How could you end this series?
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