Reviews for Gothic Falls
Mareio chapter 25 . 5/2/2019
This is really good I hope you can update this soon
Matt chapter 25 . 4/10/2019
Maybe you could do the same thing to the rest of your T.D stories once everyone remembers.
Bloodyninja88 chapter 25 . 3/30/2019
Interesting bits of information here, it is nice that they where doing so much to help Pacifica after she was kicked out by her parent's, though i do feel the need to note that some of the extra notes from the main series (mainly due to the lost legends book) it was found that Pacifia did play one video game though given the name it had it was probably a violent competitive shooter so the likes of Mario Kart and Smash Bro's would probably be better for her to play.
It was also nice to find out some of the unseen way's (at least to us reader's) Gwen has helped others though out the story, and okay i can get Gideon stumbling on the amulet and maybe Bill's summoning spell, though i do question where he got the mind control spell from though since i doubt that would be common enough knowledge.

Anyways thanks for the update and sorry for not being caught up yet on the Delinquent Cooper.
Gamelover41592 chapter 25 . 3/30/2019
this was good stuff though I am surprised you didn't do it in a between the pines way
lampe.andrew1 chapter 24 . 12/30/2018
It is good to know Gwen was able to help the Pines defeat Bill. I am curious, since Duncan is going to be in a world where the people are anthropomorphic animals will he also become one or remain human?
Bloodyninja88 chapter 24 . 12/29/2018
Well that one one heck of a finally, but then again you did cover all of Weirdmageddon in one chapter, that about three episodes even when you skip Mableland,i got to say that aloft of tear's where shed by Gwen in this chapter (understandable all things considered), and i like how close she seems to of gotten to Pacifica, almost like sisters. (i am going to guess that Pacifica lives with Gwen now right?)
So Bill's rise and fall happened almost like how it did in canon, though without the interlude of Mableland and Gideon betraying him, i liked Gwen's addition to the chase scene, and her trying to help reason with her father, even if the latter didn't help much. Though she did come up with some good idea's and did add alot of emotion to these event's, especially near the end when she came up with the plant to switch Stan and Ford's cloth's, even though she knew she would loose her father because of it. (good thing she got him back)

Sorry for the wait but this came out among a number of other stories i have been reading getting update's, it was even among another story that had its grand finally.

in the hall of the mountain king?, hm i might have to listen to that song. . . i guess my theory that this was somehow Chris fault isn't going to fly now huh?
Guest chapter 24 . 12/27/2018
Great story. Also, the villain is totally Mal. I have a question. Duncan, Dawn, Sammy, and Owen are going to worlds without humans. Are they going to change species or stay human?
Gamelover41592 chapter 24 . 12/27/2018
excellent work on this chapter and I look forward to seeing where the rest of the cast ended up

ending: oh wonder who that is

reads author's notes: 0-0 oh *beep*
Bloodyninja88 chapter 23 . 12/16/2018
I forgot to add this but i was a little disappointed that there was not even a mention of Roadside Attraction, mainly because i was hoping to hear Gwen's reaction to Stan trying to coach Dipper into getting more confidence.
Bloodyninja88 chapter 23 . 12/16/2018
Well this chapter had some very big change's, Dipper and Mable's didn't have there fight and Dipper (thanks to knowing the full story) refused Fords apprenticeship, at least for now, though i am surprised that he latter made a fundamental mistake with leaving the Rift alone, still it was better then what happen's in canon.
It was nice to see Ford in a situation that makes him start to reconsider his previous stance's, and that both Gwen and Dipper refusing his offer is what kick-started it.

You know i just realized that because of the changes to the story that we will be able to skip Mablland, that was my least liked part/episode of the series, it also lead me to have some pretty big gripes with Mable, so i am very happy to be skipping that part.
Bloodyninja88 chapter 22 . 12/16/2018
As much as i was hoping to see Stanchurian Candidate i can see why you would have to skip it, though i think Dipper, Mable, and Gwen knowing the stake's of why Stan would want to become Mayor seeing how Ford is planning to kick him and Gwen out.
It also annoyed me a bit that the professional con-man of the family was bombing so much at politic's, the biggest job a con-man can get. It also felt that him winning was suddenly removed for his past crime's was a bit of a cop-out.

Also before i talk about The Last Mabelcorn i would like to give the writer's of both Gravity Fall's and the new Ducktale's kudos for there skill of taking mythological creatures and slightly changing there lore a bit to get past the Disney censor's but also using said change to enhance the story.

Anyway's on to this chapter, overall i liked it, including the short explanation as to why Bill couldn't just posses someone outside of the Mystery Shack and come in, as well as Pacifica's reactions to Gravity fall's weirdness, and it was good to see Gwen hanging out with Mable, overall good chapter.
You know reading both this chapter and Dungeon's, Dungeon's and More Dungeon's back to back has made me question what exactly Grenda is.

Also one thing i have to note is that Wendy gave Mable the money even though they didn't make the bet.
Bloodyninja88 chapter 21 . 12/16/2018
Well Bill and Gwen finally meet, i was wondering when that was going to happen in truth, i was shocked to find that you had skipped Rock opera.

Anyways i really liked this chapter, it's nice to see that Mable realized her mistake after mocking Dipper, seeing how that was what drove him to Ford in the episode, and though she didn't do much i am happy that Candy was included, it was a bit strange that she wasn't in the original episode. I also liked that Dipper told Mable and Gwen about the rift at the end of the episode, i do wonder how this will change things latter in the story.
Also the part's with Pacifica was pretty good too, i really liked how Grenda's lack of tact caused Gwen to have to diffuse the situation.
(I wonder if Candy would of joined in the game if given the chance, she dose feel like the type of character who would enjoy D,D and D, i also noticed that you took Soos out, probably a good thing)

Overall i am really happy that you did this chapter, it has one of my favorite villain's from the show Probabilitor the annoying (among my top 5 minor villain's), he was both a danger and a nice source of comady though i still wonder why him losing at Dungeons, Dungeon's, and More Dungeon's had turned him back int pure math.
I just guess the writer's wanted to finish the episode and couldn't figure a way for the hero's to take him down in time.
Bloodyninja88 chapter 20 . 12/16/2018
Well this was a surprise, it's good to see Pacifica again, and in truth i can believe that her parent's would throw her out after the event's of Northwest Mansion Mystery, heck i think there are a few other fan-fic's that have talked about that subject, nice to see that she has adjusted to her new life style, and again yeah i can believe that they would deny her the wonder food that is Pizza.
(speaking of which i wonder if Soos still has his infinite slice in this story)

Anyway's it was nice to see another original chapter, though it was another Wham episode it still was much lighter then the last one, good job overall.
Bloodyninja88 chapter 19 . 12/16/2018
Well this was a heavily changed two episode's, for the better in my opinion, in i really didn't like how Dipper was acting back near the end of Not What he Seem's, mainly how he acted when he found that Stan had journal 1 and 2 despite the fact that he had hid having Journal 3 for about half the summer.

I also liked how Gwen too care of the two agent's off-screen (they where pretty big let down's as villain's anyway's) and how Stan was actually able to tell the kid's his secret, partly thanks to Gwen talking to him about it, it also make's sense that Ford would get angry at Gwen for taking Stan's side.

I do like how Gwen and the Twin's now know the real stake's that's going on in these last few chapter's before Weirdmagedion, it will help them be more sympathetic when Stan tries to become Mayor in a attempt to get a home, and make a life away from his brother.
Bloodyninja88 chapter 18 . 12/16/2018
Sorry for the wait on this one

Well this was a great chapter to read, the original episode was one of the best in the series and even had one of my favorite villain's again, its too bad that they didn't show much of Pacifica after this episode (at least not until Weirdmagedion).
But enough about the episode itself time to talk about the chapter, and i got to say that i really liked Gwen here, it was nice seeing her use a bit of magic to try to hold off the Lumberjack Ghost and i liked how she avoided getting turned to wood. I will admit that i was a little disappointed of her not noticing the sign's of abuse from Pacifica's parent's, but given Gwen's anger and given her history of dealing with rich girl's it is not surprising in all truth.
(Didn't make it feel any less awkward then the episode did when confronting Pacifica's parent's)

I also like how Gwen seem's of bonded with Dipper, kind of reminds you of how in the original series it was noted that Gwen was noted to of got along pretty well with her own little brother.
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