Reviews for Determining Fate
Zhaky chapter 9 . 10h
I'm in awe. There's no chapter that didn't leave my heart without feeling empty. You have made me feel warm, sad, and happy. Every chapter almost always lead me to tears. I just want you to know that you are a great author. Thank you for your wonderful story. I love it.
Svenion chapter 9 . 15h
why doesn't the idiot simply go to the hokage about Danzo?
Roman1987 chapter 9 . 7/22
I realised Ito is falling to the same path as Sasuke did in canon...that's concerning
eleydan chapter 9 . 7/22
I cried ... Really cried, like a baby. I quickly became attached to Fû so to see him leave because of danzo, I was upset and saddened.
I really feel sorry for all those close to Fu. I hope Ito will succeed in saving Fû and be able to save other children like Torune if I remember correctly.
It would be nice to see him go warn, with subtleties of course, different Konoha clan about danzo. I can not wait to see what Ito has planned to destroy the image of danzo in Konoha, passing him off as a pedophile rapist should be a good idea after all they are mostly children in roots, It would be drastic, the civilian population will quickly lose confidence in him and the paranoid ninja as they are must all already suspect that he is shady.
But no matter what you're planning to write I'm sure I will love it.
Chimera Hex chapter 2 . 7/22
Not sure about the linear plot as of yet, but the ‘feels’ is definitely your most inspiring quality. Don’t ever lose touch with that, and I’m sure this story will be a heartthrob and a half.
Samthman chapter 9 . 7/22
Nice chapter keep up the good also can Ito kill Danzo in such a manner that anyone who looks at Danzo’s corpse will throw up
Yabas chapter 1 . 7/21
I agree with BlueMapple, Danzo really doesn't have the authority to do what he just did at this moment of time. It makes the whole scene feel forced.
Ito' s response was a fun read though.
BlueMapple chapter 9 . 7/21
There is a plot hole in this chapter.

If I remember correctly, in the canon, Root was dissolved after the destruction of the Uchiha clan because the Hokage had finally realised that Danzo had gone too far by overstepping his authority. So technically, in your story's timeline, Root still exists legally, and probably for a long time to come if tragedy never happens. All of this is still true.

HOWEVER Danzo is NOT authorized to recruit by force. In the canon, he got Torune because he threatened to take away Shino in his place and Torune had no choice but to submit and leave with him IMMEDIATELY. Danzo never gave him the opportunity to return to the Aburame clan and denounce him to Shibi. It would have been a major mistake since he knows full well that he has no right to "kidnap" or "force" people to join him. From the moment he threatened Fuu and gave him the occasion to take Ito home, Inoichi should have seized the opportunity by denouncing his criminal recruiting techniques AND the kidnapping of his son to the Hokage, with Shoza and Shikaku at his sides. The three clans together are politicaly powerful after all.

It could have been an alternate scenario to force Hiruzen to take a closer look at this organization and possibly even order Danzo to officially disband Root, or even literally arrest him for crossing the line. Clans might even ask for his blood.
Flygar chapter 9 . 7/21
Little Yamanaka monsters up and ready for battle
luna.3.sith chapter 8 . 7/19
I rarely see authors using genjutsu as the main ability of their oc, so I really do appreciate and enjoy that you’ve chosen genjutsu as Ito’s main weapon as a shinobi. So far the story has been very well written, I love Ito, and I enjoy how you made the changes possible even with such minor influence from Ito. Really shows how much can change from just a small action. I’m really looking forward to seeing how Ito will further interact with Danzo, who he’ll save and who he might fail, and how interesting his genjutsu abilities will get. Lots of love 3
Ramos Ravenclaw chapter 8 . 7/19
No! A Clifhangger! How could you be so cruel! I need more of this amazing story. Keep up the good work

Also I wonder when Ito is gonna reveal his Genjutsu skills. And what team will he be on? If you keep the same teams, he’d be the odd man out even if he graduated early. And Danzo!? My dude, they are gonna get kidnapped! Leave child bodies behind henge-sealed to look like them, and Danzo can take em right up.

I almost want to ask you to rush for the next chapter but I like the quality so don’t sacrifice it. Can’t wait to see morep
Resist chapter 3 . 7/13
Dude not cool if it’s slash title it as such I just wasted a lot of time it’s just not my cup of tea
reader41532 chapter 3 . 7/14
put the slash tag in your description please.
It was a uge deception to realize the mc was gay
eleydan chapter 8 . 7/13
I love this chapter! It's so great everything is perfect, I want to cuddle all of the characters!
And OH MY GOD danzo is here ! Call the police.
I hope he's not thinking of kidnapping Fû, Ino or Ito.
I wouldn't be surprised if Ito become sick with the disgusting Chakra oozing of danzo... YUCK
JinxedEclipse chapter 8 . 7/12
Oh no oh no oh no
You've reduced my brain to a jumble of worried nerve fries.
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