Reviews for Your Protector
jettmanas chapter 1 . 3/21
Solid start w/Sofia coming over and Cedric's misgivings. Nice writing of her & the story, then info on the episode & events that happened. Good point about the later trauma. Also the Wormwood thoughts. Fun ending. Well done.
Mr. Shortman92 chapter 1 . 4/15/2019
You know, Sofia coming to Cedric in the middle of the night because of a nightmare, may not be very original, but, if done right, it never gets old. And you, my friend, have done it right! In fact, this may be one of my favorite 'nightmare' stories. It had a lot of the elements I look for in this type of story. Sofia acting kinda nervous, at first, about telling Cedric why she was awake still. Cedric and Sofia reading stories to each other, and comforting each other in general. And, of course, them falling asleep together, which I'm always a fan of. I also really liked Sofia's last words before falling asleep. Now, if they had fallen asleep in Cedric's bed, and/or said 'I love you,' that would have sealed it for me. Of course, I understand that Sofia falling asleep in Cedric's bed might have caused some problems the following day, especially if King Roland found out. Heck, I'm sure there were probably questions when someone found them in the library. Haha.
LuzAlvz chapter 1 . 11/9/2018
Very nice story
MarionetteJ2X chapter 1 . 6/16/2018
hngggggg this is too much fluff i kenaaatttttt *dies*
AquaTurquoise chapter 1 . 6/12/2018
AHHH! This is SO sweet! :) I'm glad I finally decided to READ something for a change. I LOVE Cedric and Sofia friendship stories, which you know, and this just filled my heart with fluffy goodness. You, my dear, are a great writer. ;) Thanks for all your recent reviews (you made me laugh one one of those, ;D), and thanks for making this sweet little piece of fluff. :) The whole Protector scenario goes both ways, and I'm glad you portrayed that. Excellent work!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/11/2018
Aw... This was so cute!
bridgeportfox chapter 1 . 6/11/2018
Wow. You have no reason to apologize for that lovely story. Yes, the idea has been used before but you did a beautiful job with it. I especially liked the subtle way you showed how they cared for each other without them openly stating it. I'm also glad that poor Cedric finally got some much needed sleep.
allyrwhitney chapter 1 . 6/11/2018
This was so sweet! I love it!
Royal Detective chapter 1 . 6/11/2018
This was full of sugar and sweetness. Very cute.