Reviews for The Ball and Chain
Guest chapter 11 . 9/23/2017
Nooooo I didn't want it to end. That was such a good story. Loved it!
MadamScorpio chapter 11 . 4/23/2015
i hope u didnt give up and hope that Tashio get his grandchildren before he dies lol...
jen chapter 1 . 7/18/2014
this is really interesting so please continue writing D its been a ride and i wish to know how it would end.. this is definitely going to be in my favs list
jen chapter 11 . 7/18/2014
you should finish it really.. it is interesting and i cant figure how the events might turn out for them.. update please
Josie chapter 11 . 12/9/2012
Update again!
Natalie chapter 5 . 2/19/2012
I know you already wrote it but, I want to save Sango. Rambler should write the next chapter and make it PG-13 so I, an 11 year old, can read it.
Natalie chapter 1 . 2/17/2012
This had better not turn Inu/Kik on me. I can be quite pleasant when I'm happy and rested. You might see a lot more of me. Ciao, for now.
FlowingSilverDreams chapter 11 . 9/4/2011
This is an addicting story. I hope you continue it.
nanamisakurachan chapter 11 . 8/9/2011
First inuyash fic I've ever read because the summary was interesting. Turns out the story is nice as well :) do update soon.
silver neko girl chapter 5 . 10/22/2010
"I cannot tolerate any more cuteness occuring."

Lol. (Sesshoumarou said cute :D)
Lara chapter 11 . 7/27/2010
This story is wonderful. It's a pity she stopped being so. Hope you do not give up and get on with it.

TwilightVixen.29 chapter 11 . 7/21/2010

i'd give you a better review, but your one of those authors who leave their readers hanging, by discontinuing the story. You should of just deleted this fanfic all together if you were not going to come through with it.
Nyx's Echo chapter 11 . 3/19/2010
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE finish this story, or at least update because its soo amazing!
Kiroku Ookami chapter 9 . 6/8/2009
The Masterpiece Theater side story end here makes me think of...Frankenstein...weirdly enough.

Kiroku Ookami chapter 8 . 6/8/2009
“But I still won’t have pups. I can't.”

“ Of course you can. You just insert Tab A into Slot B, and repeat. It is really quite simple."


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