Reviews for Lies
PurryCat chapter 5 . 5/28
Argh! That broke my heart!
PurryCat chapter 4 . 5/28
That was so painful. Lovely chapter though.
PurryCat chapter 3 . 5/27
Shall I quote Avril Lavigne? Why do you have to go and makes things so complicated? Things are never complicated, people make them complicated. I love the breadcrumb trail you've left in this chapter and in this story throughout.
PurryCat chapter 2 . 5/27
I loved the detail about Harvey hating the thai place because if a screwed up order! That's brilliant. As is the rest. Thanks so much for this.
PurryCat chapter 1 . 5/27
That's a very promising first chapter, can't wait to read the other ones.
Sunshine810 chapter 6 . 11/27/2019
Just finished this story and it really is my favorite Darvey story! You write them how they are and I can see all this happening its amazing! You are very talented! Well done!
Jbiemann chapter 6 . 10/31/2019
OMG I love this story! This was amazing! ️️️️
catskeye chapter 6 . 10/29/2019
only found this today and loved every second of it... thanks
Lori Rice chapter 6 . 10/7/2019
Hope you're continuing this. Great story!
tamitaylored chapter 6 . 7/27/2019
OH MAN. i truly did not think that darvey pining in a fic could get me like this in a world where darvey are canon AND endgame but BOY OH BOY it did. i loved this chapter so freaking much. the way you write donna and rachel is *CHEF'S KISS* it's exactly how i picture their friendship and their conversations, how i always wanted them to be on the show. i love how you use repetition with harvey and donna's individual thoughts. "i did. i do...i do too" reminded me if "i burned so long so quiet you must have wondered if i loved you back. i did, i did, i do." truly the most darvey of quotes. the angst, GOD the angst was fantastic, all culminating in that moment in zane's office. total perfection. truly one of my favorites from you, i'm so glad i decided to catch up. thank you for writing!

tamitaylored chapter 5 . 7/27/2019
god i LOVED THIS. i'm trying to make my way through the fics i missed when i thought i was done with suits (LOL). i remember starting this one and loving it, but then of course couldn't keep up with it. chapter four's bit with the can opener and donna with harvey's tie, and especially the whole scene between donna and lily was my FAVE. but god with this chapter, the little detail of donna's clothes as armor was perfect. donna and rachel (and mike's) phonecall really got me though. "you don't know how to allow yourself to be happy" ! everything to me because it's correct. i loved harvey and lily, and god loved harvey giving donna her keys back (hoping to see this little detail in the later eps of s9). man oh man do i love darvey pining (also in a way it's even more fun to enjoy knowing they're actually canon now). this fic really is the season eight we deserved!

Guest chapter 6 . 5/29/2019
Wow !
luciezg chapter 6 . 5/28/2019
This chapter was just wow. Just finished reading the story in one breath, it is 1:12 AM on a working day and I want more. Amazing writing, looking forward to read the rest of your stories!
Carolina chapter 6 . 5/7/2019
dcnnapaulsen chapter 6 . 11/22/2018
Oh my god. This fanfic gave me so many emotions but the most important one is happiness. This was a beautiful piece of writing and I think I cannot stop smiling.
This last chapter left me without words and shook, to the point that at some times I had to stop reading so I could fully take in everything.
Thank you so much for writing this for all of us, you describe Harvey and Donna perfectly and I wish this would happen in the show.
Also, having sex in Zane's office? OH GOD I laughed so much but also found it quite recomforting that they've done it in a place that they both shared so many emotions and unsaid words.
Last but not least, when she is wearing his shirt and she says "Like a dream come true" and he answer with a "You have no idea" Didn't think a line would almost killed me but it certainly did. His dream really came true and god.. I can't.
Wish I could write as well as you do and give you a proper review, but the least I could say is: never stop writing, we are so very thankful to have you and give us some pieces of you.
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