Reviews for Only You
StarWarsFan1011 chapter 4 . 7/18/2019
I really love the story "Only You" and have read it several times in the past year. Is there any way you would come back and continue the story?
hellokotu chapter 5 . 7/26/2018
Just caught up with the story, it's lovely!
8goose8 chapter 5 . 7/22/2018
AHH please update again soon!
Andaes chapter 5 . 7/22/2018
can't wait for the next update!
Emilie9263 chapter 5 . 7/21/2018
That was so sweet :3
Jenks1970 chapter 5 . 7/21/2018
finally-the pay off! Great chapter. I love the slow build up. Can't wait to see where this goes.
lexmckkni chapter 4 . 7/19/2018
Just stumbled upon this beautiful fic of yours and I’m in love. I screamed in the FULL theater when Rey didn’t take Ben’s hand! Also I love your descriptions of rooms and other details like clothing. Rey is giving me second hand embarrassment while she LOUDLY thinks about Ben...but I love it. I like Rhoda too. I can’t wait for more! Love love love love
Sisterspy chapter 4 . 7/14/2018
Awesome story!
Stephie0020 chapter 4 . 7/14/2018
Love this story. I appreciate the fact it really started two years after TLJ. I find it interesting to see them start off accepting the bond they share and to stop fighting it. It's a refreshing take of the relationship. Your a great authorr! Can't wait to read more. (more smut lol) ;)
Guest chapter 3 . 7/8/2018
Really like your story. Please keep writing more!
eclipsereader chapter 3 . 7/7/2018
FINALLY! I have been looking for a well written story that shows Rey accepting Kylo as Supreme Leader. I really like that you show them living in opulence because a lot of other stories lack that. I also like the Sith people concept. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Emilie9263 chapter 3 . 7/7/2018
That was incredible. Now Rey definitely has to get a porg, if only to annoy Ben :D! Otherwise, this chapter was just as great as the other and I can't wait to read more.
Emilie9263 chapter 3 . 7/7/2018
That was so great. Rey must definitely get a porg now :DD! I can't wait to see Ben's reaction. Otherwise, the story is as incredible as usual and I don't get why you"re not drowning in fans' reviews.
Guest chapter 3 . 7/7/2018
Very very good story! I’m so happy the way you have them progressing and the way you have made their bond make sense! Hope you update soon!
hellokotu chapter 2 . 7/1/2018
The story is getting amazing! Waiting for the next chapters :)
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