Reviews for You're My Soul Mate
cherriesandgin chapter 9 . 9/12
This chapter made me cry
SeptemberGirl 7 chapter 12 . 7/21
Wowza...8 CHILDREN!
Such a sweet story...everyone should always be this happy and cooperative!
Thanks so much for sharing such a feel good story!
SeptemberGirl 7 chapter 10 . 7/21
Another heartbreaking chapter...beautifully written.
Max needs counseling...being a teenager and all he’s gone through...adding drugs into the mix...he’s fortunate to have great parents.
SeptemberGirl 7 chapter 8 . 7/20
SeptemberGirl 7 chapter 7 . 7/20 can you have pregnant Bella in an automobile accident!
SeptemberGirl 7 chapter 6 . 7/20
“Do I have to wear a seatbelt?” Hahahaha!
That whole exchange was just too cute.
Love this Edward and Bella ...the best!
SeptemberGirl 7 chapter 5 . 7/20
I’ve lost count how many kids they have...but they are the sweetest family.
SeptemberGirl 7 chapter 1 . 7/20
Just finished “You’re My Best Friend”...which I I’m embarking on this!

LOVE the first chapter...10 years have gone by and it’s great to see how their love is stronger than the family grew in numbers and have they’ve all grown up.
Excited to read this... thank you!
That'sMzPeachesTYVM chapter 4 . 7/15
Ugh! Family colds...LOL
That'sMzPeachesTYVM chapter 3 . 7/15
Oh, so Seth won’t be the issue! ROTFL
That'sMzPeachesTYVM chapter 2 . 7/15
Is this secretary going to be a problem?
Another baby? Edward will flip! LMAO
That'sMzPeachesTYVM chapter 1 . 7/15
I hope Low doesn’t fall for some boys’ line and
wind up pregnant like her mama did...Edward
will have an aneurysm! LOL
rebecca's mom chapter 13 . 7/14
I will miss this amazing family so much! Thank you for a beautiful sequel. XO
JojoJinx chapter 12 . 5/30
When Max wanted to know if he could talk to the therepist about anything... it makes me think there is something upsetting him that he doesn't want to bring up with his mum and dad. I reckon it is Tanya.
JojoJinx chapter 3 . 5/30
First of all I think you should know I love Love Love this series of stories. Your writing is fun, easily accesible and yet coletely absorbing making you feel you know the family. I love them. Please please could you help me though with a few questions I have. Firstly How did Bella become friends with Rose.
Secondly could you please explain a bit mmore about Bella's parents. It was a lovely anecdote you gave about her father and the little pig... he sounded so loving and yet they disowned her. i don't understand it and it makes me sad knowing neither Bella or Edward have Parentals/ grandparents for their children. I keep wondering if they will meet an old couple with the sur name of cullen who take the family under their wing...or more likely Bella adopts them. Edward and Bella together are brilliant. I love their relationship and the humour and love.
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