Reviews for Fireworks
Fueled By Nightmares chapter 1 . 6/23/2018
Amazing fic, this is. Seeing a MOTHER fic that isn't just shipping between the main characters and Claus is always refreshing, not to bash the fans of those or anything it's just that nearly every MOTHER fic is one of those.

Haha take that, bastard, that's what you get for what you did to Giegue! And uh, Hinawa and Claus and everyone else but mostly Giegue!

Your username is familiar, were you the one who wrote that MOTHER 3*UnderTale fic about Lucas, Boney, Kumatora and Duster falling into the underground and meeting Gaster?
JustStopReading chapter 1 . 6/21/2018
Aw, fuck. When I beat Porky and he put himself in that ball and I was hauling my ragtag team to their final destination, I couldn't help but think about the hell I just put that young old boy into. He's stuck in that safety capsule. Forever. Alone. Forever.
A week after I beat Mother 3, I started having nightmares about being in a ball, all by myself, forever. I'm kinda *Claus*trophobic, so this is basically my worst fear.
I kinda feel sorry for that asshole.