Reviews for Island of Fairies
joshdougherty0605 chapter 10 . 6/30
just read through this for what has to have been at least the 10th time, i got to say I'm hooked, I think that your interaction between the racial transition as well as the interweaving of the lore is enthralling, the way these thinks alter thought patterns seemed both realistic and well done, I'm looking forward to reading more if you ever do decide to develop this further. Thank you thus far for the wonderful world you've brought about.
dimortum chapter 10 . 6/25
It was worth every chapter read !
Yumi Edogawa chapter 10 . 6/14
This story is awesome! I love the hilarity from the various misunderstandings between Kirito and Shiroe. I'm also looking forward to seeing how Asuna and the others cope with everything while he's gone.
Fair warning, I've never actually seen Log Horizon, so I have no idea what the plot is other than people get trapped in a game.
Yumi Edogawa chapter 6 . 6/14
All three of the SAO stories sound interesting, two of which you've already started. I'm a bit curious how the plot will be different for Vigilante Offline if you choose to continue it.
Morte Cacciatore chapter 10 . 6/3
can't wait for the next chapter! please update soon!
Dasgun chapter 10 . 5/25
Morte Cacciatore chapter 10 . 5/8
OMG! I am already LOVING this story so far! Can't wait to read more of this! Please Update Soon!
DarkChocolte chapter 10 . 4/24
Blank chapter 10 . 4/20
Post the tilte here! I just want to read amazing fics and fanfics
marhaenaldi123 chapter 10 . 4/19
i will follow you for now,update atlease 1 chapter/mont if you want in my favorite list
Supersonicfan1107 chapter 10 . 4/13
is it just me or did Kirito seem to recognize the map for just a second? hmmmm
Guest chapter 10 . 4/9
Oh wow, a webtoon? I just recently caught up on this story. If you do decide to link the webtoon in the next chapter I would definitely take a look. Stay safe!
joshdougherty0605 chapter 10 . 4/10
love the continuation, id be glad to see what you've got for your webtoon
Linkone1 chapter 10 . 4/9
YES! I HAVE BEEN WAITING T OK GET BACK TO THIS! I have been busy for a few weeks and have not gotten to read this recently and I am so happy that it has been updated. Keep up the amazing work!
Crossgomer chapter 10 . 4/9
Great Chapter! I would like to see the webtoon.
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