Reviews for Confident in Romance
q chapter 4 . 9/21
-chapter 4: Pride-

I have never been in Pride. And I doubt I never will. Because it’s so crowded that when I watch it from TV I feel horribly uncomfortable. That’s why I never go out having fun (is it Pride or not). Because going out and having fun isn’t fun at all. I want to stay home and watch a movie or read a book – or Hetalia fanfiction. So I totally understood Antonio’s side in this chapter. It always feel bad to say to the other(s) that “I don’t want to go at all” or “I want to go home now” when everybody else are so excited or having the best time of their live. (Even more so if it’s Pride. Because it easily looks like having something against GLBTIQ community.) Shortly: this chapter came nearest my own life.

I’m sure I have said this before, but I agree with you: confident Romano beats insecure Romano every time!

All in all I have liked this collection greatly to my own surprise and despite I’m not a huge Spamano fan. On the other hand I’m open-minded shipper… Still I think this proves that when the story (or stories) is good it is easy to like it whatever the preferences reader have.

Good job and thank you for sharing this!
q chapter 5 . 9/21
After reading your fic "Fated" I remembered this fic and that I still have some chapters left to read.

I liked Isabel in “Fated” and I like her more in this. She is pretty much the same I imagine her.

I was actually kind of tired of romantic things when I started this – it happens sometimes when I have read too much romance stories: I just can’t read any more about kisses on the cheek, nose nuzzles or burying face into the crook of someone’s neck. Seriously, it should be nice things to read, and it usually it is, but there are times I just want to cocoon away from everything like that – but something in this fic managed to win me over. Probably Isabel. And not just that; I think it gave me a little more energy. (My cocoon state is postponed.)

It’s pity you haven’t mention nyotalia in your summary. Even though it covers only one chapter, it is a good chapter and I wish more readers could find it.
q chapter 7 . 9/4
This was deep and serious. I had to bite my bottom lip hard to prevent myself crying.

I wonder: is this your only Hetalia fic that sets in actual Hetalia universe? I tried remembering and I think that so far all your other stories that I have read from you sets in different kind of AUs. Great AUs, very original and imaginative, really! I just… I don’t know. In my mind I see these great Hetalia universe stories you could have told if you would have chosen that path… But I understand. I’m sure that as a writer it is much more fun, challenge and inspiring to create (his, hers, theirs - is this a place for pronoun? I’m sorry my English is so bad!) own AUs. To me Hetalia and its history aspect is a never-ending struggle while writing – should there be historical context involved and if yes to which level, and aarg, what if I mess everything and the outcome is one big historically inaccurate waste of time… In that sense all the different AUs must be really relaxing things to have.

I think you summarized Spain’s and Romano’s relationship very accurate with this:
“He (Spain) doesn’t have the mental capacity to dance his and Romano’s complicated steps of ‘are we flirting or are we actually dating or is it really just all in my head?’”

I mentioned in my review for chapter 1 that I wonder why Lovino is so foul-mouthed. In Spamano case it has a counterpart and that is: why Spain is always so okay with it? All Spain ever hears from Romano is insult, insult, insult and he is always like “aww, Roma, you are so cute!” It confuses and bothers me, because seriously, if someone hears insults every single day, it has an effect. It destroys little pieces inside you.

I’m probably overthinking. It’s Hetalia. It’s not that serious. It’s because Romano is tsundere and cute. And because Spain is idiot with a big heart.

It IS a fun dynamic and in odd way it works for them.

…Still I liked that sentence you wrote very much. Because there must be days when Spain is tired of Romano’s actions (as intentional or unintentional as they are). It doesn’t mean he loves him less. Um, what I’m trying to say is I like that you showed this complex side of their whatever-ship-they-might-have-right-now –ship.

Also, and once again, this was a good story. Thank you.
q chapter 6 . 9/3
-chapter 6: A Sprinkler of Disaster -

Maybe the best Spamano story I have read.

Yes, yes it is, without a doubt.
q chapter 3 . 9/2
(I came here from your “It Is Not a No” fic – which, by the way, can’t be found if you write its name to that search (engine? option?) this site has. For some unknown, stupid reason.)

I planned to read this and your other Spamano stories one after another, but get distracted. I thought now was good time to come back. I read the first three chapter and decide to bundle the reviews together.


-chapter 3: The Spanish Speedo-

Three words: embarrassed and laughing.

Through the whole chapter.

This was not really NSFW, but still I’m glad no-one knew what I was reading. My gosh, how hilarious and goodly embarrassing chapter, indeed!

Still I liked the part Feliciano and Lovino as brothers the best (family and friendship are the genres I prefer and there are too little fics where Lovino and Feliciano get along.) And I share Lovino’s panic over dates. Dates are horribly scary.


-chapter 1: Quiet Nights-

Antonio doesn’t have a melodic fibre in his being ? ! ?

I have always imagined he is as musical as all the three Italies ( and Austria), maybe in a different music genre, but still. Then again, this is AU, so it’s fine. And I like musical Lovino very much, so it balances things.

It was nice that for once Antonio could say something nice to Lovino without Lovino having his fits. Sometimes I wonder why Lovino is so foul-mouthed: is it his nature, insecurity or does he have a Tourette syndrome or something that he just can’t help it. (If someone with Tourette syndrome read this comment, please don’t be offended. I didn’t mean to be rude.)


-chapter 2: Tabletop Romance-

I guessed correct! I don’t know if I should write more in case I spoil something from other readers, but this was imaginative and very well pulled. (Lovino’s “…He – what?” comment at the bonus was great.) I have to write down this fic’s and chapter’s name so when I reminisce this later I can find this easily again.
LOVEISLOVIANDTONI chapter 5 . 7/13/2018
My favorite is cooking. I loved it! It's so cute.
Guest chapter 7 . 7/4/2018
noooo that's it?
Nekm573 chapter 7 . 7/1/2018
I loved it! That's all there is to say about it, this fic was simply fantastic!
My favourite... Hmm... I gotta say, I loved the fantasy one the most! I found it amazing.
(My second favorite was the proposal one, if you wanted to know. XD)
Thanks for the fic!
Shadow Cat17 chapter 7 . 6/30/2018
These were so awesome! I really enjoyed them all but I think Pride was my favorite.
Letsnottalkaboutitaye chapter 1 . 6/28/2018
"Yet, it's Antonio who has not a melodic fibre in his being. Yes, he likes music, but he cannot create it."

Okay, letmetellyousomethingaboutspanishmusic

Awe, this is so cute