Reviews for Memories of the North
Rpbautis chapter 21 . 12/4/2018
If possible I'd like to read a sequel to find out what the beast will do.
FL1G chapter 21 . 12/4/2018
The feels man its too good
FL1G chapter 21 . 12/2/2018
Oh god dude you should go for a sequel this is too good man, the story is like a whole amusement park not a roller coaster. Stay strong dude
Killroy122496 chapter 20 . 11/29/2018
I would go with sequel this by far as been a very enjoyable ride thus will kindly enjoy a sequel
Guest chapter 20 . 11/29/2018
I would say a sequel only if you are willing to do so, other than that this story was really great and one of my favorite OC stories in my list.
amerdism chapter 19 . 11/22/2018
So they’re the same but separated, kinda like in tv shows where two halves of a person a separated, usually things like a persons emotions of anger and happiness being separated into two bodies. It’s something along those lines with the two tirpitz, cause ultimately they are both two halves of the whole tirpitz. So if we’ve been dealing with the beast all this time, it’ll be interesting to see what the true tirpitz is like and not simply one half or the other of her.
FL1G chapter 15 . 11/12/2018
Pale? Sounds preety abyssal to me xD, But dude nice Extra right there.
Dianherdianto chapter 17 . 11/8/2018
The admiral will tell the truth right? Good chapter.
FL1G chapter 16 . 10/28/2018
Oh dear i feel like an Abyssal Tirpitz will soon rise above the surface of the Nordic seas
amerdism chapter 16 . 10/28/2018
I don’t gett why people threaten ship girls with guns, their ships, if they can take hits from battleship shells then A bullet wouldn’t scratch them
Lt.38 chapter 15 . 10/27/2018
This story was awsome from beggining till the end, but when I read the last chapters I thought: Why they cant just hug and be happy together again? The last few were really sad. I was kinda surprised that Doenitz is a battleship, since in real life he was the commander of submarine wolfpacks. The thing that she is a H44 battleship was a nice thing though. Anyway hope that there will be the promised 16th chapter.
amerdism chapter 13 . 9/30/2018
The last line of this chapter seems to be missing a few words.
amerdism chapter 12 . 9/22/2018
You know, thinking back, didn’t Bismarck sink Tirpitz originally when she became an abyssal, I’m surprised there wasn’t a bigger reaction to that information cause I don’t remember it being mentioned much? Maybe it’s just me forgetting but if not then I’m surprised that detail didn’t generate a massive reaction from Bismarck, she unknowingly killed her own sister after all.
amerdism chapter 11 . 9/16/2018
.? What? That’s confusing, tirpitz went toe to toe with ark in a fight already, yes she lost but she still matched her pretty well, so I do t get how Bismarck, Montana and gangue suddenly can’t beat ark when tirpitz wasn’t far off.
iron maker2 chapter 11 . 9/16/2018
First of all, if what is said is true and you mean the modern kancolle time (Not the time during the HORRIBLE HORRIBLE NAZI), in which case FUCK HIM! These girls are trying so hard to free themselve of the taint of there countries actions in ww2 and that turd sold them out. even ships who fought opposing sides put aside there animosity to fight against the bigger threat.

Btw i kinda hope you add Nelson (Who's obviously a Gurren Lagann fan).
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