Reviews for Just a Touch
Guest chapter 15 . 2/21
I love this! I really really really love this! Hope you could continue writing thi series. Pretty please...
Zophia93 chapter 15 . 2/17
pls update soon, I really want to see where this goes...
Guest chapter 15 . 2/12
Love your story it's amazing and I dont mean to seem whiny but could you pleeeeeease continue this.
Thank you.
Guest chapter 15 . 10/22/2019
I hope snowbarry stsrt hanging out outside of their sessions. Also I’m so interested in what star institute is doing. Should we be worried for Caitlin? Which Wells is behind it? I’m so invested now
Guest chapter 15 . 7/27/2019
Continue please
ShanouNash chapter 15 . 6/2/2019
I just read your last update! That was short but I feel like it was a great way to get back to this story! Moreover, this chapter is mainly about Barry and Caitlin thinking about what happened in the last session. It’s a good way to remember everything and to move forward!

I really love that we had both Barry’s and Caitlin’s point of view in this chapter! I really want more of Caitlin’s point of view because you know, they’re so different. They don’t think the same way and yet we can see the connection. This chapter really shows that! We can see that strong feelings, such as love, are starting to show but I’m so afraid that Barry’s clumsiness and Caitlin’s guarded character will ruin their connection for awhile... I can see angst coming and I’m so not ready! Just the way Caitlin thinks about Barry wanting to go back to Iris, or the way she doesn’t want to admit she’s starting to have feelings for him and the Star Institute rumors. I think all of these may ruin everything for awhile... I hope it won’t be for long if it happens. I can’t wait to know!

I have one more thing to say : I really really want Caitlin to keep Barry’s shirt! Please please please! The way she thinks and feels about it in this chapter is way too cute! You gave me strong Snowbarry feels there!

So thank you for this! I hope you will update soon but then again, life and health come first! So take care of yourself first! I hope you feel better! See you!
ShanouNash chapter 14 . 6/2/2019
Hi! Now that I have more time for myself and that I feel better, I can review this story without rushing!

So about this chapter, it was definitely hot! But as always, I love what is making this story around the sex. Like at the beginning of this chapter with Caitlin talking so methodically and scientifically. That’s just so her! And Barry always trying to make a joke to clear the tension. I love the bonding between Snowbarry in this story! Caitlin is still kinda cold (no pun intended) but Barry see through it and do so much to make her smile. We can see that it actually works! Barry is so caring, he catches on every little things about Cait like when she bits her lips and he reassures her telling she doesn’t have to do more if she doesn’t want to, or when he sees something is off when he talks about Star Institute but he doesn’t know what. I really love how you write and how you put this little things we can catch on!

Then about the end... First thing, Barry giving his shirt to Caitlin! I love it so much! Like I said he’s so caring! I kinda hope Caitlin will keep the shirt ;) and how he asks her to be careful! That’s so cute! Then again, we can see that Caitlin is confused about what Barry says. I think it’s gonna bother her for awhile and I wonder if she’s going to investigate on her own at Star Institute to see if that’s true. I can see it going that way. But I also can see Barry’s disappointed reaction when he’ll learn that Caitlin works there and she never told him, especially in this talk. Well, we’ll see!

I have still your recent update to read! Thank you for this story! I missed reading it! I’m so sorry for not reviewing sooner! I hope you feel better! See you!
Guest chapter 15 . 5/31/2019
You're a back, uhuuuu
I really liked to know the effects they're last encounter had on then.
I'm just curious about one thing, I really thought Cait would be back to work after the sessions, and Cisco would see her not wearing her shirt, so Why Cisco didn't saw that? It should have been funny.
Cait is friends with Liza Snart? Nothing against just trying to understand. (Wondering) Cait really needs some girls friends, she needs to meet Kara for example.
shyesplease chapter 15 . 6/1/2019
So happy to see that you updated this story too! I just love how they are basically so smitten with each other (even though Caitlin is trying to deny it). Gahhh, these two! Can't wait until you update next! :)
Brisingrblade09 chapter 15 . 6/1/2019
Pretty good chapter. looking forward to the next one
PurpleYin chapter 11 . 5/20/2019
Lovely to see Barry so happy and a little bit of him at work. Also really like him interacting with Joe, but definitely feel like Joe has a good idea of things Barry probably doesn't realise himself about how he's been lately after getting to know Caitlin.

i"I think it might be possible that being late is my super power and the speed is just there to cover it up"/i :D
PurpleYin chapter 9 . 5/20/2019
"I feel good." / "I meant, how does your control feel?" made me lol. Kinda losing focus there clearly. XD

Glad they do manage to work on their powers and control at least this time. Certainly very interesting angles on Barry not having used his powers to add to things for fear of them before and her being coaxed into feeling everything with him.
shorty1773 chapter 14 . 2/11/2019
I am loving this story! Can't wait for another update. On edge about if Iris is correct about what might be happening at the institute. Thanks for writing!
Guest chapter 14 . 1/6/2019
Please update soon. Love to see what'll
happen next
Brisingrblade09 chapter 14 . 12/28/2018
Really enjoying the story. looking forward to the next chapter
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