Reviews for The World's Strongest
Mikuqueen chapter 1 . 8/19/2019
Hi, I got a request a while ago to check this fanfic out, but I haven't watched MHA yet so It may take me a while. Sorry...
Mel Writer chapter 4 . 8/4/2019
This is a really good start! But, have you considered finding a Beta? There were a few grammatical errors, some awkward and/or incomplete sentences, and some punctuation errors too; all things a good Beta can help you with. (Also, if you want, there is a free programme online called 'Grammarly'. It helps me a lot, to be honest, lol.)

But again, this story has potential! Keep it up, friend, I look forward to reading more again soon!
Hardcasekara chapter 4 . 8/2/2019
Well I have to say All Might has messed up badly not only did he up and crush Izuku dream he took it and burned it into pieces with how cruel he was, I would like it so much if Nana or any of the other previous users locked One for All as a punishment to All Might who seems to have forgotten his roots as a previous Quirkless, maybe haunt him in his dreams as well while their at it. Man I just truly feel bad for Izuku poor kid is too good for the world. Eitherway Its highly possible that due to this worse respond that if All Might ever thought about passing his quirk to Izuku he and Bakugou would take it as an insult and get extreanly angry at All Might for being a hypocrite. I see the potential of Izuku possibly becoming the Number hero using his brains to make gadgets and support items to compensate for not having a quick. He could learn from Aizawa and improve his skills with Hatsume in the future.

Eitherway can't wait for the next chapter, so keep up the good work.
Ryan Mashall chapter 3 . 12/11/2018
Now how can izuku impress all might and get one for all
MODdenial chapter 1 . 12/6/2018
This is how Katsuki was supposed to be, according to the author.
sk2dydid chapter 2 . 11/27/2018
Awe. That's so sweet. I see your going a little closer to Horikoshi's original version of Bakugo's personality. Can't wait to read more
Ryan Mashall chapter 2 . 11/27/2018
Lol someone took bakugos role as lead bully
Ryan Mashall chapter 1 . 11/26/2018
Intresting start, from the summary i was expecting katsukis pov in the beginning so i was confused, bt looks cool for a prologue
nickbritt13 chapter 2 . 8/11/2018
pls update
Agent Frank Underwood chapter 2 . 8/6/2018
I don't think this is my type of story but the best advice I can give you would be to increase your word count per chapter. It's doesn't have to be monstrously long just around 4/5 K a chapter.
Mikane20 chapter 2 . 8/4/2018
I think I am going to cry. seriously this story is so cute. I like to see a change in bakugou although I like his explosive personality and tsundere, I really do not like that in the bakugou canon he has intimidated deku and this story changes everything. I love
UC3 chapter 2 . 8/3/2018
2 thumbs up
Lilytrue chapter 2 . 7/30/2018
It’s good and different but shouldn’t bakugou call Midoriya Izuku cuz they’re childhood friends and Midoriya still call bakugou kacchan if they’re really close
253910 chapter 1 . 7/29/2018
Seventh to last chapter you have a typoHis spirkey grown out hair” I think you meant to put spiky?
Style1234 chapter 2 . 7/29/2018
This story is amazing. Fun fact, the author originally wanted to make Bakugou’s personality like that from the beginning but changed it.
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