Reviews for The Imperial Orphan
Guest chapter 107 . 6/16
... I want to be real, when I made that list, I heard Offenbach-Can Can in the back of my head.
MA7 chapter 107 . 6/16
This story is on hold for the time being, what with all the crazy shit going on in 2020. I have a kid now so I don’t have a lot of time to write without constant little interruptions that stall the creative process.

As for all the characters in this story being hypocritical, traumatised or otherwise deeply flawed/broken individuals, that is kinda the whole point of the story. The 40k universe is a nightmarish dystopia with no true “good guys”, the Imperium is a xenophobic fascist dictatorship, the space marines are brutal mass murders, and the forces of chaos are driven insane by the gods they worship. It’s a setting where the best you can be is a deeply flawed antihero like Franklin or Octavia, or a morally ambiguous villain/anti-villain like Wendy.

I have taken the usually binary of goodies and baddies that lazy authors love to use, and completely turned it on it’s head so that everyone is sprawling in the muck of moral ambivalence. The story is intended to be unsettling and traumatic, to have a raw disquieting “realness” to it that provokes real thoughts rather than the mindless comfort of the usual banality of classic stories.

It might be a long time before I write again as this year has been so crazy, but I do intend to continue this story when/if things settle down.
Guest chapter 107 . 6/16
* R*

So, lets get over Franklins trauma congaline:

He got Raped, Blackmailed, Kidnapped, forced into sex by having his Nuns mindcontrolled, became a living Saint, got turned into a Night Lord Space Marine with all the downsides and upsides, is a Manochist, raised to hate his origins just to be forced back into it years later, mentaly traumatised, was fighting already battels, had to hold of 3 Chaos Gods at the same time with a shattered feeling of selfworth, being torn between his beliefs, live and family, getting beaten up, being the father of over 20 children while being himself basically still a child, chained up, tortured and to top it all of, he is 13. *13* . Btw. Is the fic dead or just one pause?
Hypocrite chapter 17 . 6/14
okay hold up the NIGHT LORD is accusing Franklin of having no remorse.
And is outraged at cultist being burned at the stake
when he is A NIGHT LORD that makes innocents go insane just for their enjoyment.
Guest chapter 107 . 5/14
Short idear: How about a chapter where Franklin temporary forgets almost everything about the Worrship of the Emperor because of some Chaos BS and only partially remembers things that have something to do with (f.e. he knows who Sister Mary is, but not what a Sister of Battel is). Just as an idear to toy around with... unless this story is dead, but that's not up to me to decide.
Guest chapter 107 . 12/28/2019
One problem I have with alot of fanfictions that because they're often inexperienced writers it can be very difficult (for me at least) to loose track on what's happening however I don't have this problem when yours and I have to say that in my opinion this is a sign of a very good writer (I don't just get this problem with fanfiction it also happens with book you can buy in a shop it's just less common probably because they're all had an editor go over them(usually)). Also the fact that your probably not into the extremes of the things the Sevensons do, in my opinion, adds to the stories as it means your not a). Going into great lengths that an actual extreme sadist or masacist would b). Focusing on the sex instead of having as yes an admittably important but not the soul purpose of the books (would you call them books, I don't know so I'll just call them books) which makes it, in my opinion, much more interesting and palatable for someone such as my self who reads it because I enjoy the story you create and characters you birth.
(P.S. congrats on the baby)
Jacksonion Democracy chapter 4 . 11/25/2019
Bruh, I get this is a comedy bit with the nuns brainwashing kids into being masochists, but its really getting on my nerves how disgusting these nuns are. No problem beating little children until death, but oh no - one nun gets tortured/killed and they lose their shit. Hope they all die and Franklin gets woken up (not a fan of chaos, but so be it)
tontattaman123 chapter 107 . 11/13/2019
a good chapter i like how everybody is all "TYRANIDS RUNAWAY!" and Wendy and octavia are all 'But there's babieeeeeeeeeeeeesssss! (big cutesy faces and voices)' i can't wait to see how this particular scenario of the story ends
Anon chapter 106 . 10/23/2019
Man caught up and I'm loving it cant wait for next chapter
Anon chapter 100 . 10/23/2019
Congratulations on your child! I wish you all the best, it's a tough job. Hysterical once again by the way
Anon chapter 87 . 10/23/2019
I love the pure unadulterated comedy your stories provide that was hysterical
Anon chapter 84 . 10/23/2019
I must say I love how you are able to make the story of bloody murderers again rapist wholesome with moments like this
Guest chapter 1 . 10/18/2019
Ohh ok, so this is just some stupid sexual fantasy..

Fucking Heretics
King Vader 66 chapter 3 . 10/11/2019
oww I hurt reading this A chastity belt with spicks that stabbed into his penis the poor basterd.
tontattaman123 chapter 106 . 9/7/2019
Franklin is a dad... BEST CHAPTER EVER! To date i mean
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