Reviews for Carry On My Wayward Son
Chaks chapter 11 . 11h
Is this story dead? It’s really good, but it’s been almost a year since the last update.
Unseeli chapter 6 . 7/16
I am shocked you killed Zuko and pleasantly surprised. I don’t mind authors arranging the situation to preserve canon but when a character make’s a completely foolish and unrealistic choice it is rather irritating.
Agent Frank Underwood chapter 11 . 7/11
Pretty good story, I'm interested to see what you plan to do with Azula going forward
Agent Frank Underwood chapter 6 . 7/11
I knew this was a possibility but I am still kinda disappointed you went this route, Zuko's character arc was perfect in the show so I guess there was no where to go with his character but down. But it would've been cool to see another interesting twist on it rather than this route but oh well.
Guest chapter 11 . 6/29
I would actually like it if Percy would explain more about his past.
Also this would be better for the trust in each other.
We‘ll see how the attack goes
If you update again
Guest chapter 2 . 6/29
Hey greed, do you plan on pairing both of them? I mean suki( idk whatever her name was) and Percy or sth different
TheShadeSlayer09 chapter 11 . 6/29
Great chapter as usual. This story deserves a lot more recognition for it's originality and character building.
I hope you are alright, since you haven't uploaded any new chapters in your stories in three months.

Hope to hear from you soon!
And best wishes to you and your loved ones!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/25
This looks really interesting, especially with how bold of a step you’ve taken by having Percy lose an arm
Guest chapter 11 . 6/14
I love your story so far, and do hope that you don't abandon it. Please, please, PLEASE, don't abandon this masterpiece. Thank you.
LuisAU chapter 11 . 6/13
I was wondering when you would update this story seeing as it has been awhile, mainly because I love this story so much and I like how you were willing to kill a main character.
justlovereadin chapter 6 . 6/11
I just wanna point out that Percy is nearly fireproof one time he was literally submerged in lava for minutes and was perfectly fine so I doubt a single fire blasts gonna burn him
Liberty2077 chapter 5 . 6/4
This story is shit. The views you give Percy have no basis and goes against everything in the Avatar world. Stop writing if you're going to write complete shit.
HellRaiderS chapter 11 . 6/4
Planning on having an update soon ?
Velin63 chapter 11 . 5/30
this is good update
Ethan76 chapter 11 . 5/28
I really like this take on it. The Avatar and Katara refusing to accept that sometimes you have to do bad things to protect others. Sokka being suprisingly reasonable about life and the journey as a whole. Percy being dark and jaded, yet still trying to do what he thinks is right... This is just so well written. I wonder if Azula will come around like Zuko did, as her focus is more her country rather than mindless slaughter and torture.
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