Reviews for Hit100(adopted)
page1997 chapter 1 . 2/17
who adopted this story?
Xud10a chapter 2 . 11/2/2019
Damn I’m glad they put Rias and Sirzechs in their place. Hehehe strong, powerful naruto with Ophis who will protect her man hehe can’t wait for update
NazgulBelserion chapter 1 . 9/3/2019
Like ppl be like pair him with her or her or her hello ppl he is like ophis he's not gonna have a harem atm I doubt and you really think ophis gonna allow some lowly insect to fucks with her man
Guest chapter 2 . 6/7/2019
Please add koneko to the pairing.
shinobinoyami16 chapter 2 . 12/11/2018
Please continue as this story is interesting and new
Dominus1389 chapter 2 . 10/27/2018
This is good imagine union bettwen Ophis and Naruto to have him gain control of his power making him feel emotion but still be darkish-gray
janderking chapter 2 . 10/21/2018
Muito bom esperando por mais.
minecraft93 chapter 2 . 9/25/2018
is this combination between Mob and Saitama
Kami-Senpai chapter 2 . 9/16/2018
Thank you for updating this Chapter and sorry for your Internet connection problem. For your story I liked your chapter at 40% only only. First, because the subordinate has easily given the location of the HQ of the organization for which he works. Secondly, despite the fact that Sirzech is wrong, he should have kept his head up likewise for Serafall, they are leaders with a lot of power. If these leaders are weak in front of others then their faction will be seen weak. Third is the rise un power of Naruto, he should never have reached 100 in such a short time normally it takes time to reach 100%. And why did you start riding at 95% it was not a good idea I think. You told me that Naruto is a force of nature capable of doing scary things if ever angry but then he was apparently 100% and he did not '' destroy '' much. Lately, pity the organization was destroyed so quickly it could have been used for an arc. I hope the next chapter will be better and thanks again for the chapter
Guest chapter 2 . 9/8/2018
Nice chapter. I think it was too soon for him to go into 100% though. Against someone like The Order that was overkill. And Naruto seems like he has much control than Mob, so him going into 100% barely at chapter 2 was startling. Now I'm hoping you wont go overboard with it :p

It was pretty sick though. He opened a whole into the void? Instant kill.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/8/2018
Loving this first chapter. I'm so glad Naruto isn't physically weak either. As much as I love Mob, I wish he wasn't such a wimp without his powers.

I'm really excited to read if you will ever have Naruto go into a 100% state or even better... ?%.
Oh boy! That will be an awesome moment if you make it happen.
I hope you can pair him up with Kuroka, she's always such a fun to read chatacter. She's like the Anko of the DxD universe to me. One of my favorite characters. I'm assuming maybe Akeno will be added? Otherwise why state she has a crush on him?
Maybe Yasaka? Him being the godson of the Shinto gods would put him in a position where he might associate with Yasaka a lot.

By the way, is that the K from King of Fighters. Or from K Project? I'm assuming the latter, I barely paid attention to the description. Too excited reading about Naruto
ThePhenoix11 chapter 2 . 9/10/2018
good luck.
Guest chapter 2 . 9/6/2018
You should let Beerus or Whiz or any of the "angels" from Dragon Ball Super arrive on Earth and train Naruto, as he is his powers are to unstable
Guest chapter 2 . 9/6/2018
naruto x yasaka and kunou
Guest chapter 1 . 9/6/2018
Your grammar and spelling is so fucking atrocious that I can’t even begin to enjoy the amazing plot. Fuck you man, go read some books will you.
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