Reviews for Extraordinary Summer
roguebutterfly1120 chapter 20 . 7/24
I absolutely love this entire series! I know I've commented on various ones of them over on AO3, but I just re-read them all again, and I didn't want to miss the chance to tell you how much I enjoy them. I saw on your on their profile that you're near the end of the next installment, and I'm so thrilled! I never want to be one of those people who bugs an author for updates, but I have definitely been waiting with bated breath. Also, glad to know but you and your family are staying okay in the midst of COVID
so perfect it hurts chapter 20 . 7/13
Absolutely loving this series! Thanks for taking the time to write so beautifully. I really love healer!Harry and cant wait to read more.
Khimaera chapter 20 . 6/24
Thanks for the long reading. I've read all the fics of your series and enjoyed it a lot. I'm looking forward to the next.
I'm sorry for not writing reviews in all of them but english isn't my native language and I have a hard tim writting it. So... thanks for that long story, and happy writing to you.
babyheartme0018 chapter 20 . 6/11
I love this series! I hope that you find the time to post the next one soon. This series is so awesome, and it makes me a bit sad to think it might not be continued, given how long it’s been since you posted :(
EmeraldGem92 chapter 20 . 6/8
This was a very well written series and I truly hope it gets continued. You're one of the few authors I'e decided to favorite and follow so I know when the next fic is out.
MadameDommage chapter 20 . 5/17
Oh goodness, I’ve just finished binge reading this series and I’ve enjoyed it so much! I hope you are able to finish it as I really really want to see what happens next.
I appreciate your complicated world building and the clash between wizard culture and non magical culture, especially the religious motivation you’ve laid out. It’s believable and so rich. Thank you!
I’ve given you a follow so I can continue enjoying your work and now I’m off to browse your other docs.
Guest chapter 18 . 4/9
I love this series... but I gotta admit Harry's decision to try neutrality with Voldemort feels to me a more narrative driven then character driven course of action. That is to say I don't think Harry would do that but the story your telling needs him to do it.

Harry seeing all the terrible things that Voldemort does firsthand and deciding yea I don't want to fight is understandable but cowardly which yea I know its AU but I've never read a coward Harry story and I don't know if I want to. The story is soo good and I've enjoyed it immensely so I'm trusting you have a plan.
Guest chapter 20 . 4/7
Well, I hope that you manage to continue this series, it has been rather good. Your characterisations are excellent and your storylines have been brilliant. Please keep it up.
drainednerves chapter 20 . 4/1
I binge read all pieces in this series during the past few weeks and LOVED it all! Such a wonderfully written fic is rare, I hope you are very proud of it.
One of my favourite moments was when Harry got that proposal letter and Dobby just popped in, destroyed it and popped out againHysterical.
I am very much looking forward to the next parts and definetely giving you a follow:)
SoVeryTired chapter 1 . 3/30
Are there gonna be more of these? Cuz... they're pretty good.
Laurel G. White chapter 20 . 3/27
Binged your entire series over the last 4 days and I am truly in love with your work. Your Harry is realistically flawed and has his own unique personality. Storm is one of my favorite characters! And I am so, so, so excited to see how the relationships between Harry and Snape, the Slytherins and Hermione, and Harry and Voldemort work itself out between now and the eventual end of this series. Also looking forward to seeing Merlin again!

I realize this is a huge undertaking and you've really taken this concept to new depths - ones that I look forward to exploring when you post the next fic. Eagerly following you now and will be off to read your other works.

I also saw your profile notes on covid19 and hope you are well during this troubling pandemic. Stay healthy and safe. My thoughts are with you!
Jolinar of Malkshur chapter 20 . 3/25
I am so sorry to hear about your mother. Virtual hugs. Your health and family come first. Take care of yourself. Everything else can wait.

I've read all of these and really enjoyed them. I love your style and the way you've designed the pureblood society here. I especially like that Harry isn't infallible and does make mistakes. There's nothing more irritating than a flawless hero. So basically yeah, love it. Very well written.
FFFudgeUp chapter 20 . 3/11
Your world building of pureblood culture is very well done. It is detailed, believable, and intricate. Good job! Great fic
bub23453 chapter 20 . 3/4
Just wondering if you're still planning on continuing this series? it's been almost 2 years!
SuperSaiyanTeemo chapter 20 . 3/1
just read all the perfectly normal series over last couple weeks and it was glorious. i personally love the interactions between harry and any of the dursleys, a very realistic what if in my book
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