Reviews for Beneath
Guest chapter 1 . 10/27/2019
This is so in-character and well written! I love the end bit especially, with Shadow subtly letting Sonic know the truth, and Sonic picking up on it
TsubasaKEI chapter 1 . 3/11/2019
Crying my eyes out. So gooood, god i hope that’s what actually happen.
SunSera chapter 1 . 8/21/2018
I can't argue with that, the Trailers of Forces were focused on the main parts of the game, too! Trailers are always misleading :P

I've read many fanfics based on Forces, either rewritten or added more to the story!

I agree with you before, some of the games were great to play, but the stories, you'd rather tear them up!

Feel the same way on Forces! Combine all things negative and form it into a hammer...

I like this intake of how Shadow goes undercover to unlock the secrets of the Phantom Ruby and Infinite!

The reasons and rumors leading how he joined the "evil" side.

Earning the trust was hard and unbelievable in this story, how Egghead let Shadow join, but Infinite holds his grudge!

And to prove it, watch Sonic get tortured...and not help him.
That's a lot of willpower Shadow, your strong.

I like that little exchange between Shadow and Sonic!
Shadow let's Sonic know why, by talking and the understanding each other!

Great short story! Good luck writing more, to keep up your rhythm!
Sunny chapter 1 . 7/24/2018
Well done
Kessie-Louise chapter 1 . 7/24/2018
This is a really good what-if scenario, and you handled it even better! Great work!
Infinite's Ruby chapter 1 . 7/24/2018
This story is amazing!

I have to say I think this is my favorite out of your stories. When I first saw the Sonic Forces trailer I had the same thought as you did. Sadly that didn't turn out to be the case.

You've done such a fantastic job capturing Shadow's inner turmoil being forced to watch Infinite viciously attacking Sonic. I could feel his emotional tug of war since he didn't want to blow his cover.
The last line when Shadow revealed he was a double agent is the highlight of this story.

I can only imagine the relief Sonic felt when he realized Shadow is a double agent. I loved the last scene, and Sonic and Shadow's interaction was in character.

I loved this story from start to finish.
king.needlemouse chapter 1 . 7/24/2018
aaah this was so good! i especially love the last scene where shadow was able to secretly tell sonic he was a double agent. i demand more this was rly good
Pamitydesu01 chapter 1 . 7/24/2018
This was amazing! Probably my favorite so far! I actually had a similar idea when I first saw the trailer, but it was more along the lines of Shadow being controlled against his will and stuff like that, but this is so much better because both can feel all sorts of emotions instead of just one (I love angst, okay). Anyway, loved it!
Super Duper Blue chapter 1 . 7/24/2018
This is a really great one shot! I think it would do well as a story but that's just my opinion.