Reviews for Long Nights
Guest chapter 17 . 5/29
Really enjoying this story. Kinda hoping to see things develop between Becky and Charlotte. Please update soon.
Tigris Regner chapter 10 . 4/29
This story is making me extremely pissed off at Stephanie. Make me kinda glad Ronda broke her arm.
WrittenLyre chapter 17 . 12/14/2019
Ooof I like where this is headed. I'm still quite puzzled as to what Stephanie's motivations our but I like the characters a lot! excited for the next chap
WrittenLyre chapter 16 . 12/13/2019
this my fave story huhu please update
wolvesjr34 chapter 16 . 3/28/2019
I enjoyed this chapter, I look forward to more thank you.
CallMeJoz chapter 15 . 3/20/2019
Well like always I’m late... Anywhore moving on. I actually finished this chapter like two days ago I just couldn’t remember that I had to still write a review. So first it really is annoying that Becky is always so understanding. Like at some point I fell like Boss is trying to start an argument, but Becky just immediately understood and apologized. Like maybe this is just all in my head but now that I’m thinking back on these chapters... Fucking Sasha being the little weirdo she is breaking up with Becky in the most disrespectful way (I was ready to fight her low key) Sis just better wait until a safe place free of bugs and tell Bex what’s up if not she’s a snake and I hope Bex finds out everything that happens. That irks my life like if you really cared about ur gf the way she kinda seems to show, you’d let Becks in on what’s happening. I’d be damned if I found out my boss is real life watching my gf/bf’s every move in their apartment I’m snitching right there. Like I couldn’t bear that knowledge about someone I fucks with heavy had that happening because of my actions. Couldn’t do that couldn’t lie to them or just not tell them what’s going on. But it’s just a story and I needa chill. I must admit the thought of anyone punching Charbar dead in the face brings pleasure to my soul. If I real life watched someone slug Flair and put her out would trigger no panic no movement but in fact a smug smile and a laugh. But that fight was just wow as always God Bless Bayley. She’s always there when don’t know you need her, and looking beautiful as always. Everybody is sleeping on her beauty because she’s low key beautiful af with a banging body... Kay this is long and I’m high this time not drunk... just to clarify. I’m triggered but I gotta see if Sasha’s “logic” works out for her or did she just make a stupid big mistake? ~Joz
kodiak10597 chapter 15 . 2/14/2019
I have to say I really love this story and I can’t want till you release the next chapter hope it’s soon have been reading this the past day and it’s just really well written so hope the next chapter comes fast
wolvesjr34 chapter 15 . 2/8/2019
Fun chapter, love the angst, can't wait for the next!
wolvesjr34 chapter 14 . 1/30/2019
what, stopped here? Nooooooo... I need to see the confrontation... I need more... this is sooo addictive!
mario901 chapter 14 . 12/5/2018
This a surprisingly emotional story, something you don't see much here. I'm definitely interested in which direction you take this, you delve deep into a character's psyche and I'm a sucker for those. Keep it up!
CallMeJoz chapter 13 . 11/30/2018
Well I don’t know where even to begin rn since I just spent the past two days trying to intertwine reading this and my busy schedule. I had a lot of catching up to do here and I’m fairly happy I managed to catch up on the day you decided to upload this chapter so I didn’t have to wait on that cliffhanger last chapter. I also need you to know that I too began to tear apart my room looking for cameras because let me tell you if someone saw what I do in my room... lord bless the rains down in Africa because I’d be royally fucked. Ngl the way you’ve constructed this story has me thinking about the way I’ve constructed my stories. Like I was so for sure we’d be waiting centuries before Sasha and Becky even kissed but it happened sooner than I thought so I was quite surprised. Then there’s Pudge the panda and her unnecessary hatred for Becky. And Charbar trying to play cool like she’s not trying to fuck Becky senseless but unfortunately Sasha beat her to it. So I now do wonder how tf Sasha is gonna tell Becky that Steph is watching her sleep/shower in her own apartment. Like I’m pretty sure that shit is illegal but I’m a culinary student so wtf do I even know anywhore? I’m just interested in how those cameras are gonna fizzle out because it makes feel uncomfortable low key. Anywhore this was good not sure when the next time I’ll check in again but hopefully it won’t be nine chapters late like last time... Kay remember red can be purple and blue, but red can never be the color of an orange. ~Joz
kissedbyarose13 chapter 10 . 11/2/2018
Nakeem Freeman chapter 9 . 9/30/2018
Your writing doesn’t get enough credit as it should. I really like this story and all your others as well
kissedbyarose13 chapter 8 . 9/16/2018
Oh wow that’s brutal. Can’t wait to see what goes on next
Guest chapter 3 . 8/11/2018
Good story so far. Keep it up!
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