Reviews for First Love Never Dies
Caroliny Hotchner chapter 9 . 8/15/2019
Adorei sua história... E espero continuar
Aquababy58 chapter 9 . 9/21/2018
Steve and Olivia are happier when they are together, then when they're apart. Hopefully Olivia decides to stay in Hawaii and maybe Steve will finally do what he should have done years ago and ask her to marry him.

I'm also excited for Season 9 Premiere, one week from today! :)
NicoleR85 chapter 9 . 9/21/2018
Another great chapter. I can't wait to read the next one. Please update soon.
Guest chapter 8 . 9/18/2018
good Story
Alex Lover chapter 8 . 9/2/2018
Good God...why did you stop there?
Please post the next chapter soon
Aquababy58 chapter 8 . 8/31/2018
This chapter didn't disappoint me. Steve and Olivia have amazing chemistry. There is no doubt that they belong together and should definitely spend the rest of their lives together. :)
NicoleR85 chapter 8 . 8/31/2018
Another great chapter. I can't wait to read more the next one. Please update soon.
Aquababy58 chapter 7 . 8/23/2018
So looking forward to the next chapter when Steve and Olivia finally talk and hopefully finally admit that they never stop loving one another. :)
NicoleR85 chapter 7 . 8/23/2018
Another great chapter. I can't wait to read then next one. Please update soon.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/23/2018
Fantastic story I'm glad to see what happened next between steve and olivia and I hope those two will be together good story continue writing
Guest chapter 6 . 8/20/2018
A good story I hope steve I hope s steve olivia will have some time to talk talk alone
Guest chapter 6 . 8/17/2018
Love this and loved the southern accent! You could taste Steve’s discomfort! Well done! ~Avy73
NicoleR85 chapter 6 . 8/17/2018
Another great chapter. I am loving how Olivia handles Steve. I can't wait to read more. Please update soon.
Aquababy58 chapter 6 . 8/17/2018
Looking forward to when Steve and Olivia get some time alone. I can imagine what’s going to happen between them when they finally are.

Amazing writing! Love this story! :)
Guest chapter 5 . 8/15/2018
Good story about steve and Olivia continue
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