Reviews for Beautifully Arranged
vickysnape chapter 2 . 6/5

Wow... I like the story... all storys of the serie... But I'm sad, I miss the last capitel of the serie... I hope you post this soon?

Sorry my English is realy bad... but I want to say my wow to you, I like your story very very good.

I use google for a translate...

Thank you for writing...


Wow, was für eine wirklich schöne Story oder besser gesagt Serie, ich hab es wirklich sehr genossen es zu lesen, aber ich bin traurig dass das letzte versprochene Kapitel noch nicht online ist und ich weiß nicht ob ich es mitbekommen werde, wenn es online kommt... wenn das eine richtige serie wäre... dann würde sie auch beendet werden.

Ich mag es wirklich, vielen dank fürs Online-Stellen und schreiben.
Elfin69 chapter 2 . 3/27
not sure about the voyeurism but it is good that Harry finally told Molly some home truths
HoneyBear84 chapter 2 . 3/21
Love it and seriously can't wait for the next update
Bonney chapter 2 . 3/20
LOVE IT. I am thrilled that you got another chapter up. your stories are great. can't wait to hear more. I like how author finally grew a backbone and put his foot down on how Molly acts. While I adore her she is way to noisy and single minded.
HoneyBear84 chapter 1 . 12/14/2019
How did I miss this one when I'm following any new updates and she get email alerts when udo a new story? bad fan fic for not telling me lol. Love it so far and seriously hope you will start updating it again someday soon
Elfin69 chapter 1 . 4/7/2019
Thank you for doing one more in the series. I cannot wait to see the reception and everyone's reaction.
xikum chapter 1 . 3/17/2019
A nice touch! Now, please, will you be continuing this universe with more? This is a truly enjoyable storyline, and you always manage to keep it light, which is a refreshing release when RL is not so (Offers author a plate of virtual double chocolate brownies).
kwanas chapter 1 . 10/24/2018
Oh i love this series, it's so good. The way you write harry and severus is amazing. And how you write about their relationship and its progress. I hope you keep doing this because I love this story. I also love your many other stories
Guest chapter 1 . 10/15/2018
I really loved rereading your series again, after finding out you’ve started on a part 4! I really like the way you’ve made the characters grow from their original form to the loving and joking men they are now. It just feels natural and just perfect!
Phoenix414 chapter 1 . 7/29/2018
I absolutely LOVE this series and am so glad you decided to add more. I have reread this series and Cooking Lessons so many times I could probably recite them work for word. I love how you portray both Harry and Severus and their interactions with each other and others.