Reviews for It All Comes Back to You
Rookblonkorules chapter 1 . 1/14
Oh, wow. Wow. This was such a great little character study.
One Nutty Author chapter 1 . 8/22/2017
"Come on!" he heard himself shouting. "Just hit me back! You can't hurt me!" Louder, desperate. "You're not my father!"


I think my heart shattered upon reading that. Since it shows how their will never be another person that will hurt Jim more than his dad ever did. But deep down, he wants to deny if Silver almost did when he burned down the Benbow Inn and almost killed him. I enjoyed how this went from Jim wanting to get back at Scroop to, the inner turmoil Jim had on who really hurts him in life. Whether it maybe be physically or emotionally.

Overall a great one-shot that really wrote changes in emotions nicely from start to finish and set up the close, yet complicated at times, relationship Silver and Jim has.

Just because Jim's dad hurt him the most the day he left, doesn't mean someone new can mend the pain. And the ending showed that's true for both characters.

Great story! :-))
Go Outside chapter 1 . 3/30/2016
I love your Silver and Jim stories! They are all so very good. Thank you!
Dog of Matter chapter 1 . 4/6/2014
Wonderful and very wel written, I had a lump in my throat.

makes me think at the end how he says "you can't hurt me, you're not my father!" That Jim was basically trying to break away from Silver, who he sees as a father figure. By being hit by him and feeling satisfaction from it Jim is appearing to prove to himself that only his dad could hurt him because he wont love anyone else like he loved his dad. If that makes sense...

I enjoyed this.
WendyLeaf chapter 1 . 11/10/2013
This was a great one-shot. Really enjoyed it!
Crystal Peak chapter 1 . 11/15/2011
Wow. This one-shot is amazing. You have everyone in character and their emotions are very well played.

I believe that Silver would have taught Jim how to fight. Being pushed around by Scroop is not something pleasant and i believe that it makes sense if Jim did ask for teaching from Silver. The whole scene where Jim seems to recognize Silver as the leader of the pirates that attacked the Inn, by his shadow, makes a lot of sense actually. In the shadow Silver seems very intimidating.

I loved the emotions they expressed. How Jim felt that he should hate Silver and that Silver has gotten a soft spot for Jim. They have this connection-a relationship that while not related by blood, they care for each other like a father and a son. I don't think that Silver would ever kill Jim or that Jim could ever really hate Silver.

Great story. A job well done.
StarSpinner678 chapter 1 . 8/27/2010
wow.. the end was.. I'm lost for words. That was amazing. I- I love it. just- wow..

brill work,

OurScars chapter 1 . 3/7/2010
A masterpiece of bonding, foreshadowing, and resolution. I like how you didn't use full blown flashbacks. The characters were dead on. It was great. Just for the record, I don't think Silver could have killed Jim either. Or the other way around.
The Maine Coon Cat chapter 1 . 7/15/2006
Very nice. Very nice indeed. Good writing, a clear plot, and in-character characters.

I like. -
Saturn's Hikari chapter 1 . 5/14/2006


He's so so grim and heartbroken! oo! You're not my father!

that's great writing. It wasn't too obvious. Just wonderful!

Janna Silver Hawkins chapter 1 . 5/21/2004
Whoa. Totally awesome. Thats' all I can say. :) Good job.
Fayra chapter 1 . 2/14/2004
This story is so good that I didn't wanted to finish it, I jkust wanted to keep reading forever. Really, great characterization and I love the plot. Could you write more about Jim and Silver? :)
Yami Shizuka chapter 1 . 10/5/2003
Very good. I liked the realism that you put in the story. Kudos.
hawk chapter 1 . 8/9/2003
very good... you're one of the few writers who can really capture silver and jim's personalities and put them on paper. kudos! i'm impressed. ;)
Katarik chapter 1 . 5/22/2003
This was excellent! I loved the way you had Jim focusing so hard on the fighting, and how you showed that darker part of him with trying to hate Silver and asking Silver to hit him.
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