Reviews for The Traveler and the Gods of Olympus, Book 1: The Titan's Curse
Zack chapter 13 . 5/15
I like how you changed it from the angels saving them to bringing in the TARDIS. Besides you can never trust Angela don't you know.
KillgarraghForever chapter 13 . 9/15/2019
KillgarraghForever chapter 12 . 9/15/2019
I'm not crying. Just got sea spray on my face. Totally. :'(
Lee chapter 17 . 9/9/2019
Most of the stuff you said about the Time Lords differs from canon, but is fine since this is an AU. You did get the web of time and what is does kinda incorrect though.
Guest chapter 20 . 2/19/2019
Wait. Wait, hold on. Wut?! O.o
GreenGirlWarrior chapter 21 . 1/6/2019
How long is it until you plan on making a sequel? Or have you already started on one?
lautaro94 chapter 17 . 11/9/2018
the doctor being half human has been proven not true lots of times
TheWriter946 chapter 20 . 11/8/2018
Amazing story-I can’t wait for next story!
LaughUrHeartOut chapter 20 . 11/8/2018
Danggg. Totally called it, by the way. Nice story. Love the detail. (Also, OMGOSH ROSE BABY MAKE THE DOCTOR HAPPY AGAIN, PLEASE! .-;)
Charlee56 chapter 20 . 11/8/2018
Oh...My... GODS!
Bomberguy789 chapter 20 . 11/8/2018
Rose Tyler is a demi-god, sister to Lupa (and annoyingly enough, I haven't been able to find any reference to her "parent") and currently teenager age. Pete had a child with a goddess, then remarried with Jackie (I can imagine the 9th or 10th Doctor making a joke about downgrading), and this may or may not be set around the current time period. I like to believe it is. It would certainly be interesting, it would make complete sense because time travel, and adds a new twist on wherever this goes next.
As long as I don't find out Donna Noble is "special" in any way other than saving all of creation, I'm fine with wherever this goes. One question however... Amy? Rory? River? For now, I will assume this to be set between Clara and them, but it would be nice to see that cleared up.

Regardless, great stuff.
LaughUrHeartOut chapter 18 . 11/7/2018
This chapter was beautiful. I loved how it gave the reader a moment to step back and view the story, just a tad bit more. I like what you did with the Athena and Doctor backstory, and am curious as to how the Doctor's parents met. (Hmmm...) I love this, and can't wait for more. Thank you ~
LaughUrHeartOut chapter 17 . 11/7/2018
YES. This was SO GOOD! I can barely BELIEVE my eyes! Thank you so much for writing this! This story is so great to come back to after a long day. It helps me soothe my brain and relax. I really do thank you. (I'm just about to read the next chapter-! CAN'T WAIT!)
Charlee56 chapter 18 . 11/7/2018
Absolutely fantastic writing! Marvelous story, and you've got the doctor down cold!
Bomberguy789 chapter 18 . 11/7/2018
We can't know what it is, ey? Well, can we know what it definitely isn't? That narrows it down from infinity to infinity minus ten.
Still, nice stuff. I wonder if any of the gods have ever found reason to be afraid of the Doctor - Athena may be the goddess of wisdom, but the Doctor has a knack for making stupid decisions because he believes that they may work out for him. Like in "Doctor Mysterio" - crashing a space ship purely because their plan "isn't ready yet" is pretty stupid, but it worked. He's lucky like that.
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