Reviews for Springtime in Soul Society
Soi Yo chapter 57 . 8/7
What are you doing? I swear I loved it, you enter a catharsis and then you finish the chapter so it turned out and even fun, I mean that Nanao Ise's thoughts and attitudes are a genius.
"reunion of two dead" "planned to pass out later from scare" in the end I think the priorities are well focused.
Ami chapter 56 . 7/30
I absolutely loved this chapter... You're so detailed and everything. Thank you for this! Everything is so much in character and I'm so glad you're writing this story. Can't wait for the next update.
Ami chapter 55 . 6/26
Thank you so much for updating!
This was a wonderful chapter. I loved to see Rangiku grow and be her true strong self. It really inspires people like me whose past still haunts them.

Thank you for the hardwork!
Soi Yo chapter 55 . 6/19
I must say that there is something in this story that catches me in a way that perhaps I could not explain, I hoped you would follow the line of the last chapter, but great surprise you spend from the love of Chad and Kunieda, the moment with the servants of the king. Then you come back inspired by a Korean and bring this chapter that takes a 360 turn. I can point out that I had long expected Rangiku Matsumoto to actually come out of that coma, he is one of those contradictory characters in my opinion, since they portrayed him a little sloppy and not very responsible, but when you looked closer you could notice certain details, such as his fidelity to his captain, friends, squad, the seriousness at the time of the real fight against an enemy. But here you show us more than that, what she tried to forget, what she was, what she lived in, what she became by herself I feel the vice-captain of the tenth squad. So I expected her to reveal herself against all those who demerited her, well after so much charade I can only summarize this chapter as a genius, I really loved it and I was moved in a certain way.
I hope more of this, soon and do not miss.
corjca1 chapter 31 . 5/29
i remember this story i fucking hate it fuck ornhimi whore and fuck you cunt die
corjca1 chapter 3 . 5/29
all turned there backs on the one who saved there no good arses typical
Ami chapter 54 . 5/12
I LOVE this story so much! Thank you so much for doing justice to Chad and his character and I know bleachies will hate me but I really hated Ichigo's character sometimes too. As I grew, I realized his hero complex was annoying and preferred Side characters like Uryuu in his stead.
Anyways! Love the flow so much! I love all your ships!
Guest chapter 54 . 5/8
Maybe byakuya x karin ?
Just Curious chapter 53 . 5/2
I’ve only read to chapter 47 but I am enjoying the story. I skimmed the last several chapters out of curiosity. One question, when does Ichigo get his power back? He has played a very small part in this fanfiction, but he was the central character in the anime. It’s starting to feel a little empty without him.
Ami chapter 53 . 4/20
Author, I believe that too. They all obv have done eachother for sure as it is stated earlier on that SS is not some pure place. I love everything about your story and can't wait for more! I esp love how you have described Ulquiorra's character and his way with Inoue. You have displayed everyone's feelings and personalities perfectly!
Soi Yo chapter 53 . 4/18
nice chapter,
I was hoping how this particular battle would end, I'm really a fan of your battles and the way you play them, as you show the characters regardless of what is already known. I was delighted to see another glimpse of Ukitake, if he can be nice but he always thought that it must be something serious when he deserved it, not for pleasure is one of the captains with more time in the Gotei. good chapter and these previous chapters have been an excellent read.
P.S. I think I'm one of the boring people.

Soi Yo chapter 52 . 4/16
What chapter you have written here, is a total genius.
I must say that I was slightly frustrated that the battle with the Gotei and the whole thing did not continue, I must also admit that my eyes almost bleed to read about Kisuke and Yoruichi, I will never accept something of them as a romantic relationship or what It was ... anyway, what you described about the Vasto Lorde was a total genius, you give a very good touch to their existence.
Each chapter hooks me more.
Ami chapter 52 . 4/16
I absolutely love your stories! Tgabj
Ami chapter 50 . 4/8
You really are getting me on the edge... What a greatly written story
Ami chapter 41 . 4/7
I followed your story here too and I have to say... This chapter made me cry. I never cried bc of a fanfic in my life... But I am in love with this... Thank you so much for your hardwork...
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