Reviews for Finding The Starlight
Etrie chapter 12 . 6/5
pls kill that bastard zen
TheMinionHiccup chapter 24 . 4/4
Love this story. I hope there is more to it. If not it is still great!
SaltyBish chapter 24 . 1/5/2019
I like Yukino really but in this story and st this point OMG FINALLY SOMEONE PUT HER IN HER FCKING PLACE?! I mean I get it but DAMMIT her attitude and not so guilty ways just rubs me the wrong way. Being cheated on I know how it feels and damn does it take a lot of courage to now roast those motherfckers up
Lis161217 chapter 24 . 10/14/2018
Awsome book, i love it espically the yukino and lucy parts pkease make another one with their rivalry in it.
MagentaxDreams chapter 15 . 10/11/2018
Seriously, I couldn't love this story more. I love Vander and Lucy's friendship in this so much! I love Arman! I love that Cris took Natsu to task and made him deal with his shit so he could stop hurting Lucy. I love everything.
MagentaxDreams chapter 13 . 10/11/2018
Thank the stars for Arman. I'm pretty sure that he can fix anything.
MagentaxDreams chapter 12 . 10/11/2018
Oh thank fuck! Hopefully she'll be able to learn to summon the dragons like spirits instead of them taking her over like they have been. I'm so glad that Arman didn't die and that Zen didn't have to kill her. Thank you for this wonderful story.
MagentaxDreams chapter 11 . 10/11/2018
Oh my babe! Please. Please find a way to help her. Oh she deserves the world and the world has hurt her so much.
MagentaxDreams chapter 8 . 10/11/2018
Oh Lucy, please be okay and able to come back to your beautiful light soul after this. I don't think I could bear it for her to turn into a dark mage. I seriously love this fic so much! The premise is so interesting.
Birdygirl0693 chapter 24 . 9/12/2018
Wild Little Lucy is great! And Beck has really no idea just what kind of trouble she really is! I could definitely see the two of them close...friends or otherwise. And I would say that someone should keep an eye on Hestor, but I’m sure Lucy has that wrapped up tight with a pretty little bow. Wildcat is learning early how to take care of herself, especially surrounded by the Pradesh crew.
animegirl549 chapter 24 . 9/10/2018
Just caught up on this story and I must say that it was truly amazing! You really had me surprised with the Arman and Lucy pairing but I can definitely see that working and it obviously does in this case since they have 2 amazing children together plus the other 8 Pradesh siblings lol. I got a kick out of Vander calling Lucy mom though. Like full on dying on the floor laughing kick. You are a super amazing writer and this was just an absolutely amazing story and I hope you continue on with it too.
dlynncherry chapter 24 . 9/10/2018
I loved this story tbh i was surprised about the LuMan but its cute and fitting.
Megumi'Chuu chapter 1 . 9/8/2018
Agggggh...this...this...this is just so damnfully good. Talk about emotional roller coaster! I love it! Seeing Lucy give up so much for the ones she loves, she definitely deserve all the love and tender that Arman dishes out to her
Shadow91259 chapter 20 . 9/4/2018
This chapter healed my soul! ahhhhh I cannot get enough!
Nursexxx chapter 24 . 9/1/2018
This was absolutely amazing. I’d have never thought of the end pairing but you pulled it off flawlessly!
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