Reviews for As Long As You're Mine
nancy.ramos chapter 13 . 6/21
I am rereading this! It’s even better the 2nd time! I hope everything ok and hope there is an update soon!
TheElephantInThePrideParade chapter 29 . 5/18
This is really good! and now im so anxious to see what happens. lol. thanks for this story xx
Guest chapter 29 . 4/24
This is so good! I’d love to see how they handle the crazy happiness at Emma being back against the trauma of what she went through. I’m just very excited to see what’s next, and this is a shameless and hopeful plea for you to update.
SALLYSAYSRELAX chapter 29 . 3/31
I'm all caught up and I'm still so into this story! Thank you for updating it again the last couple of days. Look forward to whatever you have planned for us.
nancy.ramos chapter 29 . 3/30
I am glad that I was able to binge read this. I couldn’t get enough! I thought it was an interesting spin. It kept me company on a night where I couldn’t sleep. I hope there is more?
Guest chapter 29 . 3/30
Yay! I’m absolutely loving all of these updates! I’m SO incredibly happy she pulled through the surgery okay! I cannot wait until they see her in recovery.
Kimesita chapter 29 . 3/30
Poor sweet girl! Wow I’m so glad you are back!
Guest chapter 29 . 3/30
Thank you so very much for all of these updates! They are a much needed distraction right now! Please continue.
AwkwardLittleTurtle chapter 29 . 3/30
Oh god. These last two chapters are probably my favorite of the entire story so far (I wonder why?). I'm thinking it's a good sign that Emma is asking for Elizabeth, but I'm sure it'll be gut-wrenching when the two of them talk again. I also love the interaction between Emma and Henry, and how clear it is he sees Emma as 100% his daughter.
ldavis02.02.2015 chapter 29 . 3/30
Please continue
Hetwaszoietsals chapter 29 . 3/30
Ohhhh poor Emma! But such a strong girl!
nancy.ramos chapter 22 . 3/30
I found this by accident, I am hooked! It’s 330 am and I can’t put it down
smartlooser chapter 29 . 3/29
Sooooooo good! I wait semi patiently for your next update!
lil'mousie323 chapter 28 . 3/29
I hope Em doesn’t end up resenting Elizabeth and Henry or Isabelle with the sedation stint. I’d be acting just like Elizabeth not being able to ride with my baby who just returned after years away. I sure hope everything is going to be okay!
Kimesita chapter 28 . 3/29
Wow! More more!
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