Reviews for With Great Powers, Comes a Great Alliance
Rotarstorm25 chapter 2 . 9/1
Sad news everyone Chadwick Boseman (the Black Panther) Has passed away on August 28 2020 from Colon Cancer that he's been fighting for 4 years.
Rotarstorm25 chapter 8 . 8/29
Ok Peter is not Ben's grandson. He's Ben's Nephew.
Asumodeus chapter 7 . 8/16
what the actual fuck was this shit, suddenly his spider sense is not working? how about his super strength? Spider man is as fucking strong as base Hulk, are you telling me that he could not get out of that shit with Hulk level strength? This... this is just nerfing the character to fit the story, such lazy shit plot device. I had honestely expected more from this story.
Chibba chapter 8 . 8/16
It is so annoying how much the author nerfed Spiderman, he is constantly being hit by simple punches and even sneak attacks!(Hello Spidersense).
And also his attacks never put people down for good when he even wrote in an A/N that he has a strength of 1,600 tons on each arm.
Authors nerfing characters a shit ton or making them lose fights they would win just for the sake of a longer plot and more suspense and drama sucks.
Asumodeus chapter 5 . 8/15
oooooooh... fuck yeah! this is what I am talking about, no dragging it out for a hundred chapters. Excellent, just fantastic!
Asumodeus chapter 4 . 8/15
wow, did not expect that at all. Was thinking this would come at like 100k words or smth, this is going to be interesting.
Asumodeus chapter 3 . 8/15
oh man, I never thought about how much Izuku and Peter would get along, but they are really similar in their ideals. This story has so much potential, I can't wait to read more and see where you take it.
Asumodeus chapter 1 . 8/15
This is a damn good start, why have I not found this before! oh man, oh man. I love it when I find gold when digging through fics.
Guest chapter 23 . 6/28
I love this story. I can honestly imagine some Spider-Man Villains coming in here like Green Goblin, Electro, Mysterio or Vulture
Earl John Diawatan chapter 23 . 6/10
Even if that henchmen shot X-Men she’ll survive but they get away
Earl John Diawatan chapter 15 . 6/9
Oh God I love Hulk speech bubbles
Earl John Diawatan chapter 5 . 6/8
Finally I’ve searching for months to mention the world of Mutants in MHA and this one has it, Finally
Earl John Diawatan chapter 4 . 6/8
It’s amazing this isn’t the only fanfic that did one vs every. The writer Zdforrest did Batman vs Class 1A at his fanfic
Earl John Diawatan chapter 3 . 6/8
I am not a fan of Izuku and Uraraka ship, she so boring, Toga is way better not boring, she’s crazy in which makes her interesting, while listening to this I hope there’s less of Uraraka and more of Tsu
Earl John Diawatan chapter 2 . 6/8
Is Peter Parker a Teenager in this fanfic, if I’m correct Peter Parker in Marvel comics is an adult
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