Reviews for The Second Inter-District Inter-Disciplinary Events
Sinfonian Legend chapter 32 . 7/29
I do not remember what a 3 means for Kubi, but I hope it's good because I like Kubi XD
Xayah has some very real fears that Mettius won't want to be her friend if she gets that surgery done. It's a sad reality that some deaf folks feel betrayed by other members of the hard of hearing/deaf community getting things like hearing aids. I understand both sides of it, and I hope things work out for the best with Xayah and Mettius :c
Well that didn't last long XD oh my dumbass son XD I love him, even if his actions will have consequences XD
Sinfonian Legend chapter 31 . 7/29
I'm almost sad Noel burst in and ruined Mack's DMing, you did your research with it and I was really enjoying reading it XD especially since I've been playing DnD myself lately!
Noel and Pax's plan is real interesting, but with the amount of people in on it there's noooo way it's gonna stay a secret. I can't see it going terribly well all things considered, but Noel is too scary to say no to XD
Sinfonian Legend chapter 30 . 7/29
Whatever is happening with Pax I and Noel, dumbass Pax probably isn't registering what's going on XD I'm nervous for Titania though. Also the weirdness of the tour seems like foreshadowing...but I'm not really sure how XD The intrigue is real though XD
Also Xayah's dilemma is really something :c having to forcibly change her life around and finally accept her situation giving up her voice, and now being offered capitol technology to "undo" all that, now after she's already accepted her situation is a lot. Whatever she chooses, I support her ;_;
Sinfonian Legend chapter 29 . 7/29
Oksana's state is heartbreaking :c Is it wrong I'm ready to start taking bets on how long it's gonna take for her to find out about Avery? XD Sharen's got a point about Mina and Cam being easy to sell as a sisterly duo that is wholesome and sweet, but Asha also really has a point about whether that's beneficial or not in the long run. I love Mina and Cam so I don't really care what angle gets played, I just like seeing them XD and I am here for the wholesome Mettius and Xayah friendship!
Sinfonian Legend chapter 28 . 7/28
Whatever Noel is up to, I'm not confident it's going to work XD but I'm quite curious! I'm also curious about the return dare to Mack for making March pick a gross color XD I suppose I should wonder it's going to happen first, but come on XD
Also I love my dumb son XD
Sinfonian Legend chapter 27 . 7/28
Oh man, I'm usually good at catching details but I feel a little overwhelmed with all the subplots trying to catch what's going on XDDX I don't have any theories in particular, just that I think Kiyo being distressed about Mettius and Xayah or Xayah's interpreter conversing in sign is likely just a red herring designed to catch our attention and draw it from somewhere else. I feel like you may have looney-tunes'd us with the colors people are wearing at some point but my brain is not together enough to figure out if so or not XD
Sinfonian Legend chapter 26 . 7/28
Mina's crush is adorable! I'm glad Ramona and Alexei's current situation is getting addressed and enjoying that tea XD Also Chloe and Wins just warm my heart XD
Sinfonian Legend chapter 25 . 7/28
It was really sweet of Mina to comfort Cam, and their scene was just so wholesome ;_; and I really wonder about Pax I's diagnosis! Was it malicious or just incompetence? I'm real curious how she's gonna handle things going into the Events, because getting news like that is really a blow, especially for someone who had been preparing for the Games. I'm also infinitely amused by Pax I being fed up with Pax D XD
Sinfonian Legend chapter 24 . 7/28
Oh man, the plot is already ramping up! The connection between Sigmund and Noel is really interesting :0 And Paisley was smart in fishing for the right information from Sage before telling Sage that bomb of a secret! Dang, I hope Paisley doesn't get found out by her family she's doing this ;_; it seems she's playing a very dangerous game, but at least she told the right person her situation.
Sinfonian Legend chapter 23 . 7/28
I thought it was really nice to focus on Nova for a POV this chapter, I think it's easy to forget how attached and dependent on family the average 12 year old is. But it's important for them to branch out into new experiences! I also appreciated the explanation of how they got Kiyo to show up XD It was nice to check in with the Capitol team! I am curious about what's going on with Silas and Amos too :0
Sinfonian Legend chapter 22 . 7/28
This was a great refresher! I didn't even think of Darcy being a gravedigger being a problem with them saving tributes. And it was also a surprise that Avery was saved :0 Nope, there's not gonna be any drama there XD
Sinfonian Legend chapter 21 . 7/27
My heart broke for both April and Xayah, and I like their different approaches to the idea of perseverance. I'm definitely curious if April is going to be less motivated than Xayah, so we shall see!
Sinfonian Legend chapter 20 . 7/27
I absolutely love the concept for Kiyo! They're so neat and I feel like you can do a lot with them! And Herman is also quite endearing XD
Sinfonian Legend chapter 19 . 7/27
I remember reading Mettius ages ago, but I must have stopped before reading Titania! Wow, her daily life is real interesting, I like her! I am also intrigued by Mettius's lack of enthusiasm for the Events :0
GenevieveLeigh chapter 35 . 5/31
Hey, I'm really sorry for this review being so late. Things have been crazy for the last month and are now finally starting to settle. I hope you understand.

Great on Sigmund and Jack for getting another district to sign on to the Hovercraft Brigade (strength in numbers), but I can understand Marshall's reluctance. District 10 could be 4's counterpart... a district who could benefit form their alliance but can also break off and compete in the Events on their own. It will be interesting to see how both pairs handle their situations and how it will affect their respective alliance.

Poor Kamela! My heart breaks for her. I understand how stressful this situation could be for her. It's one thing to be used to order and regimen, but only if it's your own. To have her be placed in this strict, militarized setting would not do her any favors.

Peregrine has proved why he was picked to represent his district. I'm interested to see how his arc will go now that it shows that he's starting to soften his otherwise rock hard persona.

I do agree with Platrium about character POVs. Even if they are mentioned in passing, it still feels great to see that that person is still there. I understand where you are coming from in that character arcs and storylines will be more prominent, while still giving everyone a chance to shine. At least, I noticed that Kiyo isn't as prominent despite reviews noting how interesting they and their profession are. Like I said, this is a matter of how the story is going and since it's been a while since the character introductions things do change. I fully understand that.

I will on the chapter check in ASAP. Mark my words.
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