Reviews for A Certain Warlock Was Invited to the Game of Thrones
The Jingo chapter 5 . 6/15
Yannicolas chapter 5 . 3/11
I loved It! Really!
holyscythe chapter 5 . 2/27
so will there be more and i wonder how will he crush his enemies and when will he remove the red priests completely.
i like this story im looking forward to more.
sorry for my grammar. :/
have a nice day. chapter 5 . 2/7
Interesante historia espero con ansias por el próximo capitulo.
Interesante historia por lo visto se va desarrollando unos años antes de los eventos de la novela.
Espero que Leluch ayude con sus necesidades a las sacerdotisas rojas.
MarieAndHerDogs chapter 5 . 12/30/2019
I love this story so much! I’m so excited for future chapters! It’s so good!
Darth Lelouch chapter 5 . 5/16/2019
Only 5 chapter, but this story have potentiel to be the best CG/GOT crossover. Please don't give it up.
monkey kix ass chapter 5 . 4/18/2019
lol, love how lulu is looking to manipulate the system to his own advantage. can't wait to see more of his plans and how they all come together. enjoyed reading what you've written so far. really interesting and original crossover idea. hope you get around to updating again soon.
Marczeg Szar chapter 5 . 2/24/2019
RageAgainstTheDying chapter 5 . 2/19/2019
I really like this story. The amount of research you do is quite commendable. I hope to read more soon.
Yamma chapter 5 . 1/21/2019
Kudos to you for creating one of if not *the* greatest CG crossovers. Before reading this I had given up on fandom's ability to characterize and write Lelouch correctly, yet you have managed to restore my faith. You manage to convey both his genius and idealism correctly while retaining his personality. I particularly enjoyed how in the first chapter upon finding that he was alive Lelouch's immediate thought was to ensure his remainless death to guarantee the success of Zero Requiem. Lelouch died content despite some lingering regrets which most CG fanfic writers get horribly wrong, pitfall I'm delighted you managed to avoid.

Out of the 5 chapters you have published so far, chapter 4 is only one I have minor nitpicks regarding your portrayal of Lelouch. Lelouch is much more physically capable than CG fanon insists. While he is no ubermensch like Suzaku, he is at the very least average for his age. In the very first episode of CG he was able to shake off *Suzaku* who believed him to be a hostile terrorist, as a kid he could carry Nunally on his back while walking across the countryside and even at the very end of R2 he could dash to his Knightmare and climb to the cockpit in seconds. The fanon stems from two scenes in R2, first when Lelouchs's was still under the controlled by his father's memory changing Geass and the second being the gag scene where Milly outruns those to his performance when chasing Arthur or his performance in any situation which is not played for laughs and the contrast is striking. Like you personally put in earlier chapters, while physical activities are not his strong suit and he's no Suzaku, Lelouch is no muscless soyboy fanon likes to portray him either. I enjoyed how you wrote that in first three chapters since you managed to show that effectively in my opinion. Because CG fandom flanderises him as physical weakling contrary to the anime and as effort to nerf him, I may have grown oversensitive with such things, so I apologize for the overreaction.

Another reason to bitch about that would be that aside from truly minor trivialities like that, I honestly cannot find anything else to complain about or critisize which puts dampers on constructive criticism I am able to give you. Your grammar is good, characterization is superb, pacing is neither too slow nor fast and your chosen period for ASOIAF setting is novel and highly original which enables to highlight your creativity. I guess the language learning could come off as annoying to some people, but the simple yet effective fashion you used for handling it is commendable. I also like the subtlety in your Lelouch's narration. After all devil is in the details. Little things like subtly referencing Lelouch's feelings towards Nunally, Suzaku, C.C. & Euphemia truly distinguish this fic from the rest.

First 10/10 CG fic I have ever read, would definitely recommend. Keep up the good work, I hope to see you write more in the future.
MasterOfDragonsGod chapter 5 . 12/19/2018
nice chapter,
MasterOfDragonsGod chapter 4 . 12/19/2018
nice chapter
MasterOfDragonsGod chapter 3 . 12/19/2018
Nice chapter,
MasterOfDragonsGod chapter 2 . 12/19/2018
Nice chapter
MasterOfDragonsGod chapter 1 . 12/19/2018
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