Reviews for Fantasies
Guest chapter 46 . 6/19
Thank you for another great update! And so quick! You're the best!

Nick, Nick, Nick. lol. While I did sympathize with him some here, it's just a fact that he is a reminder of a very painful moment for Lu. Whom Andy is in love with! Period! I hope he (and Andy) can respect that. Andy seems to be trying to do so and it was also nice of Lu to again try to be understanding. Though I really didn't think Andy should have snapped at her during lunch!

Honestly, maybe Nick should stop being so concerned about them and go about living his own life. I'm sorry, he just annoys me because he won't go away! I know he works with them but geez. I mean Andy's hands are already more than full regarding her personal life. Yet she keeps allowing her "friendship" with Nick to cause issues with Lu. While Lu is trying to accept their relationship to a degree, somehow I'm not convinced there will be no more Nick-related drama. Ughh. But we will see what happens.

Also, I'm just going to say it, if there ever comes a time where Andy has to choose between Lu and Nick or if her friendship with him continues to cause problems with Lu, there should be no contest. Lu should win hands down! And if Andy did not feel that way, I don't see how Lu could remain with her. Put plainly, Milo and Lu should come first.

I was much more interested in the ending of this chapter. Very surprising! While I definitely love the power dynamics that currently exist between Lu/Andy and Milo/Andy, it could be fun to change them up sometimes. Andy proved this on her honeymoon. :) Curious to see what occurs and if all involved enjoy it. Such a big deal for Lu to give up control! Of course, I hope Lu and Milo will continue to be the primary dominant partners but I'm excited to learn whichever way you choose to go.

Oh and I LOVED that Andy gave Lu her bouquet at the wedding! I hope that means that a ceremony or something will happen for them in the near future! Also, awesome that Lu is fully moved in now. :)

I was impressed that they were so upfront with their friends about everything. Just hoping Andy's doubts do not persist and hinder her progress with Lu. They would not be the first relationship(s) of this nature or three-parent household in the world. It's unique but certainly possible.

Can't wait to see what's next! Thank you as always and hope you are safe and well!
Guest chapter 45 . 6/17
I'm sorry to be responding late! Thank you for this update! I'm so happy Lu, Andy and Milo are moving forward. And this was hot beyond words!

I'm glad that Lu and Andy discussed Nick and were honest with each other. I agree with Andy that Lu should not take the blame for what happened. Especially since, while she teased the idea of going to Nick's, it was Andy who decided to actually do it. And of course what ended up happening was totally Andy's fault. Still, I see where Lu is coming from and am glad they are pushing past that night so they can be together.

It's also good that Andy clarified her feelings for Nick. Though I was surprised at the implication that she wanted to remain friends with him, even if it damaged her relationship with Lu. But at least Lu is willing to try on this topic.

Their physical reconciliation was great and resulted in a range of emotions. Lust, love, tenderness, anger, nostalgia, etc. I loved returning to the office setting and the extra thrills that brought. Lu's domination was sexy and exciting. Though she was almost scary at some points. I didn't expect her to be upset about Andy's surprise but understood how she could have misinterpreted the meaning of the setup. After all, she was still working through her anger from the Nick fiasco.

Andy definitely received some punishment! But I'm glad everything worked out and the night wasn't ruined. It's wonderful that they made up and are back together! Also enjoyed Milo's being a part of it but still having the focus primarily on Lu and Andy.

Thank you for your great writing as always! Hope you are well!
Guest chapter 45 . 6/3
Guest chapter 44 . 5/15
Loved this! Thank you! Andy and Milo's time was sexy and the end of the chapter left much fun to anticipate. I hope Andy will be thrilled that Lu's moving in. (And also, really hope Milo remains supportive.) Fingers crossed that Lu and Andy will be able to move forward now and get back to their exciting, passionate dynamic.

I'm glad Andy's punishment from Milo is over and that she finally allowed herself some satisfaction. Also liked her taking charge for a while. Though I read her as more submissive (especially regarding Milo and Lu), some variety is always appreciated.

Lu and Lizzie were cute together. It's great that Andy's girls are supportive of their relationship.

In terms of things I wish would happen. I hope Lu will give Andy the punishment she seeks in order to move on from the past. I'm not sure how. Some of the things they've done before could definitely work. Or something new. Or preferably, a combination of old and new. Lu has always seemed quite creative regarding their sex life. Maybe punishment leading to angry sex leading to eventual makeup sex? Looking forward to their future adventures (in and out of bed) as a couple.

I'm also interested in clarity on the Andy/Nick situation. As it seems Lu has some questions in that area as well. It's nice Andy feels remorse and wants to make things right with her but she also seems to expect her to be good with Nick. Yes, it wasn't Nick's fault but it's understandable if Lu doesn't want to be friendly or close with a major reminder of that painful night. Especially when she senses Andy may still have feelings for him. That's why I was surprised he was at the wedding. And honestly, I know I'm a broken record but that night was so messed up! Lu felt violated. Something like that has to be discussed and AGREED upon beforehand.

So is Andy still interested in having something with Nick? (Incidentally, if she is so fond of him you'd think she would've at least talked to him when she learned she was pregnant before.) If she is, it isn't fair to Milo-her husband, or Lu-her potential wife. Unless they are ok with her possibly messing around with Nick again? Which seems unlikely given their dominant and jealous natures but I guess stranger things have happened.

Thanks as always for your wonderful work on this story! Such a great writer! Looking forward to what comes next!
Guest chapter 43 . 4/12
Happy Easter! Hope you are well! Wanted to ask, is it possible to start doing weekly or bi-weekly updates again? So we know when to expect them, have something to look forward to and the story keeps moving? Thank you tons if so! Would be amazing! But either way, thanks for this great story!
Guest chapter 43 . 3/27
Yay! So happy they finally married! The ceremony was very sweet and moving. :) Their vows were beautiful. And I was thrilled that Milo acknowledged Lu with his eyes and felt he was marrying her in a way as well. How touching!

I did feel bad for Lu given that Andy's other relationship has progressed so far and her relationship with her has not. As perturbed as I've been with her lately, I have to give her credit. I don't know if I could continue seeing Andy with her being married to Milo and not having a similar commitment with me. Of course, it's complicated since Andy has been trying and Lu's been the one pushing her away.

Back to the wedding, I was surprised that Andy would have Nick there! Given how much that situation hurt Lu and even Milo. I mean really, you invite the guy who your involvement with led to a huge breakup in one relationship and severe problems in the other. Yes, Andy initiated it but I mean come on! No one needs a reminder of what happened by having him there. And now she still has "affectionate feelings" for him! I've wondered for some time what Andy's true feelings for Nick were. It's weird/annoying to me that he keeps popping up. Friends or not. (Which has also always seemed strange to me.) And thinking back, while Lu joked about messing around in front of Nick, Andy is the one who made it happen and then pushed it over the line. Does she want something with him as well? How many people does she want to date? She's right, holding onto feelings for Nick is unfair to Milo and Lu and I would argue an emotional betrayal.

Regardless of everything, I'm hopeful that Lu and Andy will be able to fully reconcile and move forward soon. It seems they've been stuck in various levels of anger and sadness forever now. I hope they will both make it crystal clear that they want to get back together and build a life together. I really miss the fun times and lighter tones that Andy had in both her relationships.

The ending was wonderful! I loved Milo being welcoming to Lu, the family photo and Andy's positive outlook on the future. Really hoping she is right. Maybe all three will be able to be happy now! Fingers crossed! :)

Thank you for everything! You are the best!
Guest chapter 42 . 3/9
Thank you for the great update! So good to learn more of Lu's reasoning for being so upset about what happened with Nick. It makes perfect sense and I felt very bad for her in the flashback of that night. It was a violation. Unintended or not. It was horrible that she was put in such a vulnerable position without her consent. I know Andy is remorseful and hope Lu's opening up about how much that hurt her will ensure nothing similar ever occurs again.

Also very glad that she finally broke up with Julian! That was definitely a significant barrier to them reconciling.

Andy explaining her hesitations with Lu due to her parents, particularly her father, was tremendous as well. And the revelation that she's liked girls in the past but faced stark rejection from him was enlightening. Though sad, it's really important that she no longer wants to allow that to inhibit her progression with Lu. (I hope!)

And nice to see that Lu was touched by Andy's offer to move in and help raise her child. Because those are irrefutable signs of commitment.

Looking forward to a full reunion between them soon. It's clear they miss each other greatly and I miss their fun and sexy dynamic. As with Andy and Milo, their humor, strong chemistry and sex scenes were always amazing.

Finally, I love Andy making Lu a priority! Yay! But still hoping she will get back in time for her wedding and that Lu will join. Will be wonderful to see both of Andy's relationships thriving again. :)

Thank you as always!
Guest chapter 3 . 3/3
Please don't let anything happen between Andy and Milo because of Lu, if Andy do decide not to go without her back to her wedding.
Guest chapter 41 . 2/12
Thank you for updating! I'm loving Andy and Milo right now. He is really proving that he truly loves her. Super sweet that he is being so comforting and supportive and was even willing to lift her punishment and fully satisfy her. Also honorable that she wanted to see it through. Very excited for their wedding and the end of this situation. (Lol. I'm sure they are as well!)

The Lu dilemma is much more complicated. I'm interested to see what happens. Thank goodness she had a good excuse for standing Andy up. (Though a very sad one.) And it's wonderful that Andy wanted to be there for her during this difficult time. I'm just wondering where they go from here.

I hope they are on the path (preferably a quicker one) to reconciliation. However, most of the issues I raised before still stand. Lu dating someone else, not giving Andy a real chance to improve things, taking little note of the effort's Andy's made, not showing that she is as committed to making up and moving forward as Andy is, etc. I really hope that they will get back on track soon. Because even though she was in the wrong originally, my patience would be wearing thin with Lu if I were Andy at this point.

I understand Andy helping her during this trying time as a friend but if Lu wants to reconcile, she needs to make it known soon. Andy is pregnant and should be able to enjoy this chapter of her life. Not constantly worrying about Lu, only to be pushed away. And I can only imagine how hurtful it is to her for Lu to be unsure if she wants her after all they've been through.

Oh and forgot to mention I liked Andy's interactions with Marc and that he's the one who called her to come to Lu. I can see how they could be close in the future.

Fingers crossed you can update soon. Thank you as always!

P.S. I hope you are well!
Guest chapter 40 . 1/6
Thank you for the update and holiday wishes! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season as well!

I agree, a lot happened in this chapter! I was hoping Andy and Lu were on the path to reconciliation. But man, Lu is really becoming confusing. I'm honestly perplexed as to what she wants Andy to do to prove herself. Because the things she's asked for Andy has agreed to and has been trying to show that. (I loved Andy's line about trying to do better and be better.)

So what does Lu want? A deeper commitment? A proposal? I mean Andy asked her to move in and be a second mother to her child and that barely made a dent in Lu's emotional armor.

And now she really likes Julian? What? I think she's in denial but still. Andy was definitely wrong before, no question, but Lu is being really hard on her now. And then not coming to lunch?! I'm not going to fully react to that now because maybe she had a good reason. But if not, that is so messed up. And to not even call! Lu was always the thoughtful, conscientious one in their relationship. Once again, so crazy how they've basically switched roles.

I fear that at some point Lu is going to push Andy too far away. Because she's just not giving her a real chance! She says what she wants from her but then starts dating someone else and is barely around Andy enough for her to show she's changed. Then Andy still tries in every way she knows and it doesn't seem to help much. So again, what does she want? Because Andy's right, they can't go back in time and change things.

I did enjoy their shopping trip at first and was sooo looking forward to them reconnecting physically, but Lu squashed that too. Sigh. :( But thank you for showing the spark is still alive between them!

Also, thank you so much for explaining what's been going on with Andy and Milo! I figured he had to be more upset about the Nick mistake. And I was thinking that was how he was punishing her! As Lu said, a tough punishment but deserved. lol. And it was sweet when they made love. I like that he is trying to comfort her during this rough time with Lu. And I love that he wants her to be happy and therefore accepts Lu and hopes things work out between them. (They could all be happy if only Lu would stop being so stubborn! And definitely say goodbye to Julian!)

Great job as always! :) Looking forward to the next chapter and wishing you all the best!
Guest chapter 39 . 12/14/2019
Please update soon! (A happy one I hope.) Can't wait! Thanks for this story. You are amazing! :)
Guest chapter 39 . 12/2/2019
Thank you so much for updating quickly! Much appreciated! :)

Loved Andy's efforts in this chapter and disliked most of Lu's responses lol. Though I understand many of them. She is hurt and angry and probably finding it hard to believe Andy is sincere. And maybe is afraid to be vulnerable to her again. Also, Andy's tactic to give her space could definitely appear like she didn't care, so I can see how it would be easier for Lu to begin seeing Julian more.

Still, I know I'm hoping against hope but I REALLY hope Lu didn't sleep with Julian when she "spent the night with him". And if she did, I'm super shocked and bothered that she does not feel bad and is continuing to do so.

She has been building a life with Andy all of this time and now Julian has such a place in her life? I get it's likely a rebound thing but it's surprising nonetheless. Is she really that torn between the two of them already? Does she not care how upset Andy is inside? Is the spark gone? Of course I hope not but when Milo is more interested in Lu and Andy reconciling than Lu is, there's a huge problem. (Loved Milo trying to work things out with Lu by the way and his confidence that they will reconcile.)

I also don't understand why Andy is as ok with this Julian thing as she is. I mean I know she isn't ok in her heart but I thought she'd be more bothered outwardly and letting Lu know so. (Though Lu can tell anyway.) No matter what she says, I don't see it as the same thing as her and Milo. But I guess she feels her hands are tied. Very sad. She is a really good person to be supportive though. I don't think many could.

And it was beyond touching that Andy told Lu she saw her as the baby's second mother. I thought that would have meant the world to Lu and moved her more than it seemed to. She has such a wall up now. It's almost like she's a different person. And Andy is right in that no matter what she does, Lu acts like it's the wrong thing.

I feel like she still wants to be with Andy but may be doing all of this in part to punish her for how she behaved when they were together. It's like she's trying to see how far she can go in pushing Andy away. And also probably trying to protect herself from getting hurt again. She may not even be fully aware if she is doing this. Telling herself she deeply likes Julian or whatever. Very interesting. Their roles have been reversed. With Andy now trying her best to salvage things and Lu being distant.

Does Lu truly want Andy to give her space or to fight for her? I would think the latter. But it's like Andy said, how can she prove anything to Lu when they aren't together and don't see each other outside of work much. Not to mention the Julian problem. Still, there has to be a way lol. She's tried sincerity and should continue with that, but some romance and a few reminders of their emotional and physical love wouldn't hurt in my opinion. Seduction can be a powerful thing. Especially when it has a foundation of real love. :) I believe Andy is sincere, remorseful and has learned her lesson. So I'm very much hoping they will make up soon and that Lu can go on this pregnancy journey with her. Fingers crossed.

P.S. That is wild that Milo is not very bothered about the Nick thing but I'm glad she told him and that they are still together. Thank you for addressing! (Oh and would love to learn how he's "punishing" her.) :)

And thank you as always for your great work! I'll be dreaming of happier times until the next chapter!
Guest chapter 38 . 11/14/2019
Wow! You are such an amazing writer. Thank you! I love that Andy is now trying so hard and feel bad for her sadness over the status of her relationship with Lu. I just wish she had come to these conclusions sooner. Yet even though she caused most of this, I felt very sympathetic towards her in this chapter. You can tell her heart is broken but she's trying to be strong. Actually, it's clear that both women feel heart break over what's happened. Even if Lu is trying not to acknowledge it on her end.

Lu has a right to be wary and still upset. And to see other people...even if I wish she wouldn't. But I deeply hope she won't become serious and/or sexual with anyone. I think she would regret it and it would definitely hurt Andy. No matter what "permission" she gave Lu here. Also, even though she's hurt and maybe still angry and resentful, Lu is in love with Andy (I believe) and it's never seemed that she wanted or needed anyone else in a romantic/sexual way. I hope that hasn't changed. (Plus, personally, there's been such a buildup to her and Andy being together that I really don't want to see her with someone else. I think it would change the story too much for me.)

I agree that Lu needed and deserved some time apart from Andy. And I wanted Andy to learn a lesson and stop taking Lu for granted and recognize what she had. I wouldn't even be opposed to Andy being made to feel jealous. But I'm a romantic at heart and love a good reconciliation story. (And makeup sex. Haha.)

Moving to another subject, Andy has a point about her being with Milo longer and that being why that relationship is further along. But that still doesn't excuse the inequality of the two relationships. As you pointed out in the previous chapter, it was agreed that Lu would not be second to Milo before they were even together. Yet that is clearly what happened. I loved Andy's sincerity and heart in this chapter. And am really glad she is doing her best to reconcile. But I didn't think that comment helped things. Though the rest of what she said in that moment was great.

Also, I understand Andy's fears about a miscarriage and hope that doesn't happen. But either way, Milo loves her and would not blame her. Hopefully, she will realize that soon. She can't control a miscarriage but I hate to see her think Milo would leave her over one.
(On a fun note, I've read that women over 35 have a greater chance of twins! How fun/crazy would that be!)

Thank you for this update! I know it's the holiday season and things get busy for all of us, but if there's anyway to update more regularly it would mean A LOT. I have a hard time even waiting a week between TV programs lol, so sadly patience is not my best quality. Still, I'm super grateful for all that you do! You and your work are much appreciated. :)

P.S. I liked how Lu laid out to Andy what she needed if they got back together. But we didn't see Andy's response. I'm guessing she was agreeable? Did they leave things on a good or bad note?

And I'm curious to learn what the reason is for Andy not opening up to Lu before that was alluded to. I have some hypotheses: fear of vulnerability and/or full commitment, maybe some lingering anxiety over starting a life and family with a women, etc. But interested to see what the answer is. (Maybe shortly before they makeup? lol. And I'm still dreaming of that proposal. I know it will be magic when it happens!)

Thank you!
DopeyPixie chapter 38 . 11/13/2019
Also, forgot to mention it at the start of the chapter (and can't change it on mobile) but I changed part of a scene from the previous chapter. Figured Milo's reaction to the news was... rather underwhelming, so changed that
Guest chapter 37 . 11/4/2019
Yes please! It's so hard to wait between installments. But thanks as always for this great story!
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