Reviews for Roadies
twilightgirl1989 chapter 30 . 7/24
Oh great chapter! I love the fluff!
Nobody chapter 30 . 7/22
No, please not the next to last
Love it to mots smily
mysticfighter111 chapter 30 . 7/22
Karma peed on him - so not sorry.
lillianolivia.white chapter 30 . 7/21
Loved , loved, loved to see Liam get his just rewards. Go Em. Loved this chapter.
Flippysten chapter 30 . 7/21
Oh I love all the fluff! Edward is so in tune with Birdie he knows exactly what and when she needs. Squeeing that was just like a Hallmark movie ; ) Emmett got Liam good but for awhile there I thought Birdie was going to give him sh*t for ; ) Can't wait to meet the Cullen clan. Hmm wonder if rings are what's going through Edwards mind...later of course ; )
PuzzlePerfect9 chapter 30 . 7/21
Loved it! Especially the Bloody Mary part lol
mibow chapter 30 . 7/21
i’m sad this is ending, but have so enjoyed the trip :) i held off on reading it until it was done and i’m glad i did!
debslmac chapter 30 . 7/21
prettymomma128 chapter 30 . 7/21
I think this chapter was perfect! Great job!
team rob chapter 30 . 7/21
apparently I cant just use smiley faces if I review from the app
libbyg1980 chapter 30 . 7/21
Excited to see how this all comes together. Anxious to see Edward and Bella fly together.
MsLiss chapter 30 . 7/21
Thank you
tff000 chapter 30 . 7/21
bearygirl chapter 30 . 7/20
Thanks for the awesome update.
Kathryn L. Malone chapter 30 . 7/20
Hey, great chapter and I really can't wait to meet Edwsrd's family along with BellaEmmett. Totally LOVED Emmett's big reveal to Birdie and Edward regarding the (AHEM!lovely" photo that Emmett took of the distasteful and despicable Liam Brennan. I really hope that she gets the money out of the bank before Liam discovers the photo that has gone VIRAL. lol!

I'm really looking forward to reading what all was going on in Edward's head while on the plane. Also, I never did receive my last chapter Outtake to find out what was going on with Edward during his talk with Charlie even though I reviewed, but I know that know that some authors have been having difficulties with reviews coming through and wondered if maybe it was an oversight.

I really am looking forward to reading what comes next in this story, but I'm also really sad that it's coming to an end soon. I'll miss it greatly.

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