Reviews for that's gay
IfSnowBazWereReal chapter 1 . 6/29/2019
AWWWWWW. i love this so muchhhhh! its so cute. and PERFECT! omg, this is soooo good!
almooneh chapter 1 . 11/23/2018
im crying this is so good
Guest chapter 1 . 10/19/2018
Aaaaaa so sweet
Catherine Cipher chapter 1 . 10/19/2018
Aaaaaaaa so sWEEET
MusicalsandMordred chapter 1 . 8/30/2018
Ah yes, this is my kind of fic. I loved all of it! They were both incredibly accurate and it was so funny and cute. I’m just a rolling ball of smiles
Cat chapter 1 . 8/27/2018
Omg I love it lmao
HermioneGirl96 chapter 1 . 8/26/2018
You write the physical movement in this story really well and it's very well-paced! It's also really funny. Spell out numbers under ten, though ("relationship of three years"). Also (SUPER technical), you don't use commas before conjunctions (and, but, so, or) unless there's an independent clause (aka something that could be a full sentence) on either side. Technically you've spliced the comma in "Simon shrieks like a banshee, and catches Baz's pale wrist . . . " because there's no subject (noun that's doing the main action, namely "catches") after the comma. The solution for this is getting rid of the comma. Ditto for "He makes an 'oof' sound, and weakly struggles against Simon's hold." Also, "smirks" isn't *really* a dialogue tag, so you should have a period rather than a comma after "Baz shrugs, and smirks at Simon cheekily." (And get rid of the other comma for the reasons detailed above.) You also need some pronoun-verb agreement in "one of those rare, adoring looks that absolutely floor Simon every time he sees it," because "floor" (rather than "floors") indicates that you're working with a plural noun, but "it" is a singular pronoun that must therefore refer back to a singular noun. I think your best bet here would be "one of those rare, adoring looks that absolutely floor Simon every time he sees them." And then again with "smirks" not being a dialogue tag-change the last comma of the story to a period. I'm sorry if this feels like a lot. Remember that I'm literally telling you to spell out one word, get rid of five commas, replace two of them with periods, and change one pronoun in the entire freaking story. That's not a lot of mistakes. And stylistically this story is pretty much flawless, and your writing has come SO far and gotten SO good. Excellent work!