Reviews for One-Shot Story Ideas Turned into Challenges 6: Code Geass X Scifi
Guest chapter 5 . 4/18/2019
I'm sorry but none of these seem genuinely interesting. Also, making your one Ranma challenge specifically anti-Akane isn't terribly helpful.
beast man1500 chapter 5 . 4/19/2019
I hope somebody takes this, and pairs him with either Shampoo or Nabiki
Guest chapter 2 . 9/27/2018
I would like to post my own story idea request, a lot of stories about Naruto leaving Konoha and ending up as an Emperor or other High Position. This time how about him after leaving got lost at Sea and eventually being found by a reformed Akainu/Sakazuki from One Piece who after hearing his story took him in and trains him in Haki and enlist him in the now reformed New World Government Navy. Naruto ,with help from Kurama, gave the Marines knowledge about Chakra and taught them to use it. Dr Vegapunk experimented and found a way to perform Jutsus without hand signs.

Years later the Marines thrive greatly and Naruto is a Vice-Admiral, Konoha came to seek aid from the World Government in their fight against the Akatsuki. Found out about Naruto and tries to convince him to return, Naruto refuses and also reveals that Kurama is freed and living in Headquarters.

If you think this is a good idea then please write it. The Celestial Dragons are no more in this story, the few that are left reforms and became high ranking officials for the WG. Luffy found One Piece, he and his crew now live in peace and were pardoned for their past actions, all the Pirates are no more due to the now peaceful Government.
SAMarcus chapter 1 . 9/20/2018
LOL, I'm just impressed with the nicely done intro! I was having Burn Notice flashbacks with Ranma characters! Excellent job!